For authors with similar names, see Author:John Taylor.
John Taylor
Journal of Discourses, Volume 1
- Elder John Taylor's Mission to Europe in 1849-1852 (August 22, 1852)
- Legitimacy and Illegitimacy (April 8, 1853)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 5
- Difference Between the Spirit of Zion and the Spirit of the World—Doings in the States, etc. (August 9, 1857)
- Ignorance and Low Condition of the World—Past Experience, Present Position, and Future Prospects of the Saints (August 23, 1857)
- The Rights of Mormonism (August 30, 1857)
- Communism—Sectarianism—The Gospel and its Effects, etc. (September 13, 1857)
- Education—Revelation, Obedience, etc. (September 20, 1857)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 6
- "The Kingdom of God or Nothing" (November 1, 1857)
- The Saints' Need of the Spirit—The Priesthood—Vitality and Growth of the Work of God—Accomplishment of God's Purposes and Designs, Etc. (December 6, 1857)
- Blessings of the Saints—Hindrances to Progress—Object and Benefit of Trials—Acknowledgment of God's Hand, Spirit, and Priesthood, etc. (January 17, 1858)
- Condition of the World, &c. (August 28, 1852)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 7
- The People of God in all Ages Led by One Spirit, and Subject to Persecution—Condition of the World (January 10, 1858)
- Trials, etc. (November 13, 1859)
- Union, etc. (October 7, 1859)
- The Gospel (January 15, 1860)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 8
- Man (February 19, 1860)
- Professions of the Saints—Trust in God—Man the Founder of His Destiny, &c. (June 17, 1860)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 9
- Union—Human and Divine Goverment, Etc. (April 6, 1861)
- Safety of the Saints at Home—Contrast of Their Position With that of the United States (April 28, 1861)
- Weakness of Human Governments—Potency of the Kingdom of God (April 16, 1862)
- Knowledge and Power—Progress of the Saints in Regard to Those Principles (April 13, 1862)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 10
- Power Accompanying the Faithful Elders (April 27, 1862)
- Vastness of the Wisdom and Intelligence of God. Impotency of Man to Govern Righteously (May 18, 1862)
- Reflections on the Sacrament, the Atonement and the Second Coming of Jesus (February 22, 1863)
- The Discord and Wars among Christian Nations Contrasted with the Unity of the Saints (March 1, 1863)
- The Blessings the Saints will Enjoy—How the Kingdom of God is to be Established—Building Temples, Tabernacles and Houses—Gathering the Poor (April 6, 1863)
- The Confidence of the Saints in the Ultimate Triumph of the Kingdom of God—the Condition of the Nations (October 10, 1863)
- Temporal and Spiritual Affairs—God the Source of All Intelligence—the Governments of the Earth—the Hand of God to Be Acknowledged in All Things, Etc. (October 25, 1863)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 11
- Blessings of the Gospel Contrasted with the Ideas of Men—Evidence Received Through Obedience—Mode by Which the Spirit is Imparted and Unity of the Saint—Their Confidence with Reference to the Future of the Church—Ultimate Establishment of the Government of God on Earth (December 11, 1864)
- Different Ideas of Nations in Regard to Government—Views of the Latter-day Saints: Their Philanthropy—Reformation Effected by Them—Liberty of Conscience Allowed to All (January 18, 1865)
- God the Source of All Intelligence and Wisdom—Man a Natural and Spiritual Being—Mysterious Nature of His Senses and Faculties—Men to be Judged by the Register Within Themselves (February 5, 1865)
- Religious Ideas of the World Contrasted with Those of the Saints—Loyalty of the Saints to the Constitution—Persecutions They Have Endured—Prophecy in the Church (March 5, 1865)
- Revelation from God, True Knowledge (October 7, 1865)
- Our Religion is From God (April. 7, 1866)
