< Author:Robert Herrick
← Robert Herrick | Poems |
- [Untitled poem] (This crosstree here)
- Abel's Blood
- Abstinence
- Accusation
- The Admonition
- Adversity (Adversity hurts none, but only such)
- Adversity (Love is maintain'd by wealth; when all is spent)
- Advice the Best Actor
- Affliction
- After Autumn, Winter
- Again (When I thy singing next shall hear)
- Again (Who with a little cannot be content)
- Against Love
- Age Unfit for Love
- All Things Decay and Die
- All Things Run Well for the Righteous
- Alms (Give, if thou canst, an alms; if not, afford)
- Alms (Give unto all, lest he, whom thou deni'st)
- The Amber Bead
- Ambition (In man ambition is the common'st thing)
- Ambition (In ways to greatness, think on this)
- Anacreontic (Born I was to be old)
- Anacreontic (I must not trust)
- Anacreontic Verse
- Angels
- Anger
- Another (Abel's Blood)
- Another (Another to the Maids)
- Another (Confusion of Face)
- Another (Charms) (Let the superstitious wife)
- Another (Charms) (If ye fear to be affrighted)
- Another (Charms) (In the morning when ye rise)
- Another (God's Presence)
- Another (Of God)
- Another (On Love)
- Another (Predestination)
- Another (Sin) (Sin is an act so free, that if we shall)
- Another (Sin) (Sin is the cause of death; and sin's alone)
- Another (The Virgin Mary)
- Another (To His Book, To read my book the virgin shy) (To read my book the virgin shy)
- Another (To His Book, Who with thy leaves shall wipe, at need) (Who with thy leaves shall wipe, at need)
- Another (To His Ever-Loving God)
- Another (Upon Himself)
- Another (Upon M. Ben. Jonson)
- Another Charm for Stables
- Another Grace for a Child
- Another New-year's Gift: Or, Song for the Circumcision
- Another of God
- Another of the Same
- Another on Her
- Another on Love
- Another to Bring in the Witch
- Another to God (Lord, do not beat me)
- Another to God (Though Thou be'st all that active love)
- Another to His Saviour
- Another to Neptune
- Another to the Maids
- Another Upon Her
- Another Upon Her Weeping
- Anthea's Retractation
- The Apparition of His Mistress Calling Him to Elysium
- The Apron of Flowers
- The Argument of His Book
- Art Above Nature: To Julia
- The Ass
- A Bacchanalian Verse (Drink up / Your cup)
- A Bacchanalian Verse (Fill me a mighty bowl)
- Bad May Be Better
- Bad Princes Pill the People
- The Bad Season Makes the Poet Sad
- Bad Wages for Good Service
- The Bag of the Bee
- Baptism
- Barley-break; or, Last in Hell
- Bashfulness
- Bastards
- Beauty
- The Bedman, or Gravemaker
- The Beggar
- The Beggar to Mab, the Fairy Queen
- Beggars
- Beginning Difficult
- Beginnings and Endings
- Being Once Blind, His Request to Bianca
- The Bellman (Along the dark and silent night)
- The Bellman (From noise of scare-fires rest ye free)
- Best to Be Merry
- Biting of Beggars
- Blame
- Blame the Reward of Princes
- The Bleeding Hand; or, the Sprig of Eglantine Given to a Maid
- The Body
- The Bondman
- The Bracelet of Pearl: To Silvia
- The Bracelet to Julia
- Bribes and Gifts Get All
- The Bride-cake
- The Broken Crystal
- The Bubble. A Song
- A Bucolic, or Discourse of Neatherds
- A Bucolic Betwixt Two: Lacon and Thyrsis
- Burial
- By Use Comes Easiness
- Calling and Correcting
- The Candour of Julia's Teeth
- A Canticle to Apollo
- The Captiv'd Bee, or the Little Filcher
- The Carcanet
- Care a Good Keeper
- A Carol Presented to Dr. Williams, Bishop of Lincoln as a New-Year's Gift
- Casualties
- A Caution
- Caution in Counsel
- The Ceremonies for Candlemas Day
- Ceremonies for Candlemas Eve
- Ceremonies for Christmas
- Ceremony Upon Candlemas Eve
- Change Common to All
- Change Gives Content
- The Changes to Corinna
- A Charm, or an Allay for Love
- Charms (Bring the holy crust of bread)
- Charms (This I'll tell ye by the way)
- Charon and Philomel; A Dialogue Sung
- The Cheat of Cupid; or, the Ungentle Guest
- Cheerfulness in Charity; or, the Sweet Sacrifice
- Cherry-pit
- Cherry-ripe
- The Chewing the Cud
- Choose for the Best
- Chop-cherry
- Christ
- Christ's Action
- Christ's Birth
- Christ's Incarnation
- Christ's Part
- Christ's Sadness
- Christ's Suffering
- Christ's Twofold Coming
- Christ's Words on the Cross: My God, My God
- The Christian Militant
- Christmas-eve, Another Ceremony
- A Christmas Carol Sung to the King in the Presence at Whitehall
- Clemency
- Clemency in Kings
- Clothes Are Conspirators
- Clothes Do but Cheat and Cozen Us
- Clothes for Continuance
- The Cloud
- Clouds
- Co-heirs
- The Cobblers' Catch
- Cock-crow
- Comfort in Calamity
- Some Comfort in Calamity
- Comforts in Contentions
- Comforts in Crosses
- Comfort to a Lady Upon the Death of Her Husband
- Comfort to a Youth That Had Lost His Love
- The Coming of Good Luck
- Coming to Christ
- Confession
- Conformity
- Conformity Is Comely
- Confusion of Face
- A Conjuration to Electra
- Connubii Flores, or the Well-wishes at Weddings
- Consultation
- Content, Not Cates
- Contention
- Corinna's Going A-maying
- Correction
- Counsel
- A Country-life: To His Brother, Mr. Tho. Herrick
- The Country Life, to the Honoured M. End. Porter, Groom of the Bedchamber to His Majesty
- Courage Cooled
- The Covetous Still Captives
- The Credit of the Conqueror
- Cross and Pile
- Crosses (Our crosses are no other than the rods)
