Leslie Stephen
- Alexander Pope (1880)(transcription project)
- The "Times" on the American War: a historical study (1865) external scan
- Sketches from Cambridge (1865) external scan
- Essays on freethinking and plainspeaking (1873) external scan
- Hours in a Library (1874) 1st, 2nd series, 3rd series
- History of English thought in the eighteenth century (1876) external scan
- Samuel Johnson (1878) external scan
- Swift (1882) external scan
- The science of ethics (1882) external scan
- Life of Henry Fawcett (1885) external scan
- An Agnostic's Apology (1893) external scan
- Sir Victor Brooke, Sportsman & Naturalist (1894) external scan
- The life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, Bart, K.C.S.I., a judge of the High Court of Justice (1895) external scan
- Studies of a Biographer (4 vols., 1898–1902)
- Letters of John Richard Green (1901) external scan
Articles in Popular Science Monthly
Contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900
- Adams, William (1706-1789)
- Addison, Joseph
- Aikenhead, Thomas
- Aldrich, Henry
- Alison, Archibald (1757-1839)
- Alison, Archibald (1792-1867)
- Allardice, Robert Barclay
- Allen, Thomas (1681-1755)
- Allen, William (1770-1843)
- Alsop, Anthony
- Amory, Thomas (1691?-1788)
- Andrewes, Gerrard
- Annesley, James
- Annet, Peter
- Arblay, Frances
- Arbuthnot, John
- Asgill, John
- Ashe, St. George
- Austen, Jane
- Backhouse, Edward
- Bailey, Samuel
- Balguy, John
- Balguy, Thomas
- Bampfylde, John Codrington
- Barclay, Robert (1648-1690)
- Barnard, Edward (1717-1781)
- Baron, Richard
- Baron, Robert (1593?-1639)
- Barratt, Alfred
- Bate, Julius
- Baxter, Andrew
- Berkeley, George (1685-1753)
- Blackburne, Francis (1705-1787)
- Blacklock, Thomas
- Blair, Hugh
- Blandy, Mary
- Blount, Charles (1654-1693)
- Bohun, Edmund
- Boswell, James (1740-1795)
- Bott, Thomas (1688-1754)
- Brett, Thomas
- Brontë, Charlotte
- Brown, John (1715-1766)
- Brown, Thomas (1778-1820)
- Browne, Peter
- Browne, Simon
- Browne, William (1692-1774)
- Brydges, James
- Buckle, Henry Thomas
- Budgell, Eustace
- Burgh, James
- Burnet, Thomas (1635?-1715)
- Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
- Burrow, Reuben
- Burton, Hezekiah
- Butler, Joseph
- Byrom, John
- Byron, George Gordon
- Cairnes, John Elliot
- Calverley, Charles Stuart
- Cameron, Charles Hay
- Campbell, Archibald (1691-1756)
- Campbell, George (1719-1796)
- Carey, Henry (d.1743)
- Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881)
- Cartwright, Christopher
- Chandler, Edward
- Chandler, Samuel
- Chubb, Thomas
- Churchill, Charles (1731-1764)
- Churchill, John (1650-1722)
- Clare, John (1793-1864)
- Clark, William George
- Clarke, Henry
- Clarke, Samuel (1599-1683)
- Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729)
- Clifford, William Kingdon
- Clough, Arthur Hugh
- Cockburn, Catharine
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
- Collier, Arthur
- Collins, Anthony
- Collins, William (1721-1759)
- Combe, George
- Concanen, Matthew
- Congreve, William (1670-1729)
- Conybeare, John (1692-1755)
- Cooke, William (1711-1797)
- Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1671-1713)
- Coward, William (1657?-1725)
- Cowley, Abraham
- Cowper, Spencer (1669-1728)
- Cowper, William (1731-1800)
- Crabbe, George
- Cradock, Joseph
- Cromek, Robert Hartley
- Cross, Mary Ann
- Cudworth, Ralph
- Culverwel, Nathanael
- Cumberland, Richard (1631-1718)
- Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
- Cunningham, Allan (1784-1842)
- Cunningham, John William
- Cyples, William
- Damer, Anne Seymour
- Darwin, Erasmus
- Davies, Sneyd
- Davies, Thomas (1712?-1785)
- Davis, Henry Edwards
- Day, Thomas
- Defoe, Daniel
- Delany, Mary
- Delany, Patrick
- De Morgan, Augustus
- De Quincey, Thomas
- Derham, William (1657-1735)
- Desmaizeaux, Pierre
- Dickens, Charles
- Ditton, Humphrey
- Dodd, William
- Dodington, George Bubb
- Douglas, John (1721-1807)
- Drew, Samuel
- Dryden, John
- Duck, Stephen
- Dunton, John
- Dyer, George
- Dyer, John
- Dymond, Jonathan
- Edgeworth, Maria
- Edgeworth, Richard Lovell
- Edwards, Thomas (1699-1757)
- Elstob, Elizabeth
- Elstob, William
- Etherege, George (1635?-1691)
- Evelyn, John (1620-1706)
- Falconer, William (1732-1769)
- Farquhar, George
- Fawcett, Henry
- Feilding, Robert
- Ferrier, James Frederick
- Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone
- Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)
- Fielding, John
- Fielding, Sarah
- Filmer, Robert
- Flecknoe, Richard
- Fleming, Margaret
- Forbes, Duncan (1685-1747)
- Foster, James
- Francis, Philip (1740-1818)
- Fuller, Thomas (1608-1661)
- Gethin, Grace
- Gibbon, Edward
- Gifford, John
- Gifford, William (1756-1826)
- Gildon, Charles
- Gisborne, Maria
- Gisborne, Thomas (1758-1846)
- Glanvill, Joseph
- Glover, Richard
- Godolphin, Margaret
- Godolphin, Sidney (1610-1643)
- Godolphin, Sidney (1645-1712)
- Godolphin, William
- Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Godwin, William (1803-1832)
- Godwin, William (1756-1836)
- Goldsmith, Oliver
- Goodall, Joseph
- Gordon, George (1751-1793)
- Gordon, Thomas (d.1750)
- Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)
- Green, Matthew
- Green, Thomas Hill
- Grey, Zachary
- Gurney, Russell
- Hallam, Henry
- Hamilton, William (1788-1856)
- Harrington, James (1611-1677)
- Harris, James (1709-1780)
- Hartley, David (1705-1757)
- Hawkins, John (1719-1789)
- Hazlitt, William
- Higgins, Matthew James
- Hill, Aaron
- Hobbes, Thomas
- Hoole, John
- Horneck, Anthony
- Hume, David (1711-1776)
- Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)
- Hutchinson, John (1674-1737)
- Jeffrey, Francis
- Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
- Kinglake, Alexander William
- Kingsley, Charles
- Kingsley, Henry
- Landor, Walter Savage
- Langton, Bennet
- Law, William (1686-1761)
- Leechman, William
- Leland, John (1691-1766)
- Lewes, George Henry
- Lewis, Matthew Gregory
- Locke, John (1632-1704)
- Lockhart, John Gibson
- Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-
- Macaulay, Thomas Babington
- Macaulay, Zachary
- Mackintosh, James (1765-1832)
- Maine, Henry James Sumner
- Malthus, Thomas Robert
- Mandeville, Bernard
- Mansel, Henry Longueville
- Martineau, Harriet
- Mason, William (1724-1797)
- Maurice, Frederick Denison
- Merivale, Herman
- Middleton, Conyers
- Mill, James (1773-1836)
- Mill, John Stuart
- Millar, John (1735-1801)
- Milton, John (1608-1674)
- Molesworth, William
- Montagu, Mary Wortley
- More, Hannah
- Morgan, Thomas (d.1743)
- Morison, James Augustus Cotter
- Napier, Macvey
- Nelson, Robert
- Newton, Thomas (1704-1782)
- Norris, John (1657-1711)
- North, Marianne
- Oliphant, Laurence (1829-1888)
- Owen, Robert (1771-1858)
- Paine, Thomas
- Paley, William
- Parr, Samuel
- Pearce, Zachary
- Pepys, Samuel
- Philips, Ambrose
- Piozzi, Hester Lynch
- Poole, Thomas
- Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
- Praed, Winthrop Mackworth
- Raikes, Robert
- Reid, Thomas (1710-1796)
- Ricardo, David
- Richardson, Samuel (1689-1761)
- Rickman, John
- Robertson, George Croom
- Saint-John, Henry
- Scott, Walter (1771-1832)
- Senior, Nassau William
- Smith, Adam
- Smith, Sydney
- Spedding, James
- Stephen, Alfred
- Stephen, George
- Stephen, Henry John
- Stephen, James (1758-1832)
- Stephen, James (1789-1859) (his father)
- Stephen, James Fitzjames
- Stewart, Dugald
- Swift, Jonathan
- Taylor, Henry (1800-1886)
- Thackeray, William Makepeace
- Thornton, Henry
- Tindal, Matthew
- Toland, John
- Tooke, John Horne
- Tucker, Abraham
- Tucker, Josiah
- Warburton, William
- Whewell, William
- Whiston, William
- White, Joseph Blanco
- Wilberforce, William
- Wollaston, William (1660-1724)
- Wordsworth, William
- Young, Edward
Contributions to the EB9
- "Browning, Robert," in Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition (1875–1889)
- "Carlyle, Thomas," in Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition (1875–1889)
Contributions to the EB1911
- "Browning, Robert," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- "Carlyle, Thomas," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- The Alps or Sketches of Life and Nature in the Mountains (1861), translated from Die Alpen in Natur und Lebensbildern by Hermann Alexander von Berlepsch
Works on Stephen
- "Stephen, Leslie," in Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 supplement, London: Smith, Elder, & Co. (1912) in 3 vols.
- "Stephen, Sir Leslie," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)

Works by this author published before January 1, 1927 are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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