- The Limited Wisdom of Man in Comparison to the Fulness of God’s Wisdom—What is True Philosophy? (February 24, 1867)
- The Complete Difference Between the Saints and the World (March 31, 1867)
- Politcal and Social Economy (April 6, 1867)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 12
- Instructions to Missionaries (April 14, 1867)
- Trip to Southern Utah—The Works and Faith of the Saints (May 19, 1867)
- Condition of the World and of the Saints—God Has Commenced to Regenerate the World By Revealing the Gospel: Its Purity and Its Union—President Young a Benefactor to the Human Family (July 21, 1867)
- Good Spirit of the People South (May 19, 1867)
- The Death of President Heber C. Kimball (June 24, 1868)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 13
- Religious Confliction in the World—The Gospel of Jesus Christ (March 14, 1869)
- How to Know the Things of God (May 6, 1870)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 14
- The Holy Spirit—The Knowledge Brought by Obedience to the Gospel—The Labors of the Elders (March 20, 1870)
- The Unchangeableness of the Gospel—The Triumph of Truth (October 8, 1871)
- Revelation—Persecution—His Testimony and Feelings (October 22, 1871)
- Our Religion From God Not Man—Enter Not Into Temptation—No Covenants to Forsake (December 17, 1871)
- Truth—Freedom—The Gospel versus Modern Christianity (March 3, 1872)
- Continued Revelation (March 17, 1872)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 15
- Revelation—Former and Latter-day Dispensations—The Sure Triumph of the Cause of Zion (April 7, 1872)
- Things of God Revealed Only by the Spirit of God—Development of the Work of God, etc. (May 26, 1872)
- Choice of Rulers—Headship—One Man Power—The Yoke of Jesus (October 7, 1872)
- God the Source of All Good—The Common Love of Man for Increase—The Necessity of Righteously Directing Our Powers (January 5, 1873)
- The Spirit and Principles of the Gospel the Same as of Old—Early Experience of Settlers of Utah—Religious Liberty—Modern So-called Civilization—Baptism for the Dead (January 12, 1873)
- Certainty of Death—By the Spirit of God the Saints Obtain the Fullness of the Blessings of the Gospel—God Will Take Care of His People (February 23, 1873)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 16
- The Knowledge of God and Mode of Worshiping Him (September 7, 1873)
- Honesty of Purpose Should Actuate All True Believers—Views of Mankind in Relation to God—the Existing Modes of Divine Worship—Ancient Christianity Compared With Modern So-Called Christianity—the Principles of the Gospel (November 16, 1873)
- What the Gospel Teaches—Revelation From God Necessary—the Faith and Doctrines of the Latter-Day Saints (February 1, 1874)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 17
- What the Gospel Teaches—Revelation from God Necessary—The Faith and Doctrines of the Latter-day Saints (February 1, 1874)
- The United Order—We Want the Most Perfect Union—The Working of the Order to be Such that all Honest Men can Sustain it—Home Manufacture (April 19, 1874)
- The Position the Saints Have Occupied has been a Peculiar One—The Unity of the Saints—Home Manufacture Preferable to Importation—Organization Necessary to Self-sustaining (May 7, 1874)
- It is of Little Import How we Leave This World, so That we are Prepared to Live or Die—God has Ordained that all Men Must Die (July 19, 1874)
- Knowledge Received by Immediate Revelation—Co-operation in Temporal Affairs—The Saints are Heirs of God and Joint-heirs with Christ (October 9, 1874)
- Destruction of the Wicked by the Flood, Wisdom in God—Priesthood—Temples—Intelligence Comes from God—The Lord will Take Care of the Saints—Angels Operating with Men in the Work of Human Redemption (October 7, 1874)
- Man the Offspring of God, a Dual Being—Immediate Revelation—Operate with the Priesthood (April 8, 1875)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 18