- Crosses (Though good things answer many good intents)
- The Crowd and Company
- The Cruel Maid
- Cruelties
- Cruelty
- Cruelty Base in Commanders
- Crutches
- Cunctation in Correction
- The Curse: A Song
- The Custard
- Dangers Wait on Kings
- Death Ends All Woe
- A Defence for Women
- The Definition of Beauty
- Delay
- The Delaying Bride
- Delight in Disorder
- The Deluge
- Denial in Women No Disheartening to Men
- The Departure of the Good Demon
- The Description of a Woman
- Devotion Makes the Deity
- A Dialogue Between Himself and Mistress Eliza Wheeler, Under the Name of Amaryllis
- A Dialogue Betwixt Horace and Lydia, Translated Anno 1627, and Set by Mr. Ro. Ramsey
- Diet
- The Difference Betwixt Kings and Subjects
- The Dirge of Jephthah's Daughter: Sung by the Virgins
- A Dirge Upon the Death of the Right Valiant Lord, Bernard Stuart
- Discontents in Devon
- Discord Not Disadvantageous
- Dissuasions From Idleness
- Distance Betters Dignities
- Distrust (To safeguard man from wrongs, there nothing must)
- Distrust (Whatever men for loyalty pretend)
- Divination by a Daffodil
- Doomsday
- Draw-gloves
- Draw and Drink
- The Dream (Methought last night love in an anger came)
- The Dream (By dream I saw one of the three)
- Dreams
- Duty to Tyrants
- Earrings
- Ease
- An Eclogue or Pastoral Between Endymion Porter and Lycidas Herrick, Set and Sung
- Empires
- The End (If well thou hast begun, go on fore-right)
- The End (Conquer we shall, but we must first contend)
- An End Decreed
- The End of His Work
- The Entertainment; or, Porch-verse, at the Marriage of Mr. Henry Northly and the Most Witty Mrs. Lettice Yard
- Epitaph on the Tomb of Sir Edward Giles and His Wife in the South Aisle of Dean Prior Church, Devon
- An Epitaph Upon a Child
- An Epitaph Upon a Sober Matron
- An Epitaph Upon a Virgin
- An Epithalamy to Sir Thomas Southwell and His Lady
- Eternity
- The Eucharist
- Evensong
- Event of Things Not in Our Power
- Evil
- Examples; or, Like Prince, Like People
- Excess
- Expenses Exhaust
- The Eye (A wanton and lascivious eye)
- The Eye (Make me a heaven, and make me there)
- The Eyes
- The Eyes Before the Ears
- Factions
- Fair After Foul
- Fair Days: or, Dawns Deceitful
- The Fairies
- Fair Shows Deceive
- The Fairy Temple; or, Oberon's Chapel Dedicated to Mr. John Merrifield, Counsellor-at-law
- Faith
- Faith Four-square
- False Mourning
- Fame
- Fame Makes Us Forward
- Farewell Frost, or Welcome the Spring
- The Fast, or Lent
- Fear
- Fear Gets Force
- Felicity Knows No Fence
- Felicity Quick of Flight
- Few Fortunate
- The First Mars or Makes
- First Work, and Then Wages
- Flattery
- Foolishness
- Fortune
- Fortune Favours
- Four Things Make Us Happy Here
- The Frankincense
- Free Welcome
- Fresh Cheese and Cream
- A Frolic
- The Frozen Heart
- The Frozen Zone; or, Julia Disdainful
- The Funeral Rites of the Rose
- Gain and Gettings
- Gentleness
- Glory (Glory no other thing is, Tully says)
- Glory (I make no haste to have my numbers read)
- God (God, as the learned Damascene doth write)
- God (God, in the holy tongue, they call)
- God (God is more here than in another place)
- God (In God there's nothing, but 'tis known to be)
- God's Anger
- God's Anger Without Affection
- God's Blessing
- God's Bounty (God's bounty, that ebbs less and less)
- God's Bounty (God, as He's potent, so He's likewise known)
- God's Commands
- God's Descent
- God's Dwelling
- God's Gifts Not Soon Granted
- God's Grace
- God's Hands
- God's Keys
- God's Mercy
- God's Mirth: Man's Mourning
- God's Pardon
- God's Part
- God's Power
- God's Presence (God is all-present to whate'er we do)
- God's Presence (God's evident, and may be said to be)
- God's Presence (God's present everywhere, but most of all)
- God's Price and Man's Price
- God's Providence
- God's Time Must End Our Trouble
- God, and Lord
- God and the King
- God Has a Twofold Part
- God Hears Us
- God Is One
- God Not to Be Comprehended
- God Sparing in Scourging
- God to Be First Served
- Gold and Frankincense
- Gold Before Goodness
- The Good-night or Blessing
- Good and Bad
- Good Christians
- A Good Death
- Good Friday: Rex Tragicus; Or, Christ Going to His Cross
- A Good Husband
- Good Luck Not Lasting
- Good Manners at Meat
- Good Men Afflicted Most
- The Goodness of His God
- Good Precepts or Counsel
- Graces for Children
- Great Boast Small Roast
- Great Grief, Great Glory
- Great Maladies, Long Medicines
- Great Spirits Supervive
- Grief (Consider sorrows, how they are aright)
- Grief (Sorrows divided amongst many, less)
- Griefs
- The Hag (The hag is astride)
- The Hag (The staff is now greas'd)
- Hanch, a Schoolmaster
- The Hand and Tongue
- Happiness
- Happiness to Hospitality; or, a Hearty Wish to Good Housekeeping
- Hardening of Hearts
- Haste Hurtful
- The Headache
- Health
- The Heart
- Heaven (Heaven is most fair; but fairer He)
- Heaven (Heaven is not given for our good works here)
- Hell (Hell is no other but a soundless pit)
- Hell (Hell is the place where whipping-cheer abounds)
- Hell Fire (The fire of hell this strange condition hath)
- Hell Fire (One only fire has hell; but yet it shall)
- Her Bed
- Her Legs
- His Age, Dedicated to His Peculiar Friend, M. John Wickes, Under the Name of Posthumus
