President of Serbia

The President of Serbia is the head of state of the Republic of Serbia. Prior to the title of President, head