Brigham Young
Latter Day Saint's Messenger and Advocate
- Letter to Oliver Cowdery from Brigham Young (Sep. 15, 1836)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 1
- Blessings of the Saints—A House for the Lord (Dec. 16, 1851)
- Recreation, and the Proper Use of It (March 4, 1852)
- Weakness and Impotence of Men—Condition of the Saints—Dedication to the Lord—The Millennium (Apr. 6, 1852)
- March of “Mormonism”—The Power of God and the Wisdom of Man—Good and Evil Influences—The Law of Increase (June 13, 1852)
- Knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ—The Religions of Men, and the Religion of God—Joseph Smith—Persecutions, etc. (July 11, 1852)
- The Pioneers—Capabilities and Settlement of the Great Basin—Exhortation to Faithfulness (July 24, 1852)
- Weaknesses of Man—Loyalty of the Saints—Corruption of the World—True Liberty—Conduct of the American People (Aug. 1, 1852)
- Management of the Kanyons—Paying Debts—Keeping Stores—Material for the Temple (Oct. 9, 1852)
- Salvation (January 16, 1853)
- Building Temples (Feb. 14, 1853)
- The Privileges and Blessings of the Gospel (Feb. 20, 1853)
- Duties and Privileges—Sacrifice—Confidence—Language—Organization and Disorganization—Taking Wives (Feb. 27, 1853)
- Joseph, A True Prophet—Apostates—Dream, etc. (March 27, 1853)
- The Temple Corner Stones—The Apostleship, etc. (Apr. 6, 1853)
- President B. Young’s Journey South—Indian Difficulties—Walker—Watching and Prayer—Thieves and Their Deserts—Eastern Intelligence—Financial State of the Church—Gaining Knowledge, etc. (May 8, 1853)
- Use and Abuse of Blessings (June 5, 1853)
- Life and Death, or Organization and Disorganization (July 10, 1853)
- Where the Wicked Go—Continual Opposition to and Prejudice Against the Truth—The Judges and the Delegate of Utah—The Spirit of God and the Spirit of the World—Potency of the Gospel (June 19, 1853)
- Effects and Privileges of the Gospel—The Latter-day Saints and the Christian World (July 24, 1853)
- Indian Hostilities and Treachery—Excitement—Covetousness—Consequences of Obedience and of Disobedience—Policy Towards the Indians—Walker and His Band—Vigilance (July 31, 1853)
- True and False Riches (Aug. 14, 1853)
- Confidence—Advice to Emigrants—Danger in Prosperity (Sept. 11, 1853)
- Gathering the Poor—The Perpetual Emigrating Fund—In Gratitude (Oct. 6, 1853)
- Comprehensiveness of True Religion—The Saints but Stewards (Dec. 5, 1853)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 2
- Organization and Development of Man (Feb. 6, 1853)
- Necessity of Building Temples—The Endowment (Apr. 6, 1853)
- Saints Subject to Temptation—True Riches, Virtue, and Sanctification—“Mormonism”—Gladdenites, Apostles, and Saints—Devils Without Tabernacles (Apr. 17, 1853)
- The Gospel—Growing in Knowledge—The Lord’s Supper—Blessings of Faithfulness—Utility of Persecution—Creation of Adam—Experience (Oct. 23, 1853)
- Perfection and Salvation—Self-government (Dec. 18, 1853)
- The Word of Wisdom Especially Suited to Infants and Youth—Privations in Missouri—Necessity of Integrity, and Strife for Excellence—Responsibility of Parents (July 4, 1854)
- Consecration (Sept. 10, 1854)
- Debtors to the Perpetual Emigrating Fund (Oct. 6, 1854)
- Marriage Relations of Bishops and Deacons (Oct. 6, 1854)
- Spiritual Gifts—Hell—The Spirit World—The Elders and the Nations—The Lamanites—The Temple (Dec. 3, 1854)
- The Constitution and Government of the United States—Rights and Policy of the Latter-day Saints (Feb. 18, 1855)
- The Priesthood and Satan—The Constitution and Government of the United States—Rights and Policy of the Latter-day Saints (Feb. 18, 1855)
- Faithfulness and Apostacy (Apr. 6, 1855)
- Preaching and Testimony—Gathering Israel—The Blood of Israel and the Gentiles—The Science of Life (Apr. 8, 1855)
- Dependence on the Lord—Coal and Iron Works—Family Excursions (May 27, 1855)
- Utah Delegate to Washington—U.S. Government and Officers (June 17, 1855)
- The Kingdom of God (July 8, 1855)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 3
- The Gospel of Salvation—A Vision—Redemption of the Earth and All That Pertains to It (Aug. 8, 1852)
- The Necessity of the Saints Having the Spirit of Revelation—Faith and Works—The Power of God and of the Devil (May 6, 1855)
- Times for All Things—Prayer—Chastisement—Unity—Faithfulness—Reverence for Sacred Things—Reformation (July 13, 1855)
- Plurality of Wives—The Free Agency of Man (July 14, 1855)
- Gathering the Poor (Sep. 16, 1855)
- Faith—Practical Religion—Chastisement—Necessity of Devils(Oct. 6, 1855)
- Necessity of Home Missions—Purification of the Saints—Chastisement—Honesty in Business (Oct. 8, 1855)
- The Powers of the Priesthood not Generally Understood—The Necessity of Living by Revelation—The Abuse of Blessings (Jan. 27, 1856)
- Eternal Increase of Knowledge—Necessity of Cleaving to Every Good Principle—Men Are Not Made Saints by Miraculous Gifts, but Through Obeying the Truth, and Obtaining the Witness of the Spirit (Feb. 17, 1856)
