Sigrid the Haughty

Sigrid the Haughty also known as Sigríð Storråda was Queen Consort of the North Sea Empire, (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and England) from her marriage to Erik the Victorious, though Sigrid may have actually been married to Sweyn Forkbeard.

Sigríð Storråda
Queen Consort of the Danes, Swedes, English, and Norwegians
SpouseErik Segersäll
Sweyn Forkbeard
IssueOlof Skötkonung
Estrid Svendsdatter
FatherSkoglar Toste?
ReligionDanish Paganism

Sigrid's existence is widely disputed, Sigrid may have actually been a Polish Princess named Świętosława of Poland or possibly Sigrid could have been another Pole named Gunhilda of Wenden. It also is possible Sigrid, Gunhilda or Świętosława had not existed, and Erik married Aud Haakonsdottir.

Sigrid probably died in Norway, her daughter Estrid continued Sigrid's legacy by having a son who became future king of the Danes.


According to the famous Swedish saga of Heimskringla, Sigrid was the daughter of Skolgar Toste and an unknown mother. Sigrid was described as beautiful but unforgiving and uninterested in marriage.

She was a sought after bride for her beauty, which annoyed Sigrid who was still very vengeful of her past.

Once when Olaf Tryggvason of Viken proposed to Sigrid, Sigrid accepted but Erik of Sweyn told Sigrid she would have to convert to Christianity. Sirgid who was a devout Pagan and worshiped the old gods of Germania, rejected. Olaf in fury lashes Sigrid a few times with a stick or glove, Sigrid warns Olaf this might lead to his death.

Sigrid eventually married either Erik the Victorious, or Sweyn Forkbeard and had 3 children, Olof, Emund and Estrid. The rest of Sigrid's life remains unknown and she probably died in Norway.

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