< Author:Alice Meynell
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- Advent Meditation (same as "Meditation")
- After a Parting
- At a Poet's Grave (same as "Sonnet": Rather unto the Truth than unto one)
- At Night
- Chimes
- Christ in the Universe
- Christmas Night
- A Comparison in a Seaside Field
- The Courts
- Cradle-Song at Twilight
- The Crucifixion
- A Day of Clear Weather in England (same as "A Wind of Clear Weather in England")
- The Day to the Night (same as "Song of the Day to the Night")
- A Dead Harvest
- The Divine Prerogative (same as "The Divine Privilege")
- The Divine Privilege
- Easter Night
- The English Metres
- "Everlasting Farewells"
- The Garden (same as "Sonnet": My heart shall be thy garden. Come, my own)
- A General Communion
- "I am the Way"
- In Autumn
- In Early Spring
- In February (same as "Sonnet": Rich meanings of the prophet-Spring adorn)
- In Honour of America, 1917
- In Manchester Square
- In Portugal, 1912
- In Sleep
- Intimations of Mortality
- The Lady Poverty
- The Launch
- The Laws of Verse
- Length of Days: To the Early Dead in Battle
- A Letter from a Girl to her own Old Age
- "Lord, I owe Thee a Death"
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Love of Narcissus (same as "Sonnet": Like him who met his own eyes in the river)
- The Lover Urges the Better Thrift (same as "Song": My Fair, no beauty of thine will last)
- "The Marriage of True Minds"
- Maternity
- Meditation (same as "Advent Meditation")
- Messina, 1908
- The Modern Mother
- The Moon to the Sun
- The Neophyte (same as "The Young Neophyte")
- The Newer Vainglory
- November Blue
- Nurse Edith Cavell
- The October Redbreast
- Parentage
- Parted
- The Poet and his Book
- A Poet of one Mood (same as "Sonnet": Thou poet of one mood in all thy lays, with changes)
- The Poet to his Childhood
- The Poet to Nature (same as "Sonnet": I have no secrets from thee, lyre sublime)
- The Poet to the Birds
- A Poet's Wife
- The Poets (in Preludes, 1875)
- Pygmalion (in Preludes, 1875)
- The Question
- The Rainy Summer
- Reflexions
- Regrets
- Renouncement
- "The Return to Nature"
- "Rivers Unknown to Song"
- The Roaring Frost
- Saint Catherine of Siena
- San Lorenzo Giustiniani's Mother (same as "San Lorenzo's Mother")
- San Lorenzo's Mother
- A Shattered Lute (same as "Sonnet": I touched the heart that loved me as a player)
- The Shepherdess
- Singers to Come
- "Soeur Monique"
- Song (As the inhastening tide doth roll) (same as "The Visiting Sea")
- Song (My Fair, no beauty of thine will last) (same as "The Lover Urges the Better Thrift")
- A Song of Derivations
- Song of the Night at Daybreak
- Song of the Day to the Night (same as "The Day to the Night")
- Song of the Spring to the Summer (same as "The Spring to the Summer")
- Sonnet (I have no secrets from thee, lyre sublime) (same as "The Poet to Nature")
- Sonnet (I touched the heart that loved me as a player) (same as "A Shattered Lute")
- Sonnet (Like him who met his own eyes in the river) (same as "The Love of Narcissus")
- Sonnet (My heart shall be thy garden. Come, my own) (same as "The Garden")
- Sonnet (O'er the Campagna it is dim warm weather) (same as "Spring on the Alban Hills")
- Sonnet (Rather unto the Truth than unto one) (same as "At a Poet's Grave")
- Sonnet (Rich meanings of the prophet-Spring adorn) (same as "In February")
- Sonnet (Slight as thou art, thou art enough to hide) (same as "To a Daisy")
- Sonnet (Thou poet of one mood in all thy lays) (same as "A Poet of One Mood")
- Sonnet (We never meet; yet we meet day by day) (same as "Thoughts in Separation")
- Sonnet (Who knows what days I answer for to-day) (same as "The Young Neophyte")
- Sonnet (Who looked for thee, thou little song of mine) (same as "To One Poem in a Silent Time")
- Sonnet (Your own fair youth, you care so little for it) (same as "Your Own Fair Youth")
- Spring on the Alban Hills (same as "Sonnet": O'er the Campagna it is dim warm weather)
- The Spring to the Summer (same as "Song of the Spring to the Summer")
- A Study: In Three Monologues, with Interruptions (from Preludes, 1875)
- Summer in England, 1914
- Surmise
- Thoughts in Separation (same as "Sonnet": We never meet; yet we meet day by day)
- The Threshing Machine
- A Thrush Before Dawn (as "The Thrush before Dawn" in Ten Poems, 1915)
- Time's Reversals
- To "a Certain Rich Man"
- To a Daisy (same as "Sonnet": Slight as thou art, thou art enough to hide)
- To a Lost Melody (in Preludes, 1875; Poems, 1893)
- To Antiquity
- To a Poet (same as "To Any Poet")
- To Any Poet (same as "To a Poet")
- To Conscripts
- To O——, of her Dark Eyes
- To Olivia of her Dark Eyes (same as "To O——, of her Dark Eyes")
- To one Poem in a Silent Time (same as "Sonnet": Who looked for thee, thou little song of mine)
- To Silence
- To Sleep
- To Sylvia
- To the Beloved
- To the Beloved Dead (in Preludes, 1875)
- To the Body
- To the Early Dead in Battle (same as "Length of Days")
- To the Mother of Christ the Son of Man
- To Tintoretto in Venice
- The Two Poets
- The Treasure
- A Tryst that Failed (in Preludes, 1875)
- Two Boyhoods
- The Two Questions
- The Two Shakespeare Tercentenaries
- Veneration of Images
- Veni Creator
- Via, et Veritas, et Vita
- The Visiting Sea (as "Song" in Preludes, 1875)
- The Voice of a Bird
- The Watershed (for R. T.)
- West Wind in Winter
- "Why wilt thou Chide?"
- The Wind is Blind
- A Wind of Clear Weather in England (as "A Day of Clear Weather in England" in Ten Poems, 1915)
- Winter Trees on the Horizon
- The Young Neophyte (same as "Sonnet": Who knows what days I answer for to-day)
- Your Own Fair Youth (same as "Sonnet": Your own fair youth, you care so little for it)
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