Thomas Hobbes
- (tr.) Eight bookes of the Peloponnesian Warre (1629), by Thucydides, (external scan)
- De Mirabilibus Pecci (1636)
- (tr.) De Mirabilibus Pecci: being the Wonders of the Peak in Darby-shire commonly called the Devil's Arse of Peak (1678)
- A Breefe of Aristotle's Rhetorick [1637] (external scan)
- Objectiones ad Cartesii Meditationes (1641)
- (tr.) Six Metaphysical Meditations (1680)
- Elementorum Philosophiae Sectio Tertia De Cive (1642)
- {tr.) Philosophicall Rudiments Concerning Government and Society (1651), translated by Edmund Waller
- "Preface to Ballistica" in Cogitata Physico-Mathematica (1644) by Marin Mersenne
- "Preface to Tractatus Opticus" in Cogitata Physico-Mathematica (1644) by Mersenne
- "The Answer of Mr. Hobbes to Sir William D'Avenant's Preface before Gondibert", in A Discourse upon Gondibert: an Heroick Poem (1650), by William Davenant
- Human Nature, or the Fundamental Elements of Policy (1650)
- De Corpore Politico. Or the Elements of Law, Moral & Politick (1650)
- The Elements of Law Natural and Politic (1889), based on a manuscript dated 1640
- Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme, & Power Of A Common-wealth Ecclesiasticall And Civill (1651) (external scan)
- Of Liberty and Necessity (1654)
- An Answer to a Book published by Dr. Bramhall, late Bishop of Derry, called "The Catching of the Leviathan" (1682), but written in 1668
- Elementorum Philosophiæ sectio prima. De Corpore (1655)
- (tr.) Elements of Philosophy, the First Section, Concerning Body. Written in Latine by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. and Now Translated Into English. To which are added Six Lessons to the Professors of Mathematicks of the Institution of Sir Henry Savile, in the University of Oxford (1656) (external scan)
- Στίγμαι Ἀγεωμετρίας Ἀγροικίας Ἀντιπολιτείας Ἀμαθείας, or Marks of the Absurd Geometry, Rural Language, Scottish Church Politics, and Barbarisms of John Wallis (1657)
- Elementorum Philosophiæ, sectio secunda de Homine (1658)
- Examinatio et emendatio Mathematicæ Hodiernæ, qualis explicatur in libris Johannis Wallisii, Geometriæ Professoris Saviliana in Academia Oxoniensi, Distributa in sex Dialogos (1660)
- Dialogus Physicus sive de Natura Aeris Conjectura sumpta ab Experimentis nuper Londini habitis in Collegio Greshamensi Item De Duplicatione Cubi (1661)
- Problemata Physica (1662)
- (tr.) Seven Philosophical Problems, and Two Propositions of Geometry (1682)
- Mr. Hobbes considered in His Loyalty, Religion, Reputation, and Manners, by way of Letter to Dr Wallis (1662) (external scan)
- De Principiis et Ratiocinatione Geometrarum (1666)
- "To the Honourable Edward Howard, Esq; on his intended Impression of his Poem Of the British Princes", in The British Princes: An Heroick Poem (1669), by Edward Howard
- Quadratura Circuli; Cubatio Sphæræ; Duplicatio Cubi breviter demonstrata (1669)
- Quadratura Circuli; Cubatio Sphæræ; Duplicatio Cubi, una cum Responsione ad objectiones Geometriæ Professoris Saviliani Oxoniæ editas (1669)
- To the Right Honourable and othrs, the Learned Members of the Royal Society, for the Advancement of the Sciences Presenteth to your Consideration, your most humble servant Thomas Hobbes, a Confutation of a Theoreme which hath along time passed for Truth; to the_great hinderance of Geometry .... (1671)
- To the Right Honourable and othrs, the Learned Members of the Royal Society, for the Advancement of the Sciences Presenteth to your Consideration, your most humble servant Thomas Hobbes, two Propositions . . . (1671)
- Three Papers presented to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis, with Considerations on Dr. Wallis his Answer to them (1671)
- Rosetum Geometricum (1671)