- Man, the Offspring of God, a Dual Being—Immediate Revelation—Operate With the Priesthood (April 8, 1875)
- The United Order—How Unity is to be Attained—Reform Necessary—The Order of the Kingdom of God—Stewardships (August 31, 1875)
- The Purposes of God—Duties and Responsibilities of the Saints (October 10, 1875)
- How God's Purposes Are Fulfilled—Similarity of Ancient and Modern Church Government—Interview With Baron Rothschild—Object of Building Temples—The Perfect Organization of the Church of Christ—Works Indispensable to Salvation (April 6, 1876)
- The Gathering of the Saints is the Lord's Work—Knowledge of the Gospel Attainable Only By Revelation—The Lord Dictated the Prophet Joseph Smith in All Things Pertaining to the Establishment of the Church of Christ Upon Earth (July 30, 1876)
- Position of the Latter-Day Saints—Protestantism Makes No Claim to Revelation—Priesthood, How Restored, Its Purpose—Persecution the Heritage of the Church—The People Must Know the Will of God, and Do It—Respect the Authorities; and Respect Our Profession—Avoiding All Evils, Cleave to the Good (November 5, 1876)
- Respect to the Dead—Pre-Existence the Key to This—The Future Life Depends on This—The Latter-day Saints Dependent Upon Revelation for Their Knowledge of These Things—Life Persecutions As Nothing, Contrasted With the Promises Pertaining to the Future—Men's Future Glories As Are the Laws They Abide (December 31, 1876)
- Burial Services, An Ancient Practice—God, the God of the Living—Keys Committed to Joseph Smith. The Last Dispensation—Jesus the Great Redeemer—An Everlasting Priesthood—The Powers of the Resurrection—Scriptural, Philosophical, and Certain—Sealing Powers Eternal (Dec. 31, 1876)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 19
- Remarks by Elder John Taylor, On the Temple Ground (May 18, 1877)
- Order of the Priesthood—Duties of the Several Quorums—Difficulties and Their Settlement—Duties of the Teachers—Discipline in the Church (June 17, 1877)
- God’s Purposes Unchangeable—The Two Powers—The Everlasting Priesthood—Abraham and Melchisedeck—Organizing Stakes of Zion—Temple Building—The Latter-day Saints the Friends of the World (July 29, 1877)
- The Voice of God, The Voice of the People—The Position of the Twelve—Reading from Doctrine and Covenants (October 6, 1877)
- The Trusteeship—President Young’s Labors—The Priesthood, its Position, Duties, etc.—Kirtland and Nauvoo Temples—Saviors Upon Mount Zion—Emigration of the Poor—Building of the Tabernacles—The United Order (October 7, 1877)
- God is at the Helm—Organization According to the Revelations—Historic Statements—Societies Connected with the Church—Temple Building (October 14, 1877)
- The Everlasting Gospel—Temple Building—The High Priests and Seventies—To the Bishops to the Sisters (October 21, 1877)
- Gathering the Result of Revelation—Temple Building Similar—The Restoration of the Priesthood—Ministering for the Dead—The Gospel, God Sustained (November 14, 1877)
- The Gospel Revealed for the Benefit of the World—Witness of the Spirit—Priesthood—High Priests and Seventies—Energetic Missionaries—Duties of Presidents, Bishops, Elders, Priests, Teachers and Deacons—Relief Societies—Tithing—P.E. Fund—Common Schools (October 21, 1877)
- No Man can Direct the Kingdom of God—The Gospel did not Originate with Joseph Smith or Brigham Young—The Saints Operating with God and the Angels—The Grand Organization of the Church—Other Institutions of Zion (April 8, 1878)
- Remarks (May 15, 1878)
- The Heavens Full of Intelligence—God has Revealed Portions of that for the Welfare of His Children—Reasoning from Science to Sacred Things—All Divine Law Unchangeable (June 16, 1878)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 20
- An Important Age—Close Questions—A Word With the Bishops—Also the Seventies—Honor the Sabbath (July 7, 1878)
