< Author:James Earl Carter
← James Earl Carter | Executive orders |
Administration of Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
- E.O. 11967 → E.O. 12032 (66 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 11967 − Relating to violations of the Selective Service Act, August 4, 1964 to March 28, 1973
- Executive Order 11968 − Withholding of District of Columbia, State and city income or employment taxes
- Executive Order 11969 − Administration of the Emergency Natural Gas Act of 1977
- Executive Order 11970 − Presidential Advisory Board on Ambassadorial Appointments
- Executive Order 11971 − Establishing the Committee on Selection of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Executive Order 11972 − Establishing the United States Circuit Judge Nominating Commission
- Executive Order 11973 − President's Commission on Mental Health
- Executive Order 11974 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- Executive Order 11975 − Abolishing the President's Economic Policy Board, and for other purposes
- Executive Order 11976 − Amending Executive Order No. 11861, as amended, placing certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 11977 − Designating certain public international organizations entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities
- Executive Order 11978 − Relating to trade and other transactions involving Southern Rhodesia
- Executive Order 11979 − National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year, 1975
- Executive Order 11980 − National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year, 1975
- Executive Order 11981 − Establishing the Interagency Committee for the Purchase of United States Savings Bonds
- Executive Order 11982 − Committee on Selection of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Executive Order 11983 − Relating to certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 11984 − Abolishing the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
- Executive Order 11985 − United States foreign intelligence activities
- Executive Order 11986 − Relating to certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 11987 − Exotic organisms
- Executive Order 11988 − Floodplain management
- Executive Order 11989 − Off-road vehicles on public lands
- Executive Order 11990 − Protection of wetlands
- Executive Order 11991 − Relating to protection and enhancement of environmental quality
- Executive Order 11992 − Establishing the Committee on Selection of Federal Judicial Officers
- Executive Order 11993 − Relating to the United States Circuit Judge Nominating Commission
- Executive Order 11994 − United States foreign intelligence activities
- Executive Order 11995 − Relating to certain positions in level V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 11996 − The Honorable Tom C. Clark
- Executive Order 11997 − Withholding of District of Columbia, State, city and county income or employment taxes
- Executive Order 11998 − President's Commission on Military Compensation
- Executive Order 11999 − Relating to certain positions in level V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12000 − Exemption of Arthur S. Flemming from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 12001 − Transferring certain Bicentennial functions to the Secretary of the Interior
- Executive Order 12002 − Administration of the Export Administration Act of 1969, as amended
- Executive Order 12003 − Relating to energy policy and conservation
- Executive Order 12004 − Relating to Federal pay administration
- Executive Order 12005 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- Executive Order 12006 − Exemption of G. Joseph Minetti from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 12007 − Termination of certain Presidential advisory committees
- Executive Order 12008 − Presidential Management Intern Program
- Executive Order 12009 − Providing for the effectuation of the Department of Energy Organization Act
- Executive Order 12010 − Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
- Executive Order 12011 − Exemption of G. Joseph Minetti from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 12012 − White House Fellowships
- Executive Order 12013 − Relating to the Transfer of Certain Statistical Policy Functions
- Executive Order 12014 − Relating to the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service
- Executive Order 12015 − Permitting students completing approved career-related work-study programs to be appointed to career or career-condition positions in the competitive service
- Executive Order 12016 − Exemption of G. Joseph Minetti from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 12017 − Amending the Code of Conduct for Members of the Armed Forces of the United States
- Executive Order 12018 − Amending the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised Edition)
- Executive Order 12019 − Establishing the Defense Meritorious Service Medal
- Executive Order 12020 − Payment of educational benefits to veterans and dependents when schools are temporarily closed to conserve energy
- Executive Order 12021 − Amending the Civil Service Rules to exempt certain positions from the Career Service
- Executive Order 12022 − Establishing the National Commission for the Review of Antitrust Laws and Procedures
- Executive Order 12023 − Conforming the Central Intelligence Agency and Civil Service Retirement and Disability Systems
