Religious Confucianism
Religious Confucianism is the idea that Confucianism is a religion. It originated in the time of Confucius with his defense of traditional religious institutions of his time such as the Jongmyo rites, and the Ritual Music System.[1]

The Chinese name for Religious Confucianism is Rujiao (Chinese: 儒教; pinyin: rujiao), the word for secular Confucianism is Rujia (Chinese: 儒家; pinyin: Rújiā). The differences can be roughly translated with 教 jiao meaning religion, and 家 jia meaning school.
Religious Confucianism includes ancestor worship, sacrifices, and sacrifices to heaven in its practice.[2]
Religious Confucianism worships Confucius, the seventy-two disciples, Mencius, Zhu Xi,[3] and Shangdi.[4]
In Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism, are called the "three teachings."[5]
Religious Confucianism has been promoted by the government from the Han dynasty until the 1911 Revolution. The Five Classics became the foundation of the Chinese legal system, and the Spring and Autumn Courts.[6] Religious Confucian organizations known as Confucian Churches formed in the Qing dynasty have significant popularity among Overseas Chinese people today.[7]
Related pages
- "杨富荣:孔子的礼乐教化思想". Retrieved 2022-07-12.
- 任文利 (2017-02-07). "《儒教作为"国民宗教"的向度考察》". 《原道》 (第23辑).
- Theobald, Ulrich. "Religious Aspects of Confucianism (". Retrieved 2022-07-16.
- Huang, Yong (July 22, 2007). "Confucian Theology: Three Models: Confucian Theology: Three Models". Religion Compass. 1 (4): 455–478. doi:10.1111/j.1749-8171.2007.00032.x.
- "Living in the Chinese Cosmos: Understanding Religion in Late-Imperial China".
- "钦定古今图书集成/明伦汇编/氏族典/第225卷 - 维基文库,自由的图书馆".
- Chen, Yong (2013). Confucianism as religion : controversies and consequences. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-24378-1. OCLC 821180610.
Other websites
- 黃克武:〈民國初年孔教問題之爭論,1913–1917 (页面存档备份,存于)〉。
- 張祥龍:〈Religious Confucianism的重建〉 (页面存档备份,存于)(2008)
- 張祥龍:〈重建Religious Confucianism的危險、必要及其中行路線〉 (页面存档备份,存于)(2008)
- 吳震:〈近代中国转型时代“政教关系”问题——以反思康有为“孔教”运动为核心 Archived 2020-12-18 at the Wayback Machine (页面存档备份,存于)〉。
- 柯若樸:〈「民間Religious Confucianism」概念之試探:以臺灣儒宗神教為例 (页面存档备份,存于)〉。