- God's Power in All Things—Kingdom of God—Cooperation, a Stepping Stone to the United Order—Political Economy—National Troubles—Missionary Labors—Schools and Teachers (August 4, 1878)
- The Church Partially in the United Order—Perpetual Emigration Fund—Being Educated to a Fullness of the United Order—Cooperation at Brigham City—Union in Elections—Education of the Young (September 22, 1878)
- The Perpetual Emigrating Fund—How to Settle Difficulties—Should Be Governed By the Laws of God—Cooperation and Brotherly Kindness—The Proper Training of Children (December 8, 1878)
- We Should not Boast of Superiority Over Our Fellow Creatures—God is Interested in the Welfare of All Mankind—The Relation and Amenability of All Men to the Laws of God—We Should Be Courteous to Those Whose Views Differ From Ours—The Servants of God Are Messengers of Salvation—The Restoration of the Priesthood—The Judgments of The Almighty—Absurd Theories of Learned Men—Only the Righteous Among the Saints Will Be Saved in the Kingdom of God (January 6, 1879)
- All Things Governed By Law—All Intelligence and Blessings Have Emanated From God—Man's Free Agency Should Not Be Interfered With—The Opponents of the Kingdom of God Should Not Be Allowed to Teach Our Children—Necessity of All Being Subject to Legitimate Authority (December 1, 1878)
- Remarks Made by President John Taylor (February 2, 1879)
- The Natural Weakness of Men, etc. (March 2, 1879)
- Opening of the Last Dispensation—Development of the Work of God—Sending Forth Missionaries—Usefulness of the Sisters—Improvement Associations—Education—Cooperation (April 8, 1879)
- All Intelligence Comes From God—Life and Immortality Brought to Light Through the Gospel—Gathering—Temple-Building—The Elders Messengers of Salvation to the Nations (December 15, 1878)
- Slain for the Testimony of Jesus—Funeral Rites of Joseph Standing (August 3, 1879)
- The Interest of Humanity Should be Observed (March 2, 1879)
- Power and Effects of the Gospel—Antagonism Between Light and Darkness—Necessity of God's Judgments Upon the Wicked (July 6, 1879)
- Futility of the Machinations of the Wicked—The Work of God Cannot Be Stayed (August 24, 1879)
- The Work of God Cannot Be Hindered—The United States to Be Afflicted By Judgment (October 6, 1879)
- The Temples in Course of Erection—Political Position of the Saints—Our Position Regarding Patriarchal Marriage—The Corruptions of So-Called Christendom—How the Saints Should Live—Sunday Schools, Relief and Mutual Improvement Associations (November 30, 1879)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 21
- The Object of the Gathering of the Saints—Conflict Between the Powers of God and Evil—The World Growing Worse—Work of God Progressing—Exhortation to Righteousness and the Spirit of Union (August 31, 1879)
- A Funeral Sermon by President John Taylor (February 8, 1880)
- All Temporal Concerns Need the Attention of the Saints—We Should Prepare for the Evils Coming Upon the Earth—Co-operation and the United Order—Functions of the Two Priesthoods—Home Manufactures (April 9, 1879)
- Co-operation and the United Order—The Saints Should be Governed by the Law and Will of God—The Approaching Calamities Upon the World—Should be Willing to Forsake Earthly Interests for the Gospel’s Sake (September 21, 1878)
- Comprehensiveness of the Lord’s Prayer—The Rule and Government of God—The Revelation of the Father and Son to Joseph Smith, and the Bestowal Upon Him of the Priesthood—Development of Theocratic Laws and Principles—Object of Gathering—Religious Freedom—Our Relations with the General Government (January 4, 1880)
- Effects of the Preaching of the Gospel—Object of the Gathering—Manifestations of the Ancients to Joseph Smith—The Gospel to Departed Spirits—Duties of the Saints to Each Other—The Kind of Men Wanted to go on Missions (April 13, 1879)
- Eternal Nature of the Gospel—The Principle of Life and Increase—The Source of all Intelligence—Right of the Creator to Govern the Creature—Duties of the Saints (November 28, 1879)