- Lawyers, and Those Who Practice Attending Law Courts, Rebuked, etc. (Feb. 24, 1856)
- The Necessity of the Saints Living up to the Light which has been Given Them (March 2, 1856)
- Instructions to the Bishops—Men Judged According to Their Knowledge—Organization of the Spirit and Body—Thought and Labor to be Blended Together (March 16, 1856)
- Difficulties Not Found Among the Saints Who Live Their Religion—Adversity will Teach Them Their Independence on God—God Invisibly Controls the Affairs of Mankind (March 16, 1856)
- Preaching—Necessity of the Saints Having Confidence in Those Over Them—Necessity of Wisdom in Dealing with Those who are Dead to Good Works—Ignorance of Worldly Philosophers—The Principle of Life as Shown in the Disolution of Organized Matter (Mar. 23, 1856)
- Disinclination of Men to Learn Through the Teaching and Experience of Others, etc. (Apr. 20, 1856)
- Irrigation, etc. (June 8, 1856)
- Remarks on a Revelation Given at August 1831, etc. (June 15, 1856)
- The Order of Progression in Knowledge—The Way by Which Saints Become One—Aptness of Men to Remember Evil Rather Than Good—A Characteristic of Saints is to Remember Good and Forget Evil—Our Affections Should be Placed on the Kingdom of God Above all Other Things (June 15, 1856)
- The Gifts of Prophecy and Tongues—The Former Circumstances and Present Condition of the Saints Contrasted—Trials and Temptations Necessary to Exaltation—The Condition of Disembodied Spirits—Redemption of the Dead (June 22, 1856)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 4
- The Holy Ghost Necessary in Preaching—Faith—Healing the Sick—The Saints’ Interests are One—All of Our Efforts Should Tend to the Upbuilding of the Kingdom of God (August 17, 1856)
- Testimony to the Divinity of Joseph Smith’s Mission—Elders Should go Their Missions Without Purse or Scrip—The Lord Deals with the Saints—Jesus Their President—Satan Angry (August 31, 1856)
- A Call for an Expression of the Condition of the People—Repentance Among the Saints Necessary—Renewing of Covenants (Sept. 21, 1856)
- The People of God Disciplined by Trials—Atonement by the Shedding of Blood—Our Heavenly Father—A Privilege Given to All Married Sisters in Utah (September 21, 1856)
- Reformation Necessary Among the Saints—Infidel Philosophy (Nov. 2, 1856)
- Counsel Concerning Immigration—Benefits to be derived from an Early Start—Crossing the Plains with Hand-carts, etc. (Nov. 2, 1856)
- The Gospel Like a Net Cast Into the Sea—Good and Bad in the Church—Embrace Principles in Your Faith, not Men—Confess Only to Those Against Whom You have Sinned—Economize the Gifts of God, etc. (Nov. 9, 1856)
- Temptations and Trials Necessary to Exaltation—If the Saints Perform Their Obligations, the Lord Will Not Fail in His—Hand-cart Emigration Preferable to that by Ox-teams (Nov. 16, 1856)
- The Hand-cart Emigration—Opinions of the Emigrants Concerning it—Females Endure the Journey Better than Males, etc. (Sept. 28, 1856)
- The Emigrating Saints were Prompted by the Spirit of God (Nov. 9, 1856)
- Discord at Meetings Rebuked—A Text for Speakers at the Conference—Subject for the People—A Call for Mules, Horses, Wagons, Teamsters, Flour, etc. (Oct. 5, 1856)
- On the Death of President Jedediah M. Grant (Dec. 4, 1856)
- Prophets Weep Because of the Sins of the People—One Generation Should Improve Upon the Experience of Another—Many Set Their Hearts on Perishable Things—Provisions are Made for the Exaltation of All—The Spirit Should Rule the Flesh—Limited Knowledge of Man—Phenomenon of Forgetfulness—Natural Philosophy—Emigration (Feb. 1, 1857)
- To Know God is Eternal Life—God the Father of Our Spirits and Bodies—Things Created Spiritually First—Atonement by the Shedding of Blood (Feb. 8, 1857)
- Necessity for Reformation a Disgrace—Intelligence a Gift, Increased by Imparting—Spirit of God—Variety in Spiritual as Well as in Natural Organizations—God the Father of the Spirits of All Mankind, etc. (Mar. 8, 1857)
- Our Relatives, Those Who do the Will of God—The Elders Should be as Fathers and Shepherds in Israel, and not as Masters—Self-confidence, and the Way to Obtain it—The Prophet Joseph not yet Resurrected—Preaching to the Spirits in Prison, etc. (Mar. 25, 1857)
- He That Loveth Not His Brother Loveth Not God—If We Have Not Confidence in Our Leaders We Shall Not Have it in a Higher Power—The Church Holds the Keys of Salvation—The Providences of God to the Saints (Mar. 29, 1857)
- Object of the Express Carrying Company—Why Success Attends the Ministerial Labours of Some Elders, and not Those of Others—Counsel to Store up Grain Enough to Last Seven Years (Apr. 6, 1857)
- The Power and Importance of Economy—Domestic Extravagance and Mismanagement, with Their Bad Results (Apr. 6, 1857)
- Journey to the North—Unanimity and Peaceful Order of the Company—Geographical Character of the Country Traversed—Good Condition and Blessings of the Saints in Zion (May 31, 1857)
