Ivan Turgenev
- Rudin (Рудин, 1856, translated by Constance Garnett) (external scan)
- A House of Gentlefolk (Дворянское гнездо, 1859, translated by Constance Garnett)
- also translated as A Nobleman's Nest by Isabel F. Hapgood in 1903 (external scan)
- On the Eve (Накануне, 1860, translated by Constance Garnett)
- Fathers and Sons (Отцы и дети, 1862, translated by Richard Hare) (external scan)
- translated by Constance Garnett (1895); 1917 edition: (external scan)
- Smoke (Дым, 1867)
- Virgin Soil (Новь, 1877) translated by Constance Garnett published 1920
- translated by T. S. Perry published 1877 (external scan)
- translated by I. F. Hapgood published 1904 (external scan) (external scan)
Short stories
- Andrei Kolosov (Андрей Колосов, 1844) (transcription project)
- The Jew (Жид, 1846)
- The Duellist (Бретёр, 1846)
- Three Portraits (Три портрета, 1846)
- Pyetushkov (Петушков, 1847)
- "How Russians Meet Death" in Littell's Living Age, 132 (1701) (Смерть, 1847)
- The Diary of a Superfluous Man (Дневник лишнего человека, 1850)
- The Provincial Lady (Провинциалка, 1851)
- Mumu (Муму, 1852)
- A Hunter's Sketches (Записки охотника, 1852-1874)
- Faust (Фауст, 1855) (transcription project)
- Yakov Pasinkov (Яков Пасынков, 1855) (transcription project)
- A Correspondence (Переписка, 1856) (transcription project)
- A Tour in the Forest {Поездка в Полесье, 1857) (transcription project)
- Asya (Ася, 1857) (transcription project)
- First Love (Первая любовь, 1860)
- Enough (Довольно, 1864)
- "Visions" in Littell's Living Age, 145 (1869) (Призраки, 1864)
- The Brigadier (Бригадир, 1867)
- An Unhappy Girl (Несчастная, 1868)
- A Strange Story (Странная история, 1869)
- A Lear of the Steppes (Степной король Лир, 1870) (transcription project)
- The Torrents of Spring (Вешние воды, 1870)
- Punin and Baburin (Пунин и Бабурин, 1874)
- Old Portraits (Старые портреты, 1881)
- A Desperate Character (Отчаянный, 1881)
- The Song of Triumphant Love (Песнь торжествующей любви, 1881)
- The Mysterious Tales (После смерти. Клара Милич, 1883)
- The Dog
- A Rash Thing to Do (1843, Неосторожность)
- ? (Где тонко, там и рвется, 1847)
- ? (Завтрак у предводителя, 1849/1856)
- A Conversation on the Highway (Разговор на большой дороге, 1850/1851)
- ? (Безденежье, 1846/1852)
- The Hanger-On; Fortune's Fool; The Family Charge (Нахлебник, 1857/1862)
- A Month in the Country (Месяц в деревне, 1855/1872)
- An Evening in Sorrento (Вечер в Сорренто, 1882)
The Novels of Ivan Turgenev
Collected works in 15 volumes, translated by Constance Garnett
- Volume I: Rudin
- Volume II: A House of Gentlefolk
- Volume III: On the Eve
- Volume IV: Fathers and Children
- Volume V: Smoke
- Volumes VI and VII: Virgin Soil
- Volumes VIII and IX: A Sportsman's Sketches
Volume X: Dream Tales and Prose Poems
- Volume XI: The Torrents of Spring (transcription project)
- Volume XII: A Lear of the Steppes and Other Stories (transcription project)
- Volume XIII: The Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories (transcription project)
- Volume XIV: A Desperate Character and Other Stories (transcription project)
- Volume XV: The Jew and Other Stories (transcription project)
Works about Turgenev
- "Tourguenieff, Ivan," in Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition (1875–1889)
- "Tourgeneff, Iwan," in Alumni Oxonienses: the Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886, by Joseph Foster, London: Parker and Co. (1888–1892) in 4 vols.
- "Turgenev, Ivan," in The New Student's Reference Work, Chicago: F.E. Compton and Co. (1914)
- Ivan Turgenev in Library of the World's Best Literature
- Ivan Turgenev (1903), by Henry James
- Turgenev by William Lyon Phelps in "Essays on Russian Novelists"
- "Turgueniev, Ivan," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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