- His Alms
- His Answer to a Friend
- His Answer to a Question
- His Anthem to Christ on the Cross
- His Cavalier
- His Change
- His Charge to Julia at His Death
- His Comfort
- His Coming to the Sepulchre
- His Confession
- His Content in the Country
- His Covenant; or, Protestation to Julia
- His Creed
- His Desire
- His Dream
- His Ejaculation to God
- His Embalming to Julia
- His Farewell to Sack
- His Grange
- His Grange, or Private Wealth
- His Hope or Sheet Anchor
- His Lachrymae; or, Mirth Turned to Mourning
- His Last Request to Julia
- His Litany to the Holy Spirit
- His Loss
- His Meditation upon Death
- His Misery in a Mistress
- His Mistress to Him at His Farewell
- His Offering, with the Rest, at the Sepulchre
- His Own Epitaph
- His Parting From Mrs. Dorothy Kennedy
- His Petition
- His Poetry His Pillar
- His Power
- His Prayer for Absolution
- His Prayer to Ben Jonson
- His Protestation to Perilla
- His Recantation
- His Request to Julia
- His Return to London
- His Sailing From Julia
- His Saviour's Words Going to the Cross
- His Tears to Thamesis
- His Weakness in Woes
- His Winding-sheet
- His Wish (Fat be my hind; unlearned be my wife)
- His Wish (It is sufficient if we pray)
- His Wish to God
- His Wish to Privacy
- His Words to Christ Going to the Cross
- The Hock-cart or Harvest Home. To the Right Honourable Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland
- The Honeycomb
- Honours Are Hindrances
- Hope Heartens
- Hope Well and Have Well: or, Fair After Foul Weather
- The Hour-glass
- How He Would Drink His Wine
- How His Soul Came Ensnared
- How Lilies Came White
- How Marigolds Came Yellow
- How Pansies or Heart's-ease Came First
- How Primroses Came Green
- How Roses Came Red (Roses at first were white)
- How Roses Came Red ('Tis said, as Cupid danc'd among)
- How Springs Came First
- How the Wall-flower Came First, and Why So Called
- How Violets Came Blue
- Humility
- Hunger
- A Hymn to Bacchus (Bacchus, let me drink no more)
- A Hymn to Bacchus (I sing thy praise, Iacchus)
- A Hymn to Cupid
- An Hymn to Juno
- An Hymn to Love
- A Hymn to Sir Clipseby Crew
- A Hymn to the Graces
- A Hymn to the Lares
- A Hymn to the Muses (Honour to you who sit)
- A Hymn to the Muses (O you the virgins nine!)
- A Hymn to Venus and Cupid
- I Call and I Call
- Ill Government
- Impossibilities to His Friend
- In Praise of Women
- In the Dark None Dainty
- The Invitation
- Jack and Jill
- Jehovah
- The Jimmall Ring or True-love Knot
- The Judgment-day (God hides from man the reck'ning day, that he)
- The Judgment-day (In doing justice God shall then be known)
- Julia's Churching, or Purification
- Julia's Petticoat
- A Just Man
- A King and No King
- King Oberon's Clothing (attributed to Herrick by some sources)
- Kings
- Kings and Tyrants
- A Kiss
- The Kiss. A Dialogue
- Kisses
- Kisses Loathsome
- Kissing and Bussing
- Kissing Usury
- Knowledge
- Labour
- The Lamp
- Lar's Portion and the Poet's Part
- Large Bounds Do but Bury Us
- Lasciviousness
- The Last Stroke Strikes Sure
- Laugh and Lie Down
- The Lawn
- Laws (When laws full power have to sway, we see)
- Laws (Who violates the customs, hurts the health)
- Laxare Fibulam
- Leander's Obsequies
- Leaven
- Lenity
- Leprosy in Clothes
- Leprosy in Houses
- Liberty
- Life Is the Body's Light
- Like Loves His Like
- Like Pattern, Like People
- The Lily in a Crystal
- Lines Have Their Linings, and Books Their Buckram
- Lip-labour
- Lips Tongueless
- Little and Loud
- Littleness No Cause of Leanness
- Loading and Unloading
- Long-looked-for Comes at Last
- Long and Lazy
- Long Life
- Loss From the Least
- Lots to Be Liked
- Love
- Love's Play at Push-Pin
- Love, What It Is
- Love Dislikes Nothing
- Love Is a Syrup
- Love Killed by Lack
- Love Lightly Pleased
- Love Me Little, Love Me Long
- Love Palpable
- Love Perfumes All Parts
- Lovers: How They Come and Part
- Lyric for Legacies
- A Lyric to Mirth
- The Mad Maid's Song
- The Maiden-blush
- Maids' Nays Are Nothing
- Man's Dying-place Uncertain
- Manna
- Martha, Martha
- Matins; or, Morning Prayer
- The May-pole
- The Meadow-verse; or, Anniversary to Mistress Bridget Lowman
- The Mean (Imparity doth ever discord bring)
- The Mean ('Tis much among the filthy to be clean)
- A Mean in Our Means
- Mean Things Overcome Mighty
- Meat Without Mirth
- A Meditation for His Mistress
- Men Mind No State in Sickness
- Mercy
- Mercy and Love
- Merits Make the Man
- Mirth
- Miseries
- Moderation (In things a moderation keep)
- Moderation (Let moderation on thy passions wait)
- Money Gets the Mastery
- Money Makes the Mirth
- Montes Scripturarum: The Mounts of the Scriptures
- Mora Sponsi, the Stay of the Bridegroom
- The More Mighty, the More Merciful
- More Modest, More Manly
- More Potent, Less Peccant
- Most Words, Less Works
- The Mount of the Muses
- Mr. Herrick: His Daughter's Dowry
- Mr. Robert Herrick: His Farewell unto Poetry
- Mrs. Eliz. Wheeler, Under the Name of the Lost Shepherdess
- Multitude
- Need
- Neglect
- Neutrality Loathsome
- Never Too Late to Die
- The New Charon: Upon the Death of Henry, Lord Hastings
- The New-year's Gift
- The New-year's Gift: Or, Circumcision's Song. Sung to the King in the Presence at Whitehall