- Practical Religion—Simplicity—Temporal Salvation—Advantages of Utah as a Settlement for the Saints—False Reports, etc. (June 7, 1857)
- The Constitution of the United States Guarantees all we Ask—Hollow Gentility—Power of the “Mormon” Leaders—Government Corruption (June 7, 1857)
- Comprehensiveness of True Religion—Sacrifice for the Kingdom of God—The Saints Should be Superior to the World in All Things—Trust in God, etc. (June 14, 1857)
- Exchange of Feeling and Sentiment Produces Mutual Confidence—Necessity of Cultivating a Child-like Spirit—Devotedness of the Saints in Utah Towards the Work of God—God Will Take Care of His Own Work, etc. (June 28, 1857)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 5
- True Happiness—Fruits of not Following Counsel—Popular Prejudice Against the Mormons—The Coming Army—Punishment of Evildoers (July 5, 1857)
- True Liberty—Organization and Disorganization—Fallen Spirits—Satanic Opposition—Futile Efforts of the Enemy (July 19, 1857)
- Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream—Opposition of Men and Devils to the Latter-day Kingdom—Governmental Breach of the Utah Mail Contract (July 26, 1857)
- Joseph Smith’s Family—Bashfulness in Public Speaking—The Coming Crisis—Counsel (Aug. 2, 1857)
- Approval of the Proceedings of the Delegation to Congress—Condition of the People of the World, etc. (Aug. 9, 1857)
- Tradition—Duty of the Saints to Live Their Religion—Safety of Zion—Preparation for the Future, etc. (Aug. 30, 1857)
- Return of Thomas B. Marsh to the Church (Sept. 6, 1857)
- The United States Administration and Utah Army (Sept. 13, 1857)
- Movements of the Saints’ Enemies—The Crisis (Sept. 13, 1857)
- Superiority of Pure Motives—Ascendancy of the Kingdom of God—Obedience of Counsel (Sept. 20, 1857)
- Ultimate Victory of the Saints (Oct. 4, 1857)
- Advantages of Trials and Experience—Reformation of Conduct, etc. (Oct. 6, 1857)
- Testimony of the Spirit—Revelation Given According to Requirements—Spiritual Warfare and Conquest, etc. (Oct. 7, 1857)
- Present and Former Persecutions of the Saints, etc. (Oct. 18, 1857)
- Extent of the Latter-day Work—The Freedom of the Saints Dependent on Their Doing Right—Satan’s Revelations, etc. (Oct. 25, 1857)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 6
- The Lord at the Head of His Kingdom—Self-Discipline—Necessity of Cultivating a Knowledge of Science, and Particularly of Theology, Etc. (Apr. 7, 1852)
- Extensive Character of the Gospel—Comprehensiveness of Divine Revelation, Etc. (Aug. 15, 1852)
- Necessity of the Servants of God Being Pure in Heart and in Deed—Dependence on the Holy Spirit—Celestial Exaltations, Etc. (Aug. 28, 1852)
- The Sacrament—The Sabbath—Sectarian Opposition to the Doctrines and Ordinances of the Gospel, Etc. (Aug. 29, 1852)
- Heirship (Apr. 8, 1853)
- Proper Treatment of the Indians, Etc. (Apr. 6, 1854)
- Source of True Happiness—Prayer, Etc. (Nov. 15, 1857)
- Neglect of Sunday Meetings—The Saints Gathered From the Common Classes of Society—Dishonesty, Etc. (Nov. 22, 1857)
- Attention and Reflection Necessary to An Increase of Knowledge—Self-Control—Unity of the Godhead and of the People of God (Nov. 29, 1857)
- Providence—Ignorance of Sectarian Priests—Free Agency—Recreation, Etc. (Dec. 27, 1857)
- Judgment According to Works—Temporal Nature of Divine Revelations—Temporal Resources and Duties of the Saints, Etc. (Jan. 17, 1858)
- Idolatry, &c. (Feb. 7, 1858)
- Light and Influence of the Spirit—Power of Evil—Character of the Will, Etc. (June 19, 1859)
- Human and Divine Government—the Latter-Day Kingdom, &c. (July 31, 1859)
- Building Up the Kingdom of God—How to Treat Immigrant Saints, Etc. (Aug. 28, 1859)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 7
- Celebration of the Fourth of July (July 4, 1854)
- Wisdom Manifest in All God’s Dealings with the Saints (Mar. 28,, 1858)
- Apostacy the Result of Ignorance—True Government, etc. (June 6, 1858)
- Peculiarity of “Mormons”—Obedience to the Dictates of the Spirit—Knowledge of the Truth, etc. (June 27, 1858)
- Necessity of Trials—Glory of the Saint’s Religion—Government of God (Mar. 22, 1859)
- Government of God (May 22, 1859)
- Dependence on God as the Fountain of all Wisdom, etc. (May 29, 1859)
- Want of Governing Capacities Among Men Elements of Sacrament—Apostacy, etc. (June 5, 1859)
- Resurrection of the Body—The Spirit World, etc. (June 12, 1859)
- Light of the Spirit—Morality—Independence of the Human Will—Incarnation of the Human Spirit (June 19, 1859)
- Nature of Man—Happiness—Influence of God’s Spirit Upon Mankind, etc. (July 3, 1859)
- Priesthood and Eternal Life (July 31, 1859)
- Duty of the Saints to Live Their Religion (Aug. 4, 1859)
- Providences of God—Privileges and Duties of the Saints—Spiritual Operations and Manifestations—The Spirit World, &c. (Sept. 1, 1859)
- Blessings of Association—Original Purity of the Human Spirit—Trials and Temptations, &c. (Oct. 6, 1859)
- Possession of the Spirit, &c. (Oct. 6, 1859)