- How a Knowledge of God is Obtained—The Gospel to the Dead—Various Dispensations of the Most High to Mankind—Power of the Priesthood—Restoration of the Gospel Through Joseph Smith—Failings of the Saints—Corruptions of the Wicked (December 7, 1879)
- Sustaining the Authorities—Power of the Priesthood—Faithfulness Required, etc. (March 1, 1880)
- The Great Principles of Truth as Taught by Revelation to the Ancients, and Also to the Saints in Our Day (March 21, 1880)
- The Eternities—Before the Saints—The Sublimity of the Gospel, etc. (January 20, 1881)
- The Order and Duties of the Priesthood, etc. (August 8, 1880)
- Opposition to the Work of God, etc. (October 7, 1879)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 22
- Opposition to the Work of God, etc. (October 7, 1879)
- Tithing and Other Matters—Correct Views Necessary (January 9, 1881)
- The Organization of the First Presidency, etc. (October 10, 1880)
- Opinions of the World, etc. (June 27, 1880)
- The Saints' Mission is One of Peace—Sympathy for General Garfield, Etc. (July 3, 1881)
- The Priesthood, Its Organization, Etc. (July 18, 1880)
- The Privileges of the Saints, Etc. (June 27, 1881)
- The Worship of God, the Sacredness of the Sabbath, Etc. (June 26, 1881)
- The Priesthood—God's Love for the Human Family, Etc. (October 9, 1881)
- Duties of the Saints—The Atonement, Etc. (August 28, 1881)
- The Building Up of Zion—Gratitude to God, Enduring Trial, Etc. (October 19, 1881)
- The Position of the Latter-Day Saints—Morality and Sobriety Required—Transgressors to Be Dealt With, Etc. (January 1, 1882)
- Discourse by President John Taylor (January 29, 1882)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 23
- The Settling of Southern Utah—Building of the Temple, Etc. (November 9, 1881)
- Travels of the First Presidency and the Twelve—Temporal and Spiritual Condition of the Saints—Their Educational Progress—Temple Building, Its Object—Organization of the Priesthood, Its Duties—The Gathering and General Duties of the Saints of God, Their Ultimate Destiny. (December 11, 1881)
- The Dispensation of the Fulness of Times—Restoration of the Gospel—Duties of the Priesthood—the Future of Zion—Inconsistency of the Saints' Persecutors—Incidents of Church History, Etc. (March 5, 1882)
- The Gospel's Restoration—Its Priesthood and Principles—The Saints Misrepresented—The "Mormon" War—Comparative Statistics—The Impending Judgments of God—Duties of the Saints—A Warning to Their Oppressors—The Wickedness of the World—Exhortation to Righteousness. (April 9, 1882)
- The Death of the Faithful No Cause for Mourning—The Perpetuity of the Priesthood—Probationary Ingress and Egress—All Knowledge Comes From God—Temple-Building and Its Purposes—Exhortations to the Saints (July 24, 1882)
- The Temple at Logan—The Liquor Traffic—Church Organization—Duties of Its Officers—Treatment of Transgressors—An Interesting Anecdote and Its Moral—Various Offices and Callings of the Priesthood, Etc.—The Guidance of God—Honor Due to His Priesthood—Growth and Progress of God's Work—Its Opposition By the World—The Regeneration of the Lamanites and General Salvation of Man (August 6, 1882)
- The Work of God and Building Up of Zion—Preaching, Temple Building and Other Duties—Corruption and Hypocrisy of Christendom—Rights of the Latter-Day Saints As American Citizens—The Saints Counseled to Be Pure, Honest, Upright, Charitable, Longsuffering and Forgiving—Difference Between Bigamy and Polygamy—Unjust Legislation and American Justice—God for Israel As Long As Israel is for Right (August 20, 1882)
- Dependence Upon the Holy Spirit—The Gathering and Its Object—Sacrifices Required of the Saints—The Risk of Rejecting the Testimony of the Truth—Profession and Practice, Pretensions and Principle—Impending Trials and Troubles, Trust in God—Time and Eternity, Body and Spirit—"More Blessed Are They that Believe and Have not Seen"—The Spirit of Truthful Intuition the Safest Guide—Exhortation, Counsel and Instruction (September 3, 1882)
