First published in The Gentleman's Magazine (Feb. 1754, pp. 89-90). Reprinted 1791.
- ↑ 27. gasconading: extravagant boasting/
- ↑ 43. William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield (1705-93) was renowned for his oratory based on intensive study of classical models. Murray's wife Elizabeth Finch was the sister of Smart's patron, Duchess of Cleveland.
- ↑ 47. [Note: Demosthenes.]
- ↑ 49. Athenian Akenside: Mark Akenside (1721-70) dedicated his poem The Pleasures of Imagination to the "Genius of ancient Greece".
- ↑ 53-4. William Collins (1721-59) author of Dirge in Cymbeline end elegaic odes. Lines 53-4 were omitted in The Gentleman's Magazine.
- ↑ 55-8. Augustan Gray: Thomas Gray (1716-71) was entitled Augustan for classical qualities of his odes. Here in 57-8 Smart speaks about Gray's famous Elegy (1751).
- ↑ W59-62. William Mason (1725-97) a Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge was author of a poem Musæs: a monody to the memory of Mr. Pope, 1747.

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.