- A New-year's Gift Sent to Sir Simon Steward
- The Night-piece, to Julia
- No Action Hard to Affection
- No Bashfulness in Begging
- No Coming to God Without Christ
- No Danger to Men Desperate
- No Despite to the Dead
- No Difference I' Th' Dark
- No Escaping the Scourging
- No Fault in Women
- No Loathsomeness in Love
- No Lock Against Letchery
- No Luck in Love
- No Man Without Money
- None Free From Fault
- None Truly Happy Here
- No Pains, No Gains
- Nor Buying or Selling
- North and South
- No Shipwreck of Virtue. To a Friend
- No Spouse but a Sister
- Not Every Day Fit for Verse
- Nothing Free-cost
- Nothing New
- No Time in Eternity
- Not to Covet Much Where Little Is the Charge
- Not to Love
- No Want Where There's Little
- The Number of Two
- A Nuptial Song or Epithalamy on Sir Clipseby Crew and His Lady
- A Nuptial Verse to Mistress Elizabeth Lee, Now Lady Tracy
- Obedience
- Obedience in Subjects
- Oberon's Feast
- Oberon's Palace
- Observation (The Jews, when they built houses, I have read)
- Observation (The Virgin Mother stood at distance, there)
- Observation (Who to the north, or south, doth set)
- An Ode, or Psalm to God
- An Ode for Him
- An Ode on the Birth of Our Saviour
- An Ode to Master Endymion Porter, Upon His Brother's Death
- An Ode to Sir Clipseby Crew
- Of Horne, a Combmaker
- Of Love (I do not love, nor can it be)
- Of Love (I'll get me hence)
- Of Love (Instruct me now what love will do)
- Of Love. A Sonnet
- The Old Wives' Prayer
- The Olive Branch
- On a Perfumed Lady
- Once Poor, Still Penurious
- Once Seen and No More
- On Fortune
- On Gilly-flowers Begotten
- On Heaven
- On Himself (A wearied pilgrim, I have wandered here)
- On Himself (Ask me why I do not sing)
- On Himself (Born I was to meet with age)
- On Himself (Here down my wearied limbs I'll lay)
- On Himself (I fear no earthly powers)
- On Himself (I will no longer kiss)
- On Himself (If that my fate has now fulfill'd my year)
- On Himself (I'll sing no more, nor will I longer write)
- On Himself (I'll write no more of love; but now repent)
- On Himself (Let me not live if I not love)
- On Himself (Live by thy muse thou shalt, when others die)
- On Himself (Lost to the world; lost to myself; alone)
- On Himself (Love-sick I am, and must endure)
- On Himself (One ear tingles; some there be)
- On Himself (Some parts may perish, die thou canst not all)
- On Himself (The work is done: young men and maidens, set)
- On Himself (Weep for the dead, for they have lost this light)
- On Himself (Young I was, but now am old)
- On His Book
- On Joan
- On Julia's Breath
- On Julia's Lips
- On Julia's Picture
- On Love (Love bade me ask a gift)
- On Love (Love is a kind of war: hence those who fear!)
- On Love (That love 'twixt men does ever longest last)
- On Poet Prat
- On Tomasin Parsons
- Orpheus
- Our Own Sins Unseen
- Out of Time, Out of Tune
- Pain and Pleasure
- Pain Ends in Pleasure
- Pains Without Profit
- Painting Sometimes Permitted
- A Panegyric to Sir Lewis Pemberton
- Paradise
- A Paranæticall, or Advisive Verse, to His Friend, M. John Wicks
- The Parasceve, or Preparation
- The Parcae; or, Three Dainty Destinies: The Armillet
- Parcel-gilt Poetry
- Pardon
- Pardons
- The Parliament of Roses to Julia
- The Parting Verse, the Feast There Ended
- The Parting Verse or Charge to His Supposed Wife When He Travelled
- Passion
- A Pastoral Sung to the King: Montano, Silvio, and Mirtillo, Shepherds
- A Pastoral Upon the Birth of Prince Charles. Presented to the King, and Set by Mr. Nic. Laniere
- Patience: Or, Comforts in Crosses
- Patience in Princes
- Peace Not Permanent
- Penitence (The doctors, in the Talmud, say)
- Penitence (Who after his transgression doth repent)
- Penitency
- The Perfume
- Persecutions Profitable
- Persecutions Purify
- Perseverance
- The Peter-penny
- Physicians
- The Pillar of Fame
- Pity and Punishment
- Pity to the Prostrate
- The Plaudit, or End of Life
- Pleasures Pernicious
- Plots Not Still Prosperous
- The Plunder
- The Poet's Good Wishes for the Most Hopeful and Handsome Prince, the Duke of York
- The Poet Hath Lost His Pipe
- The Poet Loves a Mistress, but Not to Marry
- Poetry Perpetuates the Poet
- Poets
- Policy in Princes
- The Pomander Bracelet
- The Poor's Portion
- The Poor Man's Part
- A Position in the Hebrew Divinity
- Possessions
- Posting to Printing
- Potentates
- Poverty and Riches
- Poverty the Greatest Pack
- Power and Peace
- The Power in the People
- Pray and Prosper
- Prayer
- Prayers Must Have Poise
- Precepts
- Predestination
- Prescience
- Presence and Absence
- The Present; or, the Bag of the Bee
- Present Government Grievous
- The Present Time Best Pleaseth
- Prevision or Provision
- Pride Allowable in Poets
- The Primitiæ to Parents
- The Primrose
- Princes and Favourites
- A Prognostic
- Proof to No Purpose
- A Psalm or Hymn to the Graces
- Purgatory
- Purposes
- Putrefaction
- The Quintell
- Rags
- The Rainbow
- The Rainbow, or Curious Covenant
- Rapine Brings Ruin
- Readiness
- Recompense
- The Recompense
- Regression Spoils Resolution
- Repletion
- A Request to the Graces
- Rest
- Rest Refreshes
- The Resurrection
- The Resurrection Possible and Probable
- Revenge
- Reverence
- Reverence to Riches
- Reward and Punishments
- Rewards