- The Mighty Mission of the Saints—God's Dealings With the World in Ancient and Modern Times—God's Authorship of Creation and Right to Rule—Man's Agency, the Gospel and the Gathering—Its Attempted Suppression, Contrasted Statesmanship—The Mother of Harlots and Her Daughters—The Political Situation in Utah—The Rights of Man, the Supporters and Subverters of Law and Order—Religious Intolerance and Political Injustice—The Latter-Day Saints the Future Saviors of America—The Edmunds Act and Its Unjust Operation—Reverend Falsifiers and Their Dupes—Exhortation to the Priesthood and the People (October 8, 1882)
- Man's Natural Spirit and the Spirit of God—Our Relationship With Him—His Dealings in the Latter Days—What is Expected of the Saints—Their Position and Labors Among the Nations—Christ the Example to All His Followers—Words of Counsel to Priesthood and People (November 23, 1882)
- Men Powerless Except as God Permits—Ordeals Necessary to Purify—Zion Will Triumph (October 29, 1882)
- Why the Saints Meet Together—Their Pretensions—What Their Profession Implies—No Right to Sit in Judgment on the World—All Children of a Common Father—Many Good Men Inspired By the Spirit of God Who Did not Possess the Gift of the Holy Ghost—How Joseph Smith Obtained Knowledge—The Gospel—What the Savior Required—Operations of the Holy Ghost—What is Required of the Saints—Their Feelings—Duty of Missionaries—National Feelings Buried in Embracing the Gospel—Relationship to God—Destiny of the Faithful—What Have Religionists of the World to Offer?—Character of the Would-Be Reformers—Rights to Be Contended For—Corrupt Practices Condemned (February 11, 1883)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 24
- Why the Saints Meet Together—Their Pretensions—What Their Profession Implies—No Right to Sit in Judgment on the World—All Children of a Common Father—Many Good Men Inspired By the Spirit of God Who Did not Possess the Gift of the Holy Ghost—How Joseph Smith Obtained Knowledge—The Gospel—What the Savior Required—Operations of the Holy Ghost—What is Required of the Saints—Their Feelings—Duty of Missionaries—National Feelings Buried in Embracing the Gospel—Relationship to God—Destiny of the Faithful—What Have Religionists of the World to Offer?—Character of the Would-Be Reformers—Rights to Be Contended For—Corrupt Practices Condemned (February 11, 1883)
- The Church Based Upon the Principle of Perfect Freedom—When a President Resigns, His Counselors Go Out of Office—High Priests to Preside—Presidents Choose Their Own Counselors—All Authorities Sustained By Vote of the Saints—Position of Presidents Cannon and Smith If President Taylor Should Resign—Saints not to Interfere With the Religion of Others (January 21, 1883)
- The Gospel Like Leaven—Labor Required of the Elders—Promises to Abraham—Honorable Men in the American Nation Formerly and Now—Liberty in Religion and the Elective Franchise Claimed As Rights—The Saints Cannot Afford to Do Wrong—Relationship to God—Exhortation (April 8, 1883)
- Duties of the Latter-Day Saints—How Children Should Be Trained—An Academy for Sanpete—The Kind of Teachers, to Select—Education Advocated—Intemperance Condemned—Sin to Be Exposed—Unworthy Men not to Be Sustained in Office—Example of a Darkened Mind—Providence Over the Saints (May 19, 1883)
- Scope of the Gospel—Different Degrees of Glory—Free Agency—"Liberty" With a Vengeance—Trials Necessary—Former and Latter Trials—The Spirit of Gathering Illustrated—Judgments Predicted—Zion Already Attracting Attention—Encouragement for the Citizens of Deseret—Blessings Invoked (June 18, 1883)
- The Work of God—The Events of the Times—Gathering—Temple Ordinances—The Object of Marriage—Plural Marriage—A Terrible Lesson—Laws of God Must Be Enforced—The Priesthood—Parties, Cliques, Rings, Murmurers—God is on the Side of Israel (no date specified)