- (tr.) "A Garden of Geometrical Roses; or Some Propositions Being Hitherto Hid", in Mellificium Mensionis: or, the Marrow of Measuring (1682), by Venterus Mandey (external scan)
- Lux Mathematica: excussa Collisionibus Johannis Wallisii et Thomæ Hobbesii (1672)
- The Travels of Ulysses; As They Were Related by Himself in Homer's Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Books of His Odysses, to Alcinous King of Phæacia (1673) [partial translation of the Odyssey]
- Epistola Thomæ Hobbes Malmsburiensis ad Dominum Antonium à Wood authorum Historiæ & Antiquitatum Universitatis Oxoniensis (1674)
- Principia et Problemata aliquot Geometrica, ante desperata nunc breviter explicata (1674)
- (tr.) "Some Principles and Problems in Geometry Thought Formerly Desperate; Now Briefly Explained and Demonstrated", in Mellificium Mensionis: or, the Marrow of Measuring (1682), by Venterus Mandey (external scan)
- Homer's Odysses. Translated by Tho. Hobbes of Malmesbury. With a Large Preface Concerning the Vertues of an Heroique Poem (1675) [complete translation of the Odyssey]
- Homer's Iliads in English (1676), by Homer
- Decameron Physiologicum, or Ten Dialogues of Natural Philosophy (1678)
- The History of the Civil Wars of England from the Year 1640, to 1660 (1679)
- Behemoth: or, the Long Parliament (Tönnies ed., 1889)
- Thomæ Hobbesii Malmesburiensis Vita (1679)
- The Life of Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. Written by Himself in a Latine Poem and now Translated into English (1680) (external scan)
- The Last Sayings, or Dying Legacy of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmesbury, who Departed this Life on Thursday, Decemb. 4. 1679 (1680)
- An Historical Narration concerning Heresie and the Punishment thereof (1680)
- "Dialogue between a Philosopher and a Student of the Common Law of England", in The Art of Rhetoric, with a Discourse of the Laws of England(1681)
- Historia Ecclesiastica, Carmine Elegiaco concinnata, (1688)
- (tr.) A True Ecclesiastical History, from Moses, to the Time of Martin Luther, in Verse (1722)
Collected editions
- The Moral and Political Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury (1750) (external scan)
- The Ethics of Hobbes (1898) (external scan)
- The Metaphysical System of Hobbes (1905) (external scan)
- The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury; Now First Collected and Edited by Sir William Molesworth, Bart. (11 vols., 1839-1845) (transcription volumes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
Works about Hobbes
- "Hobbes, Thomas," in Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, London: Smith, Elder, & Co. (1885–1900) in 63 vols.
- "Hobbes, Thomas," in A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature, by John William Cousin, London: J. M. Dent & Sons (1910)
- "Hobbes, Thomas," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- The Metaphysical System of Hobbes (1905), edited by Mary Whiton Calkins (start transcription)
- The Social Compact (1842), by John Quincy Adams (external scan)
- Hobbes (1886), by George Croom Robertson (external scan)
- "Hobbes" in Studies New and Old (1888), by William Leonard Courtney (external scan)
- Hobbes (1904), by Leslie Stephen, (external scan)
- "Thomas Hobbes" in A History of Political Theories from Luther to Montesquieu (1905), by William Archibald Dunning (external scan)
- "Thomas Hobbes" in Free Will and Four English Philosophers: Hobbes, Locke, Hume and Mill (1906) by Joseph Rickaby, 1906 (external scan)
- Thomas Hobbes (1908), by Alfred Edward Taylor (external scan)
- Idea and Essence in the Philosophies of Hobbes and Spinoza (1918), by Albert G. A. Balz (external scan)

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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