- Riches and Poverty
- The Right Hand
- A Ring Presented to Julia
- Roaring
- The Rock of Rubies, and the Quarry of Pearls
- The Rod
- The Rosary
- The Rose
- The Rosemary Branch
- Rules for Our Reach
- Sabbaths
- The Sacrifice, by Way of Discourse Betwixt Himself and Julia
- The Sadness of Things for Sappho's Sickness
- Safety on the Shore
- Safety to Look to Oneself
- Saint Distaff's Day, or the Morrow After Twelfth Day
- Salutation
- Satan
- Satisfaction for Sufferings
- Sauce for Sorrows
- The Scare-fire
- The School or Pearl of Putney, the Mistress of All Singular Manners, Mistress Portman
- Seek and Find
- Shame No Statist
- Shipwreck
- The Shoe-Tying
- Short and Long Both Likes
- A Short Hymn to Lar
- A Short Hymn to Venus
- The Shower of Blossoms
- Silence
- The Silken Snake
- Sin (Sin leads the way, but as it goes, it feels)
- Sin (Sin never slew a soul unless there went)
- Sin (Sin no existence; nature none it hath)
- Sin (Sin once reached up to God's eternal sphere)
- Sin (There is no evil that we do commit)
- Sin (There's no constraint to do amiss)
- Sin and Strife
- Sincerity
- Single Life Most Secure
- Sinners
- Sin Seen
- Sin Severely Punished
- Sins Loathed, and yet Loved
- Slavery
- Smart
- The Smell of the Sacrifice
- Sobriety in Search
- Society
- Soft Music
- Song. His Mistress to Him at His Farewell
- A Song
- A Song to the Maskers
- A Song Upon Silvia
- A Sonnet of Perilla
- Sorrows
- Sorrows Succeed
- The Soul
- The Soul Is the Salt
- Speak in Season
- The Spell
- The Staff and Rod
- The Star-song: A Carol to the King Sung at Whitehall
- Steam in Sacrifice
- Stool-ball
- Strength to Support Sovereignty
- Studies to Be Supported
- The Succession of the Four Sweet Months
- Sufferance
- Sufferings
- Suffer That Thou Canst Not Shift
- The Sum and the Satisfaction
- Supreme Fortune Falls Soonest
- Surfeits
- Suspicion Makes Secure
- The Suspicion Upon His Over-much Familiarity With a Gentlewoman
- Sweetness in Sacrifice
- Tapers
- Tears (God from our eyes all tears hereafter wipes)
- Tears (Our present tears here, not our present laughter)
- Tears (Tears most prevail; with tears, too, thou may'st move)
- Tears (The tears of saints more sweet by far)
- Tears and Laughter
- Tears Are Tongues
- The Tear Sent to Her From Staines
- Temporal Goods
- Temptation (God tempteth no one, as St. Austin saith)
- Temptation (Those saints which God loves best)
- Temptations (No man is tempted so but may o'ercome)
- Temptations (Temptations hurt not, though they have access)
- A Ternary of Littles, Upon a Pipkin of Jelly Sent to a Lady
- Thanksgiving
- A Thanksgiving to God for His House
- Things Mortal Still Mutable
- Things of Choice Long A-coming
- This, and the next World
- Three Fatal Sisters
- The Tinker's Song
- The Tithe. To the Bride
- To a Bed of Tulips
- To a Friend
- To a Gentlewoman Objecting to Him His Gray Hairs
- To a Gentlewoman on Just Dealing
- To All Young Men That Love
- To a Maid
- To Anthea (Ah, my Anthea! Must my heart still break?)
- To Anthea (Anthea, I am going hence)
- To Anthea (Come, Anthea, know thou this)
- To Anthea (If, dear Anthea, my hard fate it be)
- To Anthea (Let's call for Hymen, if agreed thou art)
- To Anthea (Now is the time, when all the lights wax dim)
- To Anthea (Sick is Anthea, sickly is the spring)
- To Anthea, Who May Command Him Anything
- To Anthea Lying in Bed
- To Apollo
- To Apollo. A Short Hymn
- To Bacchus, a Canticle
- To Be Merry
- To Bianca
- To Bianca, to Bless Him
- To Blossoms
- To Carnations. A Song
- To Cedars
- To Cherry-blossoms
- To Christ
- To Critics
- To Crown It
- To Cupid
- To Daffodils
- To Daisies, Not to Shut So Soon
- To Dean Bourn, a Rude River in Devon, by Which Sometimes He Lived
- To Death
- To Dwes. A Song
- To Dianeme (Dear, though to part it be a hell)
- To Dianeme (Give me one kiss)
- To Dianeme (I could but see thee yesterday)
- To Dianeme (Show me thy feet; show me thy legs, thy thighs)
- To Dianeme (Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes)
- To Dianeme. A Ceremony in Gloucester
- To Doctor Alabaster
- To Electra (I dare not ask a kiss)
- To Electra (I'll come to thee in all those shapes)
- To Electra (Let not thy tombstone e'er be laid by me)
- To Electra (More white than whitest lilies far)
- To Electra (Shall I go to Love and tell)
- To Electra ('Tis evening, my sweet)
- To Electra. Love Looks for Love
- To Enjoy the Time
- To Find God
- To Flowers
- To Fortune
- To God (Come to me, God; but do not come)
- To God (Do with me, God, as Thou didst deal with John)
- To God (God gives not only corn for need)
- To God (God is all sufferance here; here He doth show)
- To God (God! to my little meal and oil)
- To God (God, who me gives a will for to repent)
- To God (God's undivided, One in Persons Three)
- To God (If anything delight me for to print)
- To God (If I have played the truant, or have here)
- To God (I'll come, I'll creep, though Thou dost threat)
- To God (Lord, I am like to mistletoe)
- To God (Make, make me Thine, my gracious God)
- To God (Pardon me, God, once more I Thee entreat)
- To God (The work is done; now let my laurel be)
- To God (Thou hast promis'd, Lord, to be)
- To God (With golden censers, and with incense, here)
- To God: An Anthem Sung in the Chapel at Whitehall Before the King