- Eternal Life—Blessings and Privileges of Saints (Oct. 6, 1859)
- Union, etc. (Oct. 7, 1859)
- Progress in Knowledge, &c. (Oct. 8, 1859)
- Re-organization of the High Council—Appointment of Young Men to Offices in the Priesthood, &c. (Oct. 8, 1859)
- Intelligence, Etc. (October 9, 1859)
- Diligence in Preaching to the World—Providences of God Around the Saints—Charity—God’s Spirit Distributed Among all Mankind—Trials, &c. (Dec. 18, 1859)
- Voting to Sustain the Authorities of the Church—Appointment of Elder Cannon to Fill up the Quorum of the Twelve—Remarks to Departing Missionaries (Apr. 7, 1860)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 8
- True Civilization (March 4, 1860)
- Hints to Faultfinders, &c. (March 5, 1860)
- Death—Resurrection, &c. (March 25, 1860)
- Advancement in Knowledge, &c. (April 5, 1860)
- Universal Salvation (April 6, 1860)
- Personal Reminiscences, &c. (April 6, 1860)
- Education—Testimony—Miraculous Signs, &c. (April 8, 1860)
- Instructions to Missionaries (April 25, 1860)
- Privileges of the Sabbath—Duty of Living Our Religion—Human Longevity, &c. (May 20, 1860)
- Confidence and Influence of the Saints—Knowledge, &c. (June 3, 1860)
- Religion of the Saints—Preaching of the Gospel—Contention, &c. (April 22, 1860)
- Filialty of the Saints—Appointments, &c. (June 10, 1860)
- Religion, Progress and Privileges of the Saints, &c. (June 12, 1860)
- Blessings of the Saints (June 13, 1860)
- Character of God and Christ—Providences of God—Self-Government, &c. (July 8, 1860)
- Personal Sacrifices—Evil Influences and Powers, and the Necessity of Overcoming Them (July 8, 1860)
- Attendance at Meetings—Self-Improvement (July 15, 1860)
- Light of the Spirit—Coming Tribulations—Present Salvation (July 15, 1860)
- Privileges of the Saints—Providences of God, &c. (July 22, 1860)
- Gospel of Salvation, &c. (August 5, 1860)
- Gospel of Life and Salvation, &c. (July 29th, 1860)
- Light of the Spirit—Laws of Health—Joy in the Gospel, &c. (August 5, 1860)
- Influence of the Elders in Preaching the Gospel—Duty of the Saints Living Their Religion, &c. (August 12, 1860)
- Effective Preaching—Support of the Poor, &c. (August 19, 1860)
- Triumph of “Mormonism,” &c. (August 19, 1860)
- Dealings of the Lord with His People (August 26, 1860)
- The Three Glories (August 26, 1860)
- Privileges of the Gathered Saints, &c. (August 26th, 1860)
- Diversity Among Men as to Their Capacity for Receiving Truth, &c. (September 2, 1860)
- Trials and Duties of the Saints (September 2, 1860)
- Covetousness, &c. (September 16, 1860)
- Civilization—Missionary Labours, &c. (September 16, 1860)
- The Spirit of the World and the Spirit of Zion (September 9, 1860)
- Light of the Spirit—Course of Missionaries (September 9, 1860)
- Remarks Pertaining to Foreign Missions, &c. (September 23, 1860)
- Blessings of the Saints—Covetousness (September 30, 1860)
- Helping in the Immigration (October 6, 1860)
- Persecution—The Kingdom of God, &c. (October 7, 1860)
- Joys of Eternity (October 6, 1860)
- Funds of the Church (October 8, 1860)
- Source of Intelligence—Laws of the Gospel, &c. (October 14, 1860)
- Restoration—Resurrection (October 21, 1860)
- Teachings of the Priesthood—Religion of the Saints, &c. (October 21, 1860)
- Faith and Belief, &c. (April 1, 1860)
- Privileges of the Saints—Building Up Zion (June 3, 1860)
- Knowledge—Object of Man's Existence on the Earth (June 7, 1860)
- Journeyings of the Saints—Temporal Salvation (June 7, 1860)
- Appointment of Bishop for Cache Valley—Counsel to the People (June 9, 1860)
- Counsel to the Saints Settling in Cache Valley (June 9, 1860)
- Salvation and Condemnation—Improvement (June 12, 1860)
- Testimony of the Spirit—Counsel to the Bishops (October 6, 1860)
- Human Intelligence and Freedom—National Administrative Movements (February 10, 1861)
- Self-knowledge—Futility of Attempts to Destroy "Mormonism” (February 17, 1861)
- Duties of the Saints—Organization of Element—Economy, etc. (January 20, 1861)
- Establishment of the Kingdom of God—Gathering of the Poor (March 3, 1861)
- Confession of Faults, &c. (March 10, 1860)
- Rebuking Evil, &c. (March 17, 1861)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 9
- True Testimony—Preparation for Coming Events—Corruption of the Government, Etc. (April 6, 1861)
- Home Manufactures (April 7, 1861)
- The Gifts of God—Home Manufactures—Word of Wisdom—Happiness (April 7, 1861)
- Priesthood (May 7, 1861)
- Sufferings of the Saints—Overcoming Evil with Good, &c. (January 5, 1860)
- Varieties of Mind and Character—Chastisement—Freedom, &c. (February 17, 1861)
- Gathering of the Saints—Honouring the Priesthood, Etc. (July 28,1861)
- Eternal Punishment—"Mormonism," &c. (January 12, 1862)
- Evil Deeds and Evil Doers, &c. (January 19, 1862)
- Necessity of Paying Due Attention to Temporal Duties, &c. (January 26, 1862)
- Call for Teams to Go to the Frontiers—Encouragement of Home Manufactures (February 2, 1862.)