- Truth Always the Same—Duties of the Saints—Officers Present—Where the Principles of the Gospel Originated—Character of Abraham—How He Was Tried—His Progeny—Duties of the Priesthood—Trials of the Saints—Charity Required—How Transgressors Should Be Dealt With—Exhortation to Righteousness (June 24, 1883)
- The President Feeling a Little Weak in Body Asked the Considerate Attention of the Congregation—God Interested in the Welfare of All the Human Family—The Organization of the Church, and the Responsibility Resting Upon the Priesthood—God Has Given to Every One a Portion of His Spirit—The Promptings of that Spirit—The Wickedness of the Inhabitants of the Earth in the Days of Noah—Why the Flood Came—The Ante-Diluvians Would not Repent—The Gospel Again Preached As a Warning—Persecution—Our Relationship to this Nation in a Political Point of View—A Commonwealth Has Been Built Up in These Mountains by the "Mormons" Under the Blessing of God—Unfairly Treated as a People By the Parent Government—The Latter-Day Saints Have Rights Which They Will Seek Legally to Maintain—Conclusion (October 7, 1883)
- The Age in Which We Live—The Position the Latter-Day Saints Occupy—The Progress They Have Made Through the Medium of the Gospel—The Hatred Manifested Against the Saints of God—Cain—Sufferings of Former-Day Saints—Sufferings of the Latter-Day Saints—The Attacks of Religious Fanatics and Political Demagogues—The Mormons Are not Scared—Duties of the Latter-Day Saints—The Consequences of Allowing Our Children to Be Educated By Our Enemies—The Work of Our Enemies—Their Aims—Freedom Extended to All Sects in Utah—What the Mormons Claim—Their Belief in Plural Marriage—Institutions Introduced By Christian Civilizers—No Yielding of the Principles God Has Revealed—Conclusion (December 9, 1883)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 25
- Object of Assembling—A Peculiar People—Saints Misrepresented in All Ages—Statistics—Opposition Expected—Plural Marriage—Early Persecution—"Twin Relics"—Why the Saints Gather to Zion (February 10, 1884)
- Temples—Requirements Made of Those Who Seek to Enter Temples—A Woman States Her Case to President Taylor, in Which Arises Some Singular and Serious Questions—The Saints Ought to Be Progressing—They Should Seek to Do the Will of God—Duties of Presiding Officers—Evil Doers Should Be Brought to Account and Dealt With—God is Merciful—the Celestial Kingdom (June 15, 1884)
- Manifestations to Be Looked For—Some Already Received—Many Things Known Which Can not Be Told Yet—The World Required of the Saints—Other and More Splendid Temples to Be Built—Persons Required to Labor in the Temples—Kind of Men Wanted to Go Upon Missions—Self-Denial Required—Blessings in Store for the Faithful (May 18, 1884)
- Missionary Labors Reviewed—Testimony Gained—Predictions Fulfilled—Condition of the World—Prospects of the Swiss and German Mission—Class of Men Selected By the Lord for His Work—Restoration of the Gospel—The Priesthood Necessary—How It Was Restored—Ancient Prophecies Concerning the Latter-Day Work—Why the Saints Are Hated—Persecution Predicted—Political Aspect—Revelation Necessary—Distinction Between the Holy Ghost and the Spirit Given to Every Man—True Education—How Joseph Smith and Orson Pratt Obtained Theirs—How Abraham and Moses Were Taught—Action of Congress Considered (June 29, 1884)
- Why We Gather—Difference Between the Latter-Day Saints and the World—Organization of the Church in Former Days—Condition of the World Previous to the Restoration of the Gospel—The Reformers and the Work They Performed—All Men Enjoy a Portion of the Spirit of God—The Jews—The Gospel Must Be Preached—Organization of New Stakes—Missionaries' Families to Be Provided for Building Homes and Beautifying Them—The Destiny of Zion (August 17, 1884)