- To God, His Gift
- To God: His Good Will
- To God in Time of Plundering
- To God: On His Sickness
- To Groves
- To Heaven
- To His Angry God
- To His Book (Be bold, my book, nor be abash'd, or fear)
- To His Book (Before the press scarce one could see)
- To His Book (Come thou not near those men who are like bread)
- To His Book (Go thou forth, my book, though late)
- To His Book (Have I not blest thee? Then go forth, nor fear)
- To His Book (If hap it must, that I must see thee lie)
- To His Book (Like to a bride, come forth, my book, at last)
- To His Book (Make haste away, and let one be)
- To His Book (Take mine advice, and go not near)
- To His Book (Thou art a plant sprung up to wither never)
- To His Book (While thou didst keep thy candor undefil'd)
- To His Brother, Nicholas Herrick
- To His Brother-in-law, Master John Wingfield
- To His Closet-gods
- To His Conscience
- To His Dear God
- To His Dear Valentine, Mistress Margaret Falconbridge
- To His Dying Brother, Master William Herrick
- To His Ever-loving God
- To His Faithful Friend, M. John Crofts, Cup-bearer to the King
- To His Friend, Mr. J. Jincks
- To His Friend, on the Untunable Times
- To His Friend to Avoid Contention of Words
- To His Girls
- To His Girls, Who Would Have Him Sportful
- To His Honoured and Most Ingenious Friend, Mr. Charles Cotton
- To His Honoured Friend, M. John Weare, Councillor
- To His Honoured Friend, Sir John Mince
- To His Honoured Friend, Sir Thomas Heale
- To His Honoured Kinsman, Sir Richard Stone
- To His Honoured Kinsman, Sir William Soame. Epig
- To His Household Gods
- To His Kinsman, M. Tho. Herrick, Who Desired to Be in His Book
- To His Kinsman, Sir Thos. Soame
- To His Kinswoman, Mistress Susanna Herrick
- To His Kinswoman, Mrs. Penelope Wheeler
- To His Learned Friend, M. Jo. Harmar, Physician to the College of Westminster
- To His Lovely Mistresses
- To His Maid, Prew
- To His Mistress
- To His Mistress Objecting to Him Neither Toying or Talking
- To His Mistresses (Help me! help me! now I call)
- To His Mistresses (Put on your silks, and piece by piece)
- To His Muse (Go woo young Charles no more to look)
- To His Muse (Were I to give thee baptism, I would choose)
- To His Muse (Whither, mad maiden, wilt thou roam?)
- To His Muse; Another to the Same
- To His Nephew, to Be Prosperous in His Art of Painting
- To His Paternal Country
- To His Peculiar Friend, M. Jo. Wicks
- To His Peculiar Friend, Mr. Thomas Shapcott, Lawyer
- To His Peculiar Friend, Sir Edward Fish, Knight Baronet
- To His Saviour
- To His Saviour's Sepulchre: His Devotion
- To His Saviour, a Child: A Present by a Child
- To His Saviour. The New-year's Gift
- To His Sister-in-law, M. Susanna Herrick
- To His Sweet Saviour
- To His Tomb-maker
- To His Valentine on St. Valentine's Day
- To His Verses
- To His Worthy Friend, M. Arthur Bartly
- To His Worthy Friend, M. John Hall, Student of Gray's Inn
- To His Worthy Friend, M. Thos. Falconbirge
- To His Worthy Kinsman, Mr. Stephen Soame
- To Jealousy
- To Jos., Lord Bishop of Exeter
- To Julia (Help me, Julia, for to pray)
- To Julia (Holy waters hither bring)
- To Julia (How rich and pleasing thou, my Julia, art)
- To Julia (I am zealless; prithee pray)
- To Julia (Julia, when thy Herrick dies)
- To Julia (Offer thy gift; but first the law commands)
- To Julia (Permit me, Julia, now to go away)
- To Julia (The saints'-bell calls, and, Julia, I must read)
- To Julia, in Her Dawn, or Daybreak
- To Julia, the Flaminica Dialis or Queen-priest
- To Julia in the Temple
- To Keep a True Lent
- To Lar
- To Laurels
- To Live Freely
- To Live Merrily and to Trust to Good Verses
- To Love
- To M. Denham on His Prospective Poem
- To M. Henry Lawes, the Excellent Composer of His Lyrics
- To M. Kellam
- To M. Laurence Swetnaham
- To M. Leonard Willan, His Peculiar Friend
- To Marigolds
- To Meadows
- To Mistress Amy Potter
- To Mistress Dorothy Parsons
- To Mistress Katherine Bradshaw, the Lovely, That Crowned Him With Laurel
- To Mistress Mary Willand
- To Momus
- To Music
- To Music. A Song
- To Music, to Becalm a Sweet-sick Youth
- To Music, to Becalm His Fever
- To My Dearest Sister, M. Mercy Herrick
- To My Ill Reader
- To Myrrha, Hard-hearted
- To Oenone (Sweet Oenone, do but say)
- To Oenone (Thou say'st Love's dart)
- To Oenone (What conscience, say, is it in thee)
- To Pansies
- To Perenna (How long, Perenna, wilt thou see)
- To Perenna (I a dirge will pen to thee)
- To Perenna (Thou say'st I'm dull; if edgeless so I be)
- To Perenna (When I thy parts run o'er, I can't espy)
- To Perenna, a Mistress
- To Perilla
- To Phyllis, to Love and Live With Him
- To Primroses Filled With Morning Dew
- To Prince Charles Upon His Coming to Exeter
- To Robin Redbreast
- To Rosemary and Bays
- To Roses in Julia's Bosom
- To Sappho (Let us now take time and play)
- To Sappho (Sappho, I will choose to go)
- To Sappho (Thou say'st thou lov'st me, Sappho; I say no)
- To Silvia (I am holy while I stand) (I am holy while I stand)
- To Silvia (No more, my Silvia, do I mean to pray)
- To Silvia (Pardon my trespass, Silvia; I confess)
- To Silvia to Wed
- To Sir Clipseby Crew (Give me wine, and give me meat)
- To Sir Clipseby Crew (Since to the country first I came)
