Hartshorne, Henry (1823–1897).
Henry Hartshorne, son of Dr. Joseph Hartshorne (q. v.), was born on March 16, 1823, in Philadelphia, his mother being a daughter of Isaac Bonsall, a preacher in the Society of Friends.
When thirteen he went to Haverford College and took his A. B. in 1839, his M. D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 1845, and the honorary LL. D. from there in 1884. Three years after his election as resident physician to the Pennsylvania Hospital, in 1846, he married Mary, daughter of Jeremiah Brown of Philadelphia.
It was as teacher and writer that Dr. Hartshorne did his best work. "His broad culture and high attainments, his calm serenity of character, were universally recognized."
He was selected professor of the institutes of medicine in the Philadelphia College of Medicine in 1853, and in June, 1855, was made a consulting physician and lecturer in clinical medicine to the Philadelphia Hospital.
The list given of honorable appointments filled, of books written, inadequately represent the human side of a man. He advocated the cause of women physicians in 1872; was interested in the salvation, spiritually and medically, of Japan in the prohibition of opium, the care of the insane, and in all missionary work. When, finally, he died in Tokio, on February 10, 1897, the funeral was attended by Japanese and other foreigners, by missionaries, merchants, teachers and medical students.
Among his appointments were professor of the practice of medicine, Pennsylvania College; professor of anatomy and physiology, Philadelphia Central High School; professor of hygiene, Pennsylvania University; professor of organic science and philosophy, Haverford College; president, Howland College School; fellow of the College of Physicians.
His chief writings were:
"Essentials of the Principles and Practice of Medicine," 1867; "On Organic Physics." "Proceedings of American Philosophical Society;" articles in "Johnson's New Illustrated Cyclopedia" on anatomy, philosophy, brain, breast, chest circulation of the blood, deaf mutes and evolution; "On Some Disputed Points in Physiological Optics"; "On the Theory of Erect Vision With Inverted Images"; "On Ocular Color Spectra and Their Causation"; "Medical Record for Private Medical Statistics." Prepared under the sanction of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania and of the Biological Department of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, 1859; "Memoranda Medica," 1860.
He was an editor of the Friends Review, after 1872, and he wrote a dramatic romance entitled, "Woman's Witchcraft, or the Curse of Coquetry" (1854), and "Summer Songs."