- Executive Order 12024 − Relating to the transfer of certain advisory committee functions
- Executive Order 12025 − Relating to certain positions in level IV of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12026 − Reinstatement rights of certain employees of the Department of Energy
- Executive Order 12027 − Relating to the transfer of certain executive development and other personnel functions
- Executive Order 12028 − Office of Administration in the Executive Office of the President
- Executive Order 12029 − Termination of a Presidential Advisory Committee
- Executive Order 12030 − Termination of the Federal Property Council
- Executive Order 12031 − Exemption of Jerome K. Kuykendall from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 12032 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- E.O. 12033 → E.O. 12110 (78 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 12033 − Removal of certain international organizations no longer in existence from the list of those entitled to privileges and immunities
- Executive Order 12034 − Providing for the appointment of former ACTION cooperative volunteers to the civilian career service
- Executive Order 12035 − Relating to certain positions in level IV of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12036 − United States Intelligence Activities
- Executive Order 12037 − Exemption of G. Joseph Minetti from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 12038 − Relating to Certain Functions Transferred to the Secretary of Energy by the Department of Energy Organization Act
- Executive Order 12039 − Relating to the Transfer of Certain Science and Technology Policy Functions
- Executive Order 12040 − Relating to the Transfer of Certain Environmental Evaluation Functions
- Executive Order 12041 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- Executive Order 12042 − Creating a Board of Inquiry to report on Labor disputes affecting the bituminous coal industry in the United States
- Executive Order 12043 − Amending the Civil Service Rules Regarding Notice of Exemptions From the Competitive Service
- Executive Order 12044 − Improving Government Regulations
- Executive Order 12045 − Relating to the Domestic Policy Staff, the Office of Drug Abuse Policy, and the Economic Opportunity Council
- Executive Order 12046 − Relating to the transfer of telecommunications functions
- Executive Order 12047 − Imported objects of cultural significance
- Executive Order 12048 − International Communication Agency
- Executive Order 12049 − Defense economic adjustment programs
- Executive Order 12050 − Establishing a National Advisory Committee for Women
- Executive Order 12051 − Waiver under the Trade Act of 1974 with respect to the Hungarian People's Republic
- Executive Order 12052 − National Commission for the Review of Antitrust Laws and Procedures
- Executive Order 12053 − National Commission on the International Year of the Child, 1979
- Executive Order 12054 − President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies
- Executive Order 12055 − Export of special nuclear material to India
- Executive Order 12056 − Exemption of G. Joseph Minetti from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 12057 − National Advisory Committee for Women
- Executive Order 12058 − Functions relating to nuclear non-proliferation
- Executive Order 12059 − United States Circuit Judge Nominating Commission
- Executive Order 12060 − Relating to certain positions in levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12061 − Small Business Conference Commission
- Executive Order 12062 − President's Commission on the Coal Industry
- Executive Order 12063 − United States Court of Military Appeals Nominating Commission
- Executive Order 12064 − United States Tax Court Nominating Commission
- Executive Order 12065 − National security information
- Executive Order 12066 − Inspection of Foreign assistance programs
- Executive Order 12067 − Providing for coordination of Federal equal employment opportunity programs
- Executive Order 12068 − Providing for transfer to the Attorney General of certain functions Under section 707 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended
- Executive Order 12069 − Relating to certain positions in level IV of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12070 − Adjustment of cost of living allowances
- Executive Order 12071 − President's Commission on Pension Policy
- Executive Order 12072 − Federal space management
- Executive Order 12073 − Federal procurement in labor surplus areas
- Executive Order 12074 − Urban and community impact analyses
- Executive Order 12075 − Interagency Coordinating Council
- Executive Order 12076 − Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12077 − Exemption of Roy T. Sessums from mandatory retirement
- Executive Order 12078 − Presidential Commission on World Hunger
- Executive Order 12079 − Authorizing certain functions of heads of Departments and Agencies under the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 to be performed without the approval of the President
- Executive Order 12080 − Commemorative Presidential proclamations
- Executive Order 12081 − Termination of expeditious naturalization based on military service
- Executive Order 12082 − Suspension of Certain Armed Forces promotion and disability separation limitations