- Respect to the Dead—Consolation to the Bereaved—Instruction to the Saints—Resignation to the Will of the Almighty—Pity for the Murderers—Condemnation Awaiting Them at the Hands of a Just God—Retribution to Be Left for Him to Mete Out (August 24, 1884)
- Design of God in Relation to the Earth and Its Inhabitants—Power of Satan—The Two Zions—What is Required of the Saints—A Priesthood in the Heavens, As Well As on the Earth—Duties of the Priesthood—Would-Be Advisers Celestial Marriage—Distinction Between Polygamy and Prostitution—Government Officers Discriminating in Favor of the Latter—Unchastity, not to Be Tolerated in the Church—Charity Advised—Class of People Who Accuse the Saints of Crime—Criminal Statistics—Horrifying Statements of Crime in the Eastern States—Warning to the Saints (October 6 and 7, 1884)
- The Gathering—The Lord Will Punish the Wicked—Polygamy and Prostitution—Statistics of Crime Committed By Mormons and Non-Mormons The Wickedness of the New England States—The Debased Position of U. S. Officials As Exhibited in the Courts of Utah (October 19, 1884)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 26
- Object of Gathering—Our Principles and Organization Revealed from God—Our Faith not Affected by the Ideas of Men—Our Dependence Upon God—Enoch’s City—God’s Justice in Sending the Flood—The Lord will Bless His People—We Will Stand by the Constitution Though Others Ignore It (December 14, 1884)
- The Gathering—Our Territorial Condition and Organization—The Eternal Nature of Our Covenants—The Law of Ancient Israel, Which Require a Man to Marry His Brother’s Widow—Settlement of the Difficulty Connected with the Utah Lake and Jordan River Dam—The Flood—We Must Not Associate with the Wicked (November 30, 1884)
- Hostility of the World to the Gospel—Rebellion of Lucifer in Heaven—Seth Given in Place of Abel—Wickedness of the Antediluvians—Enoch’s Zion—Necessity of Opposing Powers and Principles, That Men May be Tested—Difference Between Bigamy and Plural Marriage—Our Marriage Covenants are Eternal—Our children Should be Correctly Taught (February 12, 1882)
- The Work of God Only Partially Understood—Manifestations of the Father and the Son to the Prophet Joseph—The Priesthood Conferred Upon Him—Kirtland Temple, and the Ministrations of Moses and Elijah—Benefits and Uses of Temples—Public and Private Improvements Advocated—Children Should be Properly Taught—Wives Should be Kindly Treated—Exhortation to Virtue and Purity (October 20, 1881)
- Privilege of Meeting Together—We Are Here to Do Our Father’s Will—All Dependent Upon God for Assistance, Guidance and Direction—The Lord Revealed to Adam the Purpose of Sacrifice—Adam, Before His Death, Called His Family Together and Blessed Them and Prophesied—Many spirits Have Been Destined to Hold Certain Positions Among Men—Why We Are Gathered—We Must Follow the Teaching of the Spirit, and Honor the Priesthood in All its Callings—Prepare Ourselves to Enter Holy Places—The church Must be Purified—Concluding Exhortations (October 6, 1883)
- Visit to the South—Persecution in Arizona—An American Siberia—Persecutions in Missouri and Illinois not the Result of Polygamy—Affecting Reference to the Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum—Judgment Begins at the House of God—Ex Post Facto Application of the Edmunds Law—Attempts of the Speaker to Conform to the Law as Far as Possible—No One Ever Punished, According to Law, For Killing a Mormon (February 1, 1885)
- Nature of the Gospel, and of Our Position and Calling—Responsibilities of the Latter-Day Saints—the Right of All Men to Religious Freedom—Honorable Men of the Earth—We Aim at a Higher Exaltation Than the Rest of the World (July 20, 1884)
- Remarks by President John Taylor (February 20, 1884)
- "Taylor, John (successor)," in The New International Encyclopædia, New York: Dodd, Mead and Co. (1905)
Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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