Sky blue

Sky blue is a shade of cyan.

This box shows the color Sky blue.

Shades of sky blue

Vivid sky blue

A vivid shade of sky blue


A lighter shade of cyan

 celeste (sky blue, heavenly blue) 030000000000178255255B2FFFF
 celeste polvere (powdery) 010000000000230255255E6FFFF
 celeste pallido (pale) 016000003000204255255CCFFFF
 celeste velato (veiled / overcast) 020010010000204230230CCE6E6
 celeste opaco (opaque) 05002002000012820420480CCCC

Deep sky blue

A deep shade of sky blue

Color codes

Sky blue

  • In hex:#87CEEB

Vivid skyblue

  • In hex:#00CCFF


  • In hex:#B2FFFF

Deep skyBlue

  • In hex:#00BFFF
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