- Executive Order 12083 − Energy Coordinating Committee
- Executive Order 12084 − Judicial Nominating Commission for the District of Puerto Rico
- Executive Order 12085 − Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Norfolk and Western Railway Company and certain of its employees
- Executive Order 12086 − Consolidation of contract compliance functions for equal employment opportunity
- Executive Order 12087 − Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
- Executive Order 12088 − Federal Compliance With Pollution Control Standards
- Executive Order 12089 − National Productivity Council
- Executive Order 12090 − President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies
- Executive Order 12091 − Small Business Conference Commission
- Executive Order 12092 − Prohibition Against Inflationary Procurement Practices
- Executive Order 12093 − President's Commission on the Holocaust
- Executive Order 12094 − Special Pay for Sea Duty
- Executive Order 12095 − Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between Wien Air Alaska, Inc. and certain individuals
- Executive Order 12096 − Compensation of certain officials in the Industry and Trade Administration, Department of Commerce
- Executive Order 12097 − Standards and guidelines for the merit selection of United States District Judges
- Executive Order 12098 − Physical Fitness and Sports
- Executive Order 12099 − Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12100 − President's Commission on Pension Policy
- Executive Order 12101 − Privileges, immunities and liability insurance for diplomatic missions and personnel
- Executive Order 12102 − Trade Committees
- Executive Order 12103 − President's Commission on the Coal Industry
- Executive Order 12104 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- Executive Order 12105 − Garnishment of moneys payable to employees of executive agencies and the District of Columbia
- Executive Order 12106 − Transfer of certain equal employment enforcement functions
- Executive Order 12107 − Relating to the Civil Service Commission and labor-management in the Federal service
- Executive Order 12108 − Employee Retirement Income Security Act transfers
- Executive Order 12109 − Federal physicians comparability allowance
- Executive Order 12110 − Continuance of certain Federal advisory committees
- E.O. 12111 → E.O. 12187 (77 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 12111 − Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12112 − Seal for the Office of Administration
- Executive Order 12113 − Independent water project review
- Executive Order 12114 − Environmental effects abroad of major Federal actions
- Executive Order 12115 − Permanent American cemetery in the Republic of Panama
- Executive Order 12116 − Issuance of food stamps by the Postal Service
- Executive Order 12117 − Imports from Uganda
- Executive Order 12118 − Administration of Security Assistance Programs
- Executive Order 12119 − Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12120 − The Honorable Adolph Dubs
- Executive Order 12121 − Energy Coordinating Committee
- Executive Order 12122 − Office of Administration
- Executive Order 12123 − Offshore oil spill pollution
- Executive Order 12124 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- Executive Order 12125 − Competitive status for handicapped Federal employees
- Executive Order 12126 − Correction in Executive Order No. 12107
- Executive Order 12127 − Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Executive Order 12128 − Employee-management relations in the Foreign Service
- Executive Order 12129 − Critical Energy Facility Program
- Executive Order 12130 − President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
- Executive Order 12131 − The President's Export Council
- Executive Order 12132 − Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the National Railway Labor Conference and certain of its employees
- Executive Order 12133 − Drug policy functions
- Executive Order 12134 − Printing services within the Executive Office
- Executive Order 12135 − The President's Advisory Committee for Women
- Executive Order 12136 − The President's Commission on Executive Exchange
- Executive Order 12137 − The Peace Corps
- Executive Order 12138 − Creating a National Women's Business Enterprise Policy and prescribing arrangements for developing, coordinating and implementing a national program for women's business enterprise
- Executive Order 12139 − Exercise of Certain Authority Respecting Electronic Surveillance
- Executive Order 12140 − Delegation of authorities relating to motor gasoline end-user allocation
- Executive Order 12141 − Independent water project review
- Executive Order 12142 − Alaska natural gas transportation system
- Executive Order 12143 − Maintaining unofficial relations with the people on Taiwan
- Executive Order 12144 − Transfer of certain equal pay and age discrimination in employment enforcement functions
- Executive Order 12145 − Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System
- Executive Order 12146 − Management of Federal legal resources
- Executive Order 12147 − United States International Development Cooperation Agency
- Executive Order 12148 − Federal Emergency Management
- Executive Order 12149 − Federal Regional Councils
- Executive Order 12150 − United States Sinai Support Mission
- Executive Order 12151 − President's Commission on the Holocaust
