< American Medical Biographies
- Gray, Asa
- Gray, John Perdue
- Green, Horace
- Green, Jacob
- Green, John (1736–1799)
- Green, John (1835–1913)
- Green, John Orne
- Green, Samuel Abbott
- Green, Thomas Fitzgerald
- Green, Traill
- Greene, Duff Warren
- Greene, William Houston
- Greene, William Warren
- Greenleaf, Charles Ravenscroft
- Greenough, Francis Boott
- Gregory, Elisha Hall
- Griffin, Corbin
- Griffin, Ezra Leonard
- Griffith, Robert Eglesfeld
- Griffitts, Samuel Powel
- Grinnell, Ashbel Parmelee
- Grissom, Eugene
- Gross, Samuel David
- Gross, Samuel Weissell
- Gruening, Emil
- Guiteras, Ramon Benjamin
- Gulick, Luther Halsey
- Gundry, Richard
- Gunn, Moses
- Guthrie, Samuel
- Haines, Job
- Hale, Enoch
- Hall-Brown, Lucy
- Hall, Lyman
- Hall, Moses Smith
- Hall, Randolph N.
- Hall, Richard Wilmot
- Hall, William Whitty
- Halliburton, John
- Hamilton, Alexander
- Hamilton, Frank Hastings
- Hamilton, John B.
- Hamlin, Augustus Choate
- Hammer, Adam
- Hammond, William Alexander
- Hand, Daniel Whilldin
- Hand, Edward
- Handerson, Henry Ebenezer
- Hanks, Horace Tracy
- Hare, Robert
- Hargis, Robert Bell Smith
- Harlan, George Cuvier
- Harlan, Richard
- Harlow, John Martyn
- Harlow, Henry Mills
- Harmon, Elijah Dewey
- Harmon, John B.
- Harrington, Charles
- Harris, Chapin Aaron
- Harris, Elisha
- Harris, Robert Patterson
- Harris, Thaddeus William
- Harrison, John Pollard
- Harrison, Samuel Alexander
- Hartley, Frank
- Hartshorne, Edward
- Hartshorne, Henry
- Hartshorne, Joseph
- Harvey, Edwin Bayard
- Haskell, Benjamin
- Hastings, Seth (1745–?), see Hastings, Seth (1780–1861)
- Hastings, Seth (1780–1861)
- Hawes, Jesse
- Hawkes, Micajah Collins
- Hay, Walter
- Hayden, Ferdinand Vandevere
- Hayden, Horace H.
- Hayes, Isaac Israel
- Haynes, Francis Leader
- Hays, Isaac
- Hayward, George
- Hayward, Lemuel, see Hayward, George
- Haywood, Edmund Burke
- Hazlett, Robert W.
- Heard, Thomas Jefferson
- Hebert, Louis
- Heitzman, Carl
- Helmuth, William Tod
- Hempel, Charles Julius
- Henderson, Andrew Augustus
- Henderson, Thomas
- Hendricks, George A.
- Henrotin, Fernand
- Henry, Morris Henry
- Herbst, Frederick William, see Herbst, William S.
- Herbst, Henry Herbert, see Herbst, William S.
- Herbst, William S.
- Herdman, William James
- Hering, Constantine
- Herrick, Henry Justus
- Herrick, Stephen Solon
- Hersey, Abner, see Hersey, Ezekiel
- Hersey, Ezekiel
- Herter, Christian Archibald
- Herzog, Maximilian Joseph
- Hetherington, George A.
- Heustis, Jabez Wiggins
- Heustis, James Fountain, see Heustis, Jabez Wiggins
- Hewetson, John
- Hewson, Addinell
- Hewson, Thomas Tickell
- Hibberd, James Farquhar
- Hickey, Amanda Sanford
- Hiester, John Philip
- Hildreth, Eugenius Augustus
- Hildreth, Samuel Prescott
- Hill, Edward Henry
- Hill, Gardner Caleb
- Hill, Hampton Eugene
- Hill, Hiram Hovey
- Hill, William Nevin
- Hills, Frederick Lyman
- Himes, Isaac Newton
- Hingston, William Hales
- Hitchcock, Alfred
- Hitchcock, Edward
- Hitchcock, Homer Owen
- Hitt, Willis Washington
- Hoar, Leonard
- Bobbins, Joseph
- Hodder, Edward Mulberry
- Hodge, Hugh Lenox
- Hodgen, John Thompson
- Hodges, Richard Manning
- Hoffman, David Bancroft
- Holbrook, John Edwards
- Holcombe, William Frederic
- Holcombe, William Henry
- Holder, Joseph Bassett
- Hole, John
- Holland, Josiah Gilbert
- Holloway, James Montgomery
- Holmes, Andrew Fernando
- Holmes, Edward Lorenzo
- Holmes, Horatio Reese
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell
- Holston, John G. F.
- Holten, Samuel
- Holtz, Ferdinand Carl
- Holyoke, Edward Augustus
- Homans, Charles Dudley
- Homans, John (1793–1868), see Homans, John (1836–1903)
- Homans, John (1836–1903)
- Homans, John (1857–1902), see Homans, John (1836–1903)
- Homberger, Julius
- Honyman, Robert
- Hood, Thomas Beal
- Hooker, Worthington
- Hooper, Franklin Henry
- Hooper, Philo Oliver
- Hooper, William Davis
- Hopkins, Lemuel
- Horn, George Henry
- Horner, Gustavus B.
- Horner, William Edmonds
- Horr, Asa
- Horr, Oren Alonzo
- Horsfield, Thomas
- Horton, George Firman
- Horwitz, Phineas Jonathan
- Hosack, Alexander Eddy
- Hosack, David
- Hough, Benjamin Franklin
- Hough, Horatio Gates, see Hough, Benjamin Franklin
- Hough, Jacob B.
- Hough, John Stockton
- Houghton, Douglas
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