- To Sir George Parry, Doctor of the Civil Law
- To Sir John Berkley, Governor of Exeter
- To Springs and Fountains
- To Sycamores
- To the Detractor
- To the Earl of Westmoreland
- To the Fever, Not to Trouble Julia
- To the Generous Reader
- To the Genius of His House
- To the Handsome Mistress Grace Potter
- To the High and Noble Prince George, Duke, Marquis, and Earl of Buckingham
- To the Honoured Master Endymion Porter
- To the King (Give way, give way, now, now my Charles shines here)
- To the King (If when these lyrics, Cæsar, you shall hear)
- To the King and Queen Upon Their Unhappy Distances
- To the King, to Cure the Evil
- To the King, Upon His Coming With His Army Into the West
- To the King, Upon His Taking of Leicester
- To the King, Upon His Welcome to Hampton Court. Set and Sung
- To the Ladies
- To the Lady Crew, Upon the Death of Her Child
- To the Lady Mary Villars, Governess to the Princess Henrietta
- To the Lark
- To the Little Spinners
- To the Lord Hopton, on His Fight in Cornwall
- To the Maids to Walk Abroad
- To the Most Accomplished Gentleman, M. Michael Oulsworth
- To the Most Accomplished Gentleman, Master Edward Norgate, Clerk of the Signet to His Majesty
- To the Most Comely and Proper M. Elizabeth Finch
- To the Most Fair and Lovely Mistress Anne Soame, Now Lady Abdie
- To the Most Illustrious, and Most Hopeful Prince, Charles, Prince of Wales
- To the Most Learned, Wise, and Arch-antiquary, M. John Selden
- To the Most Virtuous Mistress Pot, Who Many Times Entertained Him
- To the Nightingale and Robin Redbreast
- To the Painter, to Draw Him a Picture
- To the Passenger
- To the Patron of Poets, M. End. Porter
- To the Queen
- To the Reverend Shade of His Religious Father
- To the Right Gracious Prince, Lodowick, Duke of Richmond and Lennox
- To the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Dorset
- To the Right Honourable Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland
- To the Right Honourable Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery
- To the Rose. A Song
- To the Sour Reader
- To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
- To the Water Nymphs Drinking at the Fountain
- To the Western Wind
- To the Willow-tree
- To the Yew and Cypress to Grace His Funeral
- To Violets
- To Virgins
- To Vulcan
- To Women, to Hide Their Teeth if They Be Rotten or Rusty
- To Youth
- The Transfiguration
- Treason
- True Friendship
- True Safety
- Truth
- Truth and Error
- Truth and Falsehood
- Twelfth Night: or, King and Queen
- Twilight (The twilight is no other thing, we say)
- Twilight (Twilight no other thing is, poets say)
- Two Things Odious
- Ultimus Heroum: or, to the Most Learned, and to the Right Honourable, Henry, Marquis of Dorchester
- Upon a Black Twist Rounding the Arm of the Countess of Carlisle
- Upon a Blear-ey'd Woman
- Upon a Cheap Laundress
- Upon a Child
- Upon a Child. An Epitaph
- Upon a Child That Died
- Upon a Comely and Curious Maid
- Upon a Crooked Maid
- Upon Adam Peapes
- Upon a Delaying Lady
- Upon a Fly
- Upon a Free Maid, With a Foul Breath
- Upon a Gentlewoman With a Sweet Voice
- Upon a Hoarse Singer
- Upon a Lady Fair but Fruitless
- Upon a Lady That Died in Child-bed, and Left a Daughter Behind Her
- Upon a Maid (Gone she is a long, long way)
- Upon a Maid (Hence a blessed soul is fled)
- Upon a Maid (Here she lies, in bed of spice)
- Upon a Maid That Died the Day She Was Married
- Upon an Old Man: A Residentiary
- Upon an Old Woman
- Upon a Painted Gentlewoman
- Upon a Physician
- Upon a Scar in a Virgin's Face
- Upon a Sour-breath Lady
- Upon a Virgin
- Upon a Virgin Kissing a Rose
- Upon a Wife That Died Mad With Jealousy
- Upon a Young Mother of Many Children
- Upon Batt
- Upon Ben Jonson
- Upon Bice
- Upon Blanch (Blanch swears her husband's lovely; when a scald)
- Upon Blanch (I have seen many maidens to have hair)
- Upon Blinks
- Upon Blisse
- Upon Boreman
- Upon Bran
- Upon Bridget
- Upon Brock
- Upon Buggins
- Upon Bunce
- Upon Bungy
- Upon Burr
- Upon Candlemas Day
- Upon Case
- Upon Center, a Spectacle-maker With a Flat Nose
- Upon Chub
- Upon Clunn
- Upon Cob
- Upon Cock
- Upon Comely, a Good Speaker but an Ill Singer
- Upon Coone
- Upon Crab
- Upon Craw
- Upon Croot
- Upon Cuffe
- Upon Cupid (As lately I a garland bound)
- Upon Cupid (Love, like a beggar, came to me)
- Upon Cupid (Love like a gipsy lately came)
- Upon Cupid (Old wives have often told how they)
- Upon Cuts
- Upon Deb
- Upon Doll (No question but Doll's cheeks would soon roast dry)
- Upon Doll (Doll, she so soon began the wanton trade)
- Upon Dundrige
- Upon Eeles
- Upon Electra
- Upon Electra's Tears
- Upon Faunus
- Upon Flimsey
- Upon Flood or a Thankful Man
- Upon Fone a Schoolmaster
- Upon Franck (Franck ne'er wore silk she swears; but I reply)
- Upon Franck (Franck would go scour her teeth; and setting to 't)
- Upon Gander
- Upon Glasco
- Upon Glass
- Upon God (God is all fore-part; for, we never see)
- Upon God (God is not only said to be)
- Upon God (God, when He takes my goods and chattels hence)
- Upon Gorgonius
- Upon Greedy
- Upon Groynes
- Upon Grubs
- Upon Grudgings
- Upon Gryll
- Upon Gubbs
- Upon Guess
- Upon Gut
- Upon Her Alms
- Upon Her Blush
- Upon Her Eyes
- Upon Her Feet