- Executive Order 12152 − Director of the Office of Management and Budget
- Executive Order 12153 − Decontrol of heavy oil
- Executive Order 12154 − Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12155 − Strategic and critical materials
- Executive Order 12156 − Corrective amendments
- Executive Order 12157 − President's Management Improvement Council
- Executive Order 12158 − Awards for special capability in the visual and performing arts and in creative writing
- Executive Order 12159 − Creating an emergency board to investigate disputes between the Chicago, Rock Island, Pacific Railroad & Peoria Terminal Company and Brotherhood of Railway, Airline & Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees; and the United Transportation Union
- Executive Order 12160 − Providing for enhancement and coordination of Federal consumer programs
- Executive Order 12161 − Second year of Anti-Inflation Program
- Executive Order 12162 − Amendment to Executive Order 12140
- Executive Order 12163 − Administration of foreign assistance and related functions
- Executive Order 12164 − Multilateral development institutions
- Executive Order 12165 − Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
- Executive Order 12166 − Export-Import Bank
- Executive Order 12167 − Waiver under the Trade Act of 1974 with respect to the People's Republic of China
- Executive Order 12168 − President's Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties
- Executive Order 12169 − United States Holocaust Memorial Council
- Executive Order 12170 − Blocking Iranian Government property
- Executive Order 12171 − Exclusions from the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
- Executive Order 12172 − Entry of Iranian aliens into the United States
- Executive Order 12173 − Continuing applicability of Panama Canal regulations
- Executive Order 12174 − Paperwork
- Executive Order 12175 − Reorganization of functions relating to international trade
- Executive Order 12176 − President's Commission on the coal industry
- Executive Order 12177 − Federal Government pension plans
- Executive Order 12178 − Functions under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended
- Executive Order 12179 − Providing for the closing of Government departments and agencies on Monday, December 24, 1979
- Executive Order 12180 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- Executive Order 12181 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- Executive Order 12182 − Creating an Emergency Board to investigate a dispute between the Long Island Rail Road and certain of its employees
- Executive Order 12183 − Revoking Rhodesian sanctions
- Executive Order 12184 − Relating to the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research
- Executive Order 12185 − Conservation of petroleum and natural gas
- Executive Order 12186 − Change in definition of heavy oil
- Executive Order 12187 − Base production control level for marginal properties
- E.O. 12188 → E.O. 12260 (73 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 12188 − International trade functions
- Executive Order 12189 − Definition of heavy oil
- Executive Order 12190 − Advisory Committee on Small and Minority Business Ownership
- Executive Order 12191 − Federal Facility Ridesharing Program
- Executive Order 12192 − State Planning Council on Radioactive Waste Management
- Executive Order 12193 − Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM
- Executive Order 12194 − Radiation Policy Council
- Executive Order 12195 − President's Commission on United States-Liberian Relations
- Executive Order 12196 − Occupational safety and health programs for Federal employees
- Executive Order 12197 − Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
- Executive Order 12198 − Prescribing amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised Edition)
- Executive Order 12199 − Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12200 − Rates of pay and allowances
- Executive Order 12201 − Credit control
- Executive Order 12202 − Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee
- Executive Order 12203 − Continuing applicability of Panama Canal regulations
- Executive Order 12204 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- Executive Order 12205 − Prohibiting certain transactions with Iran
- Executive Order 12206 − Amendment of delegation of authority with respect to entry of certain aliens into the United States
- Executive Order 12207 − Creating an emergency board to investigate a dispute between the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation and certain of its employees
- Executive Order 12208 − Consultations on the admission of refugees
- Executive Order 12209 − Base production level for marginal properties
- Executive Order 12210 − Administration of arms export controls
- Executive Order 12211 − Further prohibitions on transactions with Iran
- Executive Order 12212 − Department of Education
- Executive Order 12213 − United States Holocaust Memorial Council
- Executive Order 12214 − Administration of the Export Administration Act of 1979
- Executive Order 12215 − Delegation of Panama Canal functions
- Executive Order 12216 − President's Committee on the International Labor Organization
- Executive Order 12217 − Federal compliance with fuel use prohibitions
- Executive Order 12218 − Export of special nuclear material and components to India