- Robbing the Dead—Dancing, not a Part of the Saints' Religion—Kindness in Government—More Telegraphic Wires (February 9, 1862)
- Closing of Amusements—Indulging in Sin Beings Mental Darkness (February, 16, 1862)
- Necessity of Temporal Labour, Preparatory to Building a Temple (March 2, 1862)
- Propriety of Theatrical Amusements—Instructions Relative to Conducting Them (March 6, 1862)
- Salvation the Result of Individual Exertion (March 23, 1862)
- Power Given to Man to Create (March 16, 1862)
- Government of the Tongue—Impartiality in Judgment—Sealing (April 6, 1862)
- Home Manufactures—Certain Destruction of the Enemies of Truth (April 6, 1862)
- Duties Connected With the Aaronic and Melchisedek Priesthood (April 7, 1862)
- Building Up and Adornment of Zion By the Saints (February 23, 1862)
- True Character of God—Erroneous Ideas Entertained Towards Him (February 23, 1862)
- Caution Against Vain Laughter—Value of the Life of Man (April 27, 1862)
- Endless Variety of Organizations—Blessings that Await the Faithful (May 25, 1862)
- The Love of Truth and Righteousness Implanted in the Natural Man—Kindness and Firmness in Governments (June 15, 1862)
- The Kingdom of God (July 13, 1862)
- Contrast Between the Religion of Jesus Christ As Enjoyed By the Saints and that of Professed Christianity (July 6, 1862)
- A Knowledge of God Obtained Only Through Obedience to the Principles of Truth (August 3, 1862)
- Apostleship of Joseph Smith—Destruction Awaiting the Nations (August 31, 1862)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 10
- Eternal Existence of Man—Foreknowledge and Predestination (September 28, 1862)
- Never Ending Character of a Saints' Mission. Organization of the Kingdom of God (Oct. 6, 1862)
- Future State of Existence (Oct. 6, 1862)
- Design of the Lord in Gathering Together his People. Wisdom and Economy in Domestic Affairs (June 8, 1862)
- Forming a State Constitution—Raising Agricultural Products—True Riches (April 8, 1862)
- Constitutional Powers of the Congress of the United States—Growth of the Kingdom of God (March 9, 1862)
- Authority of Bishops—Branch Organizations—Assisting the Mail and Telegraph Companies (April 7, 1862)
- The Persecutions of the Saints—Their Loyalty to the Constitution—The Mormon Battalion—The Laws of God Relative to the African Race(March 8, 1863)
- How and By Whom Zion is to Be Built—Sanctification— General Duties of the Saints (May 24, 1863)
- Knowledge, Correctly Applied, the True Source of Wealth and Power—Unity of Jesus and His Father—Miracles— Slavery—True Charity, Etc. (May 31, 1863)
- Home Manufactures—the Necessity of Greater Attention to Them—Tithing (June 7, 1863)
- Domestic Economy—the Kingdom of God—Building the Temple—Tithing, Etc. (June 14, 1863)
- Instruction to the Latter-Day Saints, in the Settlements South of Great Salt Lake City (May, 1863)
- Advice to California Emigrants—the Principles of the Gospel, Etc. (July 8, 1863)
- Necessity for Watchfulness—the Proper Course to Pursue Towards Strangers—Selling Flour and Grain—the War and Its Effects Upon Slavery (October 6, 1863)
- Tithing—Building Temples—Gold, Its Production and Uses—Gover[n]mental Policy Towards Utah—Providing Bread for the Poor (October 6, 1863)
- Our Relationship and Duty to God and His Kingdom—the True Source of the Prosperity and Wealth of Individuals and Nations, and How to Obtain Them—Counsel to the Saints (October 6, 1863)
- Paying Tithing—Fasting and Prayer—Keeping the Sabbath Holy—Selling Grain—the Judgments of God, Etc. (November 6, 1863)
- The Intended Trip North—the Causes of the Scarcity of Breadstuff—the Sufferings of the Ungodly in the United States—the Popularity of the Gospel Undesirable (no date given)
- The Earth the Home of Man—the Work to Be Accomplished By Man Towards Redeeming the World—the Restoration of the Gospel, and the Acknowledgment By God of His Servants, Etc. (June 4, 1864)
- Turning Out the Water of the Weber—the Sufferings of the Saints—the Desires of the Servants of God to Bless the People—the Blessings of the Lord to Israel—Endowments, Etc. (June 10, 11, 12, and 13, 1864)
- Necessity of Teaching—Overruling Power of God—the Lack of Wisdom Manifested By the World—Necessity of Teaching the Saints Upon Temporal Affairs, Etc. (July 17, 1864)
- Difference of Ideas Entertained Respecting God—the Foundation of Our Religion Based Upon New Revelation—Man Made in the Image of God—We Are the Offspring of God, Etc. (July 31, 1864)
- Love for the Things of God—the Temporal Nature of the Kingdom—the Proper Use of Grain—the Love of God Should Rule in Every Heart, Etc. (June 22-29, 1864)
- Necessity of a Living Testimony of the Holy Ghost—How We Are to Be United, Etc. (October 7, 1864)
- Attending Meetings—Testifying to the Gospel—Preaching and Practice—All Blessings to Be Obtained Through Obedience to the Gospel, Etc. (Oct. 30, 1864)
- Necessity of Continued and Faithful Labor—Kingly Nature of the Priesthood—Power Attainable Through It—Condition of the Nations Contrasted With that of the Saints—Future Glory and Greatness of the Kingdom of God (Nov. 6, 1864)
- Temporal and Spiritual Duties of the Saints—Benefits Resulting From Proper Parental Authority—Connection Betwixt Temporal and Spiritual Things,—Character of Joseph the Prophet—All Blessings From the Lord (November 6, 1864)
- Knowledge of the Saints a Cause of Consolation Under Affliction—Children Heirs to the Kingdom of God—Power of the Gospel to Unite Parents and Children—Blessings of Obedience, Etc. (Nov. 27, 1864)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 11
- Knowledge in this Life Limited—The Lord Will Waste Away the Wicked—People do not Live to Obtain what they Most Desire—Joseph Desired to go to the Rocky Mountains—More for us than Against Us—Will go to Jackson County from the West—Exhortations to Merchants, Speculators, &c. (Dec. 11, 1864)