- Upon Her Voice
- Upon Her Weeping
- Upon Himself (Come, leave this loathed country life, and then)
- Upon Himself (I am sieve-like, and can hold)
- Upon Himself (I could never love indeed)
- Upon Himself (I dislik'd but even now)
- Upon Himself (I lately fri'd, but now behold)
- Upon Himself (Mop-eyed I am, as some have said)
- Upon Himself (Thou shalt not all die; for, while love's fire shines)
- Upon Himself (Thou'rt hence removing (like a shepherd's tent))
- Upon Himself Being Buried
- Upon His Departure Hence
- Upon His Eyesight Failing Him
- Upon His Grey Hairs
- Upon His Julia
- Upon His Kinswoman, Mistress Bridget Herrick
- Upon His Kinswoman, Mistress Elizabeth Herrick
- Upon His Kinswoman, Mrs. M. S
- Upon His Sister-in-law, Mistress Elizabeth Herrick
- Upon His Spaniel Tracy
- Upon His Verses
- Upon Hog
- Upon Huncks
- Upon Irene
- Upon Jack and Jill
- Upon Jolly's Wife
- Upon Jolly and Jilly
- Upon Jone and Jane
- Upon Judith
- Upon Julia's Breasts
- Upon Julia's Clothes
- Upon Julia's Fall
- Upon Julia's Hair Bundled Up in a Golden Net
- Upon Julia's Hair Fill'd With Dew
- Upon Julia's Recovery
- Upon Julia's Riband
- Upon Julia's Sweat
- Upon Julia's Unlacing Herself
- Upon Julia's Voice
- Upon Julia Washing Herself in the River
- Upon Kings
- Upon Leech
- Upon Letcher
- Upon Linnet
- Upon Loach
- Upon Love (A crystal vial Cupid brought)
- Upon Love (I held Love's head while it did ache)
- Upon Love (I played with Love, as with the fire)
- Upon Love (In a dream, Love bade me go)
- Upon Love (Love brought me to a silent grove)
- Upon Love (Love, I have broke)
- Upon Love (Love is a circle, and an endless sphere)
- Upon Love (Love scorch'd my finger, but did spare)
- Upon Love (Love's a thing, as I do hear)
- Upon Love (Some salve to every sore we may apply)
- Upon Love, by Way of Question and Answer
- Upon Lucia
- Upon Lucia Dabbled in the Dew
- Upon Lucy
- Upon Luggs
- Upon Lulls
- Upon Lungs
- Upon Lupes
- Upon Lusk
- Upon M. Ben. Jonson
- Upon M. William Lawes, the Rare Musician
- Upon Madam Ursly
- Upon Maggot, a Frequenter of Ordinaries
- Upon Man
- Upon Master Fletcher's Incomparable Plays
- Upon Mease
- Upon Meg
- Upon Mistress Susanna Southwell, Her Cheeks
- Upon Moon
- Upon Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, Under the Name of Amarillis
- Upon Much-more
- Upon Mudge
- Upon Nis
- Upon Nodes
- Upon One-ey'd Broomsted
- Upon One Lily, Who Married With a Maid Called Rose
- Upon One Who Said She Was Always Young
- Upon Pagget
- Upon Parrat
- Upon Parson Beanes
- Upon Parting
- Upon Paske, a Draper
- Upon Patrick, a Footman
- Upon Paul
- Upon Pearch
- Upon Peason
- Upon Penny
- Upon Pievish
- Upon Pimp
- Upon Pink, an Ill-fac'd Painter
- Upon Prew, His Maid
- Upon Prickles
- Upon Prig
- Upon Prigg
- Upon Prudence Baldwin: Her Sickness
- Upon Punchin
- Upon Puss and Her 'prentice
- Upon Ralph (Curse not the mice, no grist of thine they eat)
- Upon Ralph (Ralph pares his nails, his warts, his corns, and Ralph)
- Upon Rasp
- Upon Reape
- Upon Rook
- Upon Roots
- Upon Roses
- Upon Rump
- Upon Rush
- Upon Sappho
- Upon Sappho Sweetly Playing and Sweetly Singing
- Upon Scobble
- Upon Shark
- Upon Shewbread
- Upon Shift
- Upon Shopter
- Upon Sibb
- Upon Sibilla
- Upon Silvia, a Mistress
- Upon Skinns
- Upon Skoles
- Upon Skrew
- Upon Skurf
- Upon Slouch
- Upon Smeaton
- Upon Snare, an Usurer
- Upon Sneape
- Upon Some Women
- Upon Spalt
- Upon Spenke
- Upon Spokes
- Upon Spunge
- Upon Spur
- Upon Strut
- Upon Sudds, a Laundress
- Upon Tap
- Upon Teage
- Upon Tears
- Upon the Bishop of Lincoln's Imprisonment
- Upon the Death of His Sparrow
- Upon the Lady Crew
- Upon the Loss of His Finger
- Upon the Loss of His Mistresses
- Upon the Much-lamented Mr. J. Warr
- Upon the Nipples of Julia's Breast
- Upon the Roses in Julia's Bosom
- Upon the Same
- Upon the Troublesome Times
- Upon Time
- Upon Tooly
- Upon Trap
- Upon Trencherman
- Upon Trigg
- Upon Truggin
- Upon Tubbs
- Upon Tuck
- Upon Umber
- Upon Urles
- Upon Ursley
- Upon Vinegar
- Upon Woman and Mary
- Upon Wrinkles
- Upon Zelot
- Up Tails All
- Verses
- The Vine
- The Virgin Mary (To work a wonder, God would have her shown)
- The Virgin Mary (The Virgin Mary was, as I have read)
- Virtue
- Virtue Best United
- Virtue Is Sensible of Suffering
- The Vision (Methought I saw, as I did dream in bed)
- The Vision (Sitting alone, as one forsook)
- The Vision to Electra
- The Voice and Viol
- A Vow to Mars
- A Vow to Minerva
- A Vow to Venus
- Wages
- The Wake
- Want (Need is no vice at all, though here it be)
- Want (Want is a softer wax, that takes thereon)
- War
- The Wassail
- The Watch
- The Way
- Any Way for Wealth
- Way in a Crowd
- The Weeping Cherry
- The Welcome to Sack
- Welcome What Comes
- What God Is
- What Kind of Mistress He Would Have
- When He Would Have His Verses Read
- Whips
- The White Island: Or, Place of the Blest
- Why Flowers Change Colour
- The Widows' Tears: Or, Dirge of Dorcas
- The Will Makes the Work; or, Consent Makes the Cure
- The Willow Garland
- The Will the Cause of Woe
- A Will to Be Working
- Wit Punished, Prospers Most
- Women Useless
- The Wounded Cupid. Song
- The Wounded Heart
- Writing
- Youth and Age
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