- Executive Order 12219 − Presidential Commission on World Hunger
- Executive Order 12220 − Agricultural trade development
- Executive Order 12221 − Improving Government regulations
- Executive Order 12222 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- Executive Order 12223 − Occupational safety and health programs for Federal employees
- Executive Order 12224 − Implementation of the International Sugar Agreement
- Executive Order 12225 − Credit control revocation
- Executive Order 12226 − Administration of foreign assistance
- Executive Order 12227 − United States Sinai Support Mission
- Executive Order 12228 − Allowances for personnel on foreign duty
- Executive Order 12229 − White House Coal Advisory Council
- Executive Order 12230 − Competitive status for special agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration
- Executive Order 12231 − Strategic petroleum reserve
- Executive Order 12232 − Historically Black Colleges and Universities
- Executive Order 12233 − Amendments to the Manual for Courts Martial, United States, 1969 (Revised edition)
- Executive Order 12234 − Enforcement of the Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
- Executive Order 12235 − Management of natural gas supply emergencies
- Executive Order 12236 − Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12237 − Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
- Executive Order 12238 − Public international organizations entitled to enjoy privileges, exemptions, and immunities
- Executive Order 12239 − Suspension of certain Armed Forces promotion and disability separation limitations
- Executive Order 12240 − Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee
- Executive Order 12241 − National contingency plan
- Executive Order 12242 − Synthetic fuels
- Executive Order 12243 − Variable housing allowance
- Executive Order 12244 − Exemption for Fort Allen
- Executive Order 12245 − The Peace Corps Advisory Council
- Executive Order 12246 − Cuban and Haitian entrants
- Executive Order 12247 − Federal Actions in the Lake Tahoe region
- Executive Order 12248 − Adjustments of certain rates of pay and allowances
- Executive Order 12249 − Foreign Service Salary Schedule
- Executive Order 12250 − Leadership and coordination of nondiscrimination laws
- Executive Order 12251 − Cuban and Haitian entrants
- Executive Order 12252 − The Honorable John William McCormack
- Executive Order 12253 − Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
- Executive Order 12254 − National Advisory Community Investment Board
- Executive Order 12255 − Providing for the Closing of Government Departments and Agencies on Friday, December 26, 1980
- Executive Order 12256 − Census statistics on legal immigrants
- Executive Order 12257 − Noncompetitive Conversion of CETA Participants to Career or Career-Conditional Civil Service Status
- Executive Order 12258 − Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
- Executive Order 12259 − Leadership and coordination of fair housing in Federal programs
- Executive Order 12260 − Agreement on Government procurement
- E.O. 12261 → E.O. 12286 (26 Executive Orders signed)
- Executive Order 12261 − Gasohol in Federal motor vehicles
- Executive Order 12262 − Interagency Employee Benefit Council
- Executive Order 12263 − Strategic and critical materials transaction authority
- Executive Order 12264 − Federal policy regarding the export of banned or significantly restricted materials
- Executive Order 12265 − Providing for enhancement and coordination of Federal consumer programs
- Executive Order 12266 − Food security wheat reserve
- Executive Order 12267 − Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
- Executive Order 12268 − Hostage Relief Act of 1980
- Executive Order 12269 − President's Committee on Small Business Policy
- Executive Order 12270 − President's Council on Spinal Cord Injury
- Executive Order 12271 − Continuance of certain Federal advisory committees
- Executive Order 12272 − Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System
- Executive Order 12273 − Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System
- Executive Order 12274 − Military pay and allowances
- Executive Order 12275 − Design Liaison Council
- Executive Order 12276 − Direction relating to establishment of escrow accounts
- Executive Order 12277 − Direction to transfer Iranian Government assets
- Executive Order 12278 − Direction to transfer Iranian Government assets overseas
- Executive Order 12279 − Direction to transfer Iranian Government assets held by domestic banks
- Executive Order 12280 − Direction to transfer Iranian Government financial assets held by non-banking institutions
- Executive Order 12281 − Direction to transfer certain Iranian Government assets
- Executive Order 12282 − Revocation of prohibitions against transactions involving Iran
- Executive Order 12283 − Non-prosecution of claims of hostages and for actions at the United States Embassy and elsewhere
- Executive Order 12284 − Restrictions on the transfer of property of the former Shah of Iran
- Executive Order 12285 − President's Commission on Hostage Compensation
- Executive Order 12286 − Responses to environmental damage
- ↑ NOTE: The total number of Executive orders issued for each administration includes number-and-letter designated orders, such as 11577-A, 11616-A, etc.
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