- Ordinance of Bread and Wine—Its Nature—Character of God and of Jesus—Reasons Why Sin and Death Exist—Earthly Probation Necessary for Future Glory—Danger of Apostacy (Jan. 8, 1865)
- Duties of the Saints—Obedience to Counsel, etc. (May 15, 1865)
- Summary of Instructions (June and July, 1865)
- Personality of God—His Attributes—Eternal Life, etc. (June 18, 1865)
- Summary of Instructions (Aug. 1-10, 1865)
- Home Manufacturing, Merchandising, and General Economy (Oct. 9, 1865)
- Holy Ghost Requisite to Teach the Truth (April 29, 1866)
- Opposition Essential to Happiness (June 3, 1866)
- The Kingdom of God on Earth is a Living, Moving, Effective Institution: We do not Carry it, but it Carries Us (June 7, 1866)
- Advice to Lawyers—Royal Polygamy in Europe—Polygamy Revealed from Heaven (August 12, 1866)
- Our Indian Relations—How to Deal With Them (July 28th, 1866)
- Delegate Hooper—Beneficial Effects of Polygamy—Final Redemption of Cain (Aug. 19, 1866)
- Union—Persecution—The Nature of the Kingdom of God—Trading With Enemies—The Jews—On the Murder of Dr. Robinson (Dec. 23, 1866)
- Weakness of the Human Mind—Extortion—Imperfection of the Human Judgment—Introduction of Machinery (January 13, 1867)
- How Saints Should Order Their Vocation of Life—How Employ Their Wealth—To Build up Zion, and not Babylon—Counsel of the Prophet Joseph—Prophet Brigham Young’s Experience Therein, Importance of Union in Things Temporal and Spiritual, Religious and Political (February 3, 1867)
- The Improved Condition of the Saints—Preparation Necessary to Build up the Centre Stake of Zion—The Law of Moses Given in Consequence of Rebellion—No True Pleasure Without the Spirit of the Lord (February 10, 1867)
- The Elders to Labor for the Unity of the Saints (April 6, 1867)
- How the Sisters Can Help to Build up the Kingdom (April 6, 1867)
- Building the Temple—Mormonism Embraces All Truth (April 8 1867)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 12
- Every Saint on a Mission (April 7, 1867)
- The Word of Wisdom (April 7, 1867)
- Education—Employment of Females (April 8, 1867)
- General Instructions to Missionaries Going Abroad (April 14, 1867)
- Our Delegate to Congress—The Word of Wisdom—The Union Pacific Railroad—Spiritual Ignorance of Popular Preachers (May 26, 1867)
- The Priesthood to Dictate in Temporal As Well As Spiritual Things—Inconsistency of An Equal Division of Property—Let Apostates Alone (June 16, 1867)
- How Divisions Were Introduced into the Christian World—The Gospel Perfect, but its Teachers Imperfect—The Priesthood and its Restoration (June 23, 1867)
- Condition of Apostates—The Young Men of the Saints—Bible Christians—Mormon Battalion—His Testimony to Strangers—Council to Mothers and Daughters on Polygamy (June 30, 1867)
- The Witness of the Spirit—How to Continue to Be Sons of God—Necessity of Prayer (November 17, 1867)
- The Witness of the Spirit—Bishops Should Be Examples—The Saints not Ignorant (November 3, 1867)
- Salvation—All Knowledge the Result of Revelation—Freedom of the Kingdom of God—How to Care for the Poor (December 8, 1867)
- The Word of Wisdom—Degeneracy—Wickedness in the United States—How to Prolong Life (August 17, 1867)
- Saints Improving Slowly—Guidance of the Spirit and Dictation of the Priesthood—Fasting and Gathering the Poor (December 29, 1867)
- Liberty of the Saints—Why They Are Gathered—Object of the “Word of Wisdom.” (January 12, 1868)
- School of The Prophets—Improvement of Provo City—Litigation—Injudicious Trading (February 8, 1868)
- Object of the Gathering—Necessity of a Temple—Trials of The Saints—Sealing—Visit to Provo (February 16, 1868)
- How to Prepare for the Coming of the Son of Man—Saints Delight to Do the Will of God—Proper Direction of Labor and Talent—Children of the Saints Heirs to the Priesthood (March 29, 1868)
- Necessity of Obeying Counsel—Reformation in Eating and Drinking—Improvements—Female Relief Societies—Chastity (April 6, 1868)
- Domestic Economy—Training Children—Cultivation of Silk—Application of Labor—Longevity (April 8, 1868)
- The True Church of Christ—the Living Testimony—Word of Wisdom (May 10, 1868)
- Evidences that the Saints Love and Serve God—How to Build Up Zion—Taking Care of Grain (May 17, 1868)
- The Object of Gathering—Practical Religion—the Love of God—Our Covenants (May 17, 1868)
- Education—Recreation—Necessity of Obeying Counsel (July 25, 1868)
- The Gospel a Perfect System—Evidence that the Latter-day Saints have Received the Holy Spirit—Plural Marriage (Aug. 9, 1868)
- The Value of Attending Meetings—Gentile or Gentilism—Isolation—Preaching—Zion (Aug. 16, 1868)
- Salvation Temporal and Spiritual—Self-Sustaining—Civilization (Oct. 8, 1868)
- Southern Missions—Deseret Alphabet—Relief Societies—Home Manufactures (Oct. 8, 1868)
- Preaching the Gospel—Disobedience and Persecution—Exclusiveness—The Search After Happiness (Nov. 29, 1868)
- Reflections on the Gospel of Christ—Intelligence and Progress (Jan. 10, 1869)
- Co-operation (April 6, 1869)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 13
- At the Funeral of the Late President Daniel Spencer (Dec. 10, 1868)
- Responsibility for Teachings—The Word of Wisdom—Co-operation, etc. (Apr. 7, 1869)
- Gathering the Saints—Continuous Faithfulness—Women and Fashions (Apr. 8, 1869)
- The Lord’s Supper—Miracles and Manifestations of the Power of God—The Gospel and the Gifts and Blessings Thereof (July 11, 1869)
- Obeying the Gospel, etc. (July 18, 1869)
- Building up Zion—Temperance in Eating and Drinking (Nov. 14, 1869)
- Latter-day Saint Families—Preaching the Gospel—Building up the Kingdom (Jan. 2, 1870)
- The Saints are a Strange People Because They Practise What They Profess (Feb. 20, 1870)
- Keeping the Commandments (Apr. 17, 1870)
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ (Apr. 24, 1870)
- Truth and Error (Apr. 24, 1870)
- Proper Conduct in Meeting (May 5, 1870)
- The Source of Intelligence, etc. (May 29, 1870)
- Preaching the Gospel—The Principles and Spirit of the Same (July 17, 1870)
- The Gospel—The One-man Power (July 24, 1870)
- The Power of Tradition on the Human Mind (Sept. 25, 1870)
- Meeting in Conference (Oct. 6, 1870)
- Texts for Preaching upon at Conference, etc. (Oct. 6, 1870)
- The Word of Wisdom—Spiritualism (Oct. 30, 1870)
- Gathering the Poor—Religion a Science (Nov. 13, 1870)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 14
- Traditions—Oppressing the Poor—Influence of Women—Fashions (Aug. 8, 1869)
- The Fashions of the World—Making Our Own Clothing & Fashions (May 6, 1870)
- Character and Condition of the Latter-day Saints Infidelity—The Atonement—Celestial Marriage (May 8, 1870)
- Debts—Ingratitude—Confidence—Our Religion (July 3, 1870)
- Sin—The Atonement—Good and Evil—The Kingdom of God (July 10, 1870)
- The Latter-day Saints the Hope of the World—Jesus Must be Acknowledged—One-man Power—Truth and Error (Aug. 7, 1870)
- The One-man Power—Unity—Free Agency—Priesthood and Government, etc. (Apr. 8, 1871)
- Gathering the Saints—The Providences of the Lord—Uselessness of Non-producers—Arbitration Better Than Courts—Feed Not Fight the Indians—Paying Tithing (Apr. 9, 1871)
- Good and Evil—The Testimony of the Spirit—This Early Religious Experience (May 7, 1871)
- Attending Meetings—Religion & Science—Geology—The Creation (May 14, 1871)
- Obedience—The Revelation on Marriage & The Anti-polygamy Law (May 21, 1871)
- The Character of the Savior—The Power of the Priesthood—The Unpardonable Sin (May 21, 1871)
- Political Parties and Christian Sects—The Sabbath—Marriage (June 4, 1871)
- The Celestial Glory—Modern Civilization—Family Government (June 25, 1871)
- The Training of Children (June 3, 1871)
- The Gospel—The Spirit of the Lord—Revelation (Aug. 13, 1871)
- An Incident of Nauvoo (July 23, 1871)
- Missionaries—The Influence of Mothers (Aug. 27, 1871)
- Temperance (Aug. 27, 1871)
- Our Present Life—The Spirit World (Sept. 16, 1871)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 15
- The Lord’s Supper—Progression—Co-operation—Independence (April 28, 1872)
- His Imprisonment—Emigrating the Poor—The Use of Riches—Tithing (April 28, 1872)
- Riches—Hurry—Fashion—Helping the Poor—Mysteries (May 26, 1872)
- Continued Teaching Necessary—Ignorance of Professors of Modern Christianity—Prayer, etc. (June 9, 1872)
- Observe the Sabbath Day (June 2, 1872)
- The Fullness of the Gospel—Its Power to Unite—Its Comprehensiveness—Definition of its Priesthood—Condition of Apostates (August 11, 1872)
- Fault Finding—Advice—Wholesale Co-operative Store for Logan—Dress—Marital Relation—Establishing Zion (August 18, 1872)
- Increase of Saints Since Joseph Smith’s Death—Joseph Smith’s Sons—Resurrection and Millenial Work (August 24, 1872)
- Saints Should Sustain Themselves—Keep the Commandments—Abuses—Power of Righteous Combination of Labor (October 9, 1872)
- The Order of Enoch (October 9, 1872)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 16
- The Order of Enoch—Study of Law—How to Become Rich (April 7, 1873)
- Assistance of the Ladies of The Relief Societies Required in Promoting the Manufacture of Paper and the Printing of School Books—Light and Easy Labor Now Performed By Men More Adapted to Women—Should Be Self-Sustaining—Frivolities and Fashions of Babylon Should Be Discarded By the Sisters—Poverty of Those Who Follow After Mining (April 7, 1873)
- Friends and Enemies—Object of Gathering—Babylon to Be Forsaken—Prayer—Personality of the Godhead (April 6, 1873)
- Unbelief—the Saints Require Constant Instruction—Contrast Between the Gospel of Christ and the Religions of Men—Evil Would Cease Among the Saints If They Would Live Their Religion—Gathering the Poor—Tithing—Knowledge of God—Progress of the Work is Due to the Operations of the Spirit (May 18, 1873)
- Extension of the Utah Northern Railroad—the Building of the Meeting House and Other Public Improvements Urged on the People—Faith Made Manifest By Works—Unity in Labor and Co-Operation in All Things Pertaining to the Kingdom—Labor Builds Up the Kingdom—Number of Those in the Congregation Acquainted With the Prophet Joseph—Early Experience in the Church—Rewards Will Follow Obedience—Object of the Law of Tithing—Serves the Lord Because of the Purity of Revealed Truth (June 28, 1873)
- Ignorance of the World Concerning Our Faith—Character of Christ's Teachings—Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Similar to that of Former-Days—Belief Alone Insufficient—Exhortation to the Saints to Live Their Religion and to Acquire All Useful Knowledge (May 25, 1873)
- Continued Obedience to the Laws of God is Necessary to Insure a Complete Salvation to the Latter-Day Saints—the Disobedience of Ancient Israel is Shown As a Warning to the Present Generation of His People—the Nature and Necessity of the Law of Tithing—the Fewness of Those Who Faithfully Observe that Law (June 27, 1873)
- The Order of Enoch (June 29, 1873)
- The Gospel Incorporates All Truth—Mode of Administering the Sacrament—Abiding Counsel—Heavenly Blessings Are Conditional—Progressiveness of the Work—Plural Marriage Tithing—Tardiness of the Saints in Observing Practical Duties—Co-Operation (August 31, 1873)
- Ordinances that Can Only Be Administered in the Temple—Endowments, Etc. (September 4, 1873)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 17
