BURNEY. (Captain, 1835. f-p., 20; h-p., 20.)
James Burney is son of the late Dr. Burney, of Gosport, co. Hants.
This officer entered the Navy, 6 Jan. 1807, as Ordinary, on board the Puissant 74, Capt. John Irwin, lying at Spithead; was transferred, as Midshipman, in May, 1808, to the Warspite 74, Capt. Hon. Henry Blackwood, employed in the North Sea and Channel; and afterwards served, from Nov. 1809, until Jan. 1814 – in the Arethusa 38, Capt. Robt. Mends, under whom he contributed to the destruction, in the summer of 1810, of all the batteries, with the exception of Castro, from St. Sebastian to St. Andero, mounting in the whole about 100 pieces of heavy cannon – Bellerophon 74, flagship off the Texel of Rear-Admiral John Ferrier – and Crocodile 28, Capt. Wm. Elliott, on the coast of Portugal. He then for several months, with his name on the books of the Rodney and San Juan 74’s, had charge of a Signal station at Fort St. Julian, and, while so occupied, received his first commission, dated 4 July, 1814. His next appointments were – 17 Nov. 1814, to L’Aigle 36, Capt. Sir John Louis, in the West Indies – 25 Aug. 1815, to the Fowey 24, Capt. Hew Steuart, fitting at Plymouth for the East Indies – 2 Jan. 1816, to the Comus 22, Capts. Thos. Tudor Tucker and Jas. John Gordon Bremer, in which ship he was wrecked, on a reef of rocks off St. Shott’s, Newfoundland, 24 Oct. following – 7 Dec. 1821, to the Coast Guard – 12 Oct. 1825, to the Victory 104, flag-ship at Portsmouth of Sir Geo. Martin – and, 18 Jan. 1828, to the Tribune 42, Capt. John Wilson, on the South American station, whence he returned to England on advancement to the rank of Commander, 24 Dec. 1829. Capt. Burney subsequently joined, 19 July, 1833, and 29 April, 1834, the Wasp and Arachne sloops, on the North America and West India station. He was advanced to Post-rank 10 Dec. 1835, but has not since been afloat.
He married, 24 Jan. 1822, Mary, only daughter of P. L. Burnett, Esq., and has issue.