Spring bud

Spring bud is the color that used to be called spring green before the X11 web color spring green was formulated in 1987 when the X11 colors were first invented. This color is now called spring bud to avoid confusion with the web color.[1][2]

This box shows the color spring bud.

The color spring bud is also called soft spring green or spring green (traditional).

The first written use of spring green as a color name in English (meaning the color that is now called spring bud) was in 1766.[3]

Meaning of spring bud

  • The color spring bud is representative of and brings to mind the young buds of growing vegetation in early spring, and thus it is associated with new life.

Tones of spring bud color comparison chart

Name Color HEX Code Red Green Blue Hue Sat Lum Source
Pale Spring Bud #ECEBBD 236 235 189 059° 55% 83% ("Spring Green" (Crayola))
Medium Spring Bud #C9DC89 201 220 137 074° 54% 70% (Spring Green (ISCC-NBS)) (June Green (Plochere))
Go Bunny Go #C2E20D 194 226 13 069° 89% 47% (Colour [sic] Lovers 2011 Color of the Year)
June Bud #BDDA57 189 218 87 073° 64% 60% (ISCC-NBS) (Growth Green (Plochere))
Spring Bud #A7FC00 167 252 0 080° 100% 49% (Spring Green (Maerz & Paul))
Go Go Go #98DF62 152 223 98 094° 66% 63% (Resene color list)
Dizzy Lizzy #80CA2B 128 202 43 088° 65% 48% (Resene color list)
Bud Green #7BB661 123 182 97 102° 37% 55% (Pantone TPX 15-6442)
Groovy #5CA345 92 163 69 105° 41% 45% (Resene color list)
May Green #4C9141 76 145 65 112° 38% 41% (RAL 6017)


  1. "The color spring bud:". Archived from the original on 2016-03-05. Retrieved 2012-04-14.
  2. The color displayed in the color box above matches the color called spring green in the 1930 book by Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill; the color spring green is displayed on page 59, Plate 18, Color Sample J7.
  3. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 205; Color Sample of Spring Green: Page 59 Plate 18 Color Sample J7 (Note: Before the formulation of the X11 color list color spring green in 1987, Spring Green was thought of as a light green tinted toward the yellow that is shown in the color box above labeled spring bud and in the color sample labeled spring green in Maerz and Paul, instead of the pure spectrum web color spring green halfway between green and cyan that is now regarded as the color spring green.)
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