- Cease to Bring in and Build up Babylon—Separate Yourselves from Sinners and from Sin—Have not Come with any New Doctrine—We Must be One—Without Works it Cannot be Proved that Faith Exists—The Time Come to Organize the Saints—The Time and Energies of the Saints all that is Wanted—Geological Researchers of Professor Marsh—Scientific Demonstration of the Truth of the Book of Mormon (April 18, 1874)
- The Things of God Known by the Spirit of God—The Light and Intelligence of God Without Money and Price—No True Religion Without Science—All Will be Saved Except the Sons of Perdition (May 3, 1874)
- The United Order—A System of Oneness, Economy and Wisdom in Becoming Self-sustenance (May 7, 1874)
- The Calling of the Priesthood, to Preach the Gospel, and Proceed with the Organization of the Kingdom of God, Preparatory to the Coming of the Son of Man—All Good is of the Lord—Salvation and Live Everlasting are Before us (June 26, 1874)
- The Belief of the Saints in the Mission of the Savior—Pertaining to Inheritances Upon the Earth that Shall be Everlasting—It Takes a Higher Power Than a Bill of Divorce, to Take a Woman from a Good Man (June 28, 1874)
- Nothing Strange or New to Live and Die—Must Die in Order to be Quickened—The World of Mankind Ignorant of Immorality—The Righteous Should Live to Enjoy the Light of the Spirit—All People are the Children of God—They Learn by Contrast—Worlds to be Organized and Peopled in Future Existence (July 19, 1874)
- The United Order is the Order of the Kingdom of God and Christ Dwell—The Law of the Kingdom of Heaven Protects all People in Their Religious Worship—In Obeying Counsel There is Salvation (August 9, 1874)
- Saints are Living Witnesses of the Truth—The People of God Preserved by Divine Providence—Persecution—Individual Salvation (October 6, 1874)
- Temporal Affairs—Consistency Necessary in Business (April 7, 1875)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 18
- Present Revelation Necessary to Lead the Church—The Apostleship—Present Revelation Necessary for All—Evils of Waste, Intemperance, and Extravagance—True Reformation is to Cease from Doing Evil (August 31, 1875)
- Very Few Will Inherit Celestial Glory—Lust After the Things of the World Produces Apostasy—No Real Happiness Outside of Godliness—The Lord Requires the Hearts of the Children of Men (August 15, 1876)
- Personal Revelation the Basis of Personal Knowledge—Philosophic View of Creation—Apostacy Involves Disorganization and Return to Primitive Element—One-Man Power (September 17, 1876)
- Secret of Happiness—Self-Examination—Joseph Smith a Man of Obedience to God—Baptism for the Dead—Temporal and Spiritual One—A Dream—Order of Enoch, The Order of God—A Good Word for the Women (June 23, 1874)
- Philosophy of Man Upon The Earth—The Great and Grand Secret of Salvation—Are We One—Nature of Stewardship—Increase of Temples—Hear Ye, Mothers (October 8, 1876)
- The Great Privilege of Having a Temple Completed—Past Efforts for this Purpose—Remarks on Conduct—Earth, Heaven, and Hell, Looking at the Latter-Day Saints—Running After Holes in The Ground—Arrangements for the Future (January 1, 1877)
- The United Order—The Duty of the Priesthood—The Gospel not Communism—Teaching the People How to Live—Independence of Babylon—The Saints Will Continue to Spread—Unity of Purpose and Action, Will Bring Again Zion—Free Schools Criticized—Educational Status of Our Children (April 6, 1877)
- The Lord Rules—The Hand of God in Persecution—The Gospel Embraces All Truth—No Need of Worry, the Lord Will Deal Out Justice—Joseph Slain for the Gospel—The Dissatisfied Will Be Satisfied—Full of Blessing (May 6, 1877)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 19
- Enjoyment in the South—The Blessings of a Temple—Need of Chastisement—The Redemption of the Earth—The Christian World Concerned in Regard to the Priesthood—Those who Persecute will be Visited—The Ten Virgins—The Wise Will Understand (April 29, 1877)
- Remarks by President Brigham Young (May 18, 1877)
- Trying to be Saints—Treasures of the Everlasting Hills—The Hill Cumorah—Obedience to True Principle the Key to Knowledge—All Enjoyment Comes from God—Organization—Duties of Officers—Final Results (June 17, 1877)
- The Work of the Priesthood the Improvement of the Human Family—The Gospel More than Morality, it Includes Redemption—Difference Between the Ideas of the Saints and the World—The Prophets in Regard to the Increase of Mineral Wealth—Teach the Children (May 27, 1877)
- Items of History—The Pioneers—Talking to the Children—Peace in Utah—God a Personage of Tabernacle—The Foolish Fashions (July 24, 1877)
- Relief Societies—Talk to Mothers—Improvement Societies—Domestic Matters—Training Children—Home Production—Silk Interests (July 19, 1877)
- The Lord’s Supper—A Word to Mothers—The Sacrament in Sabbath Schools—History of Some Things—Young Men to Preside—Home Manufactures (August 19, 1877)
- Living According to the Light—Temple Work—Good Counsel—What Say the High Priests and Seventies? (April 22, 1877)
Journal of Discourses, Volume 25
Works about Young
- Doyle, Arthur Conan (1887), A Study in Scarlet—the first Sherlock Holmes novel, in which a fictionalised Brigham Young appears as a villain.
- "Young, Brigham," in Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography, New York: D. Appleton and Co. (1889)
- "Young, Brigham," in The New International Encyclopædia, New York: Dodd, Mead and Co. (1905)
- "Young, Brigham," in The New Student's Reference Work, Chicago: F.E. Compton and Co. (1914)
- "Young, Brigham," in The Encyclopedia Americana, New York: The Encyclopedia Americana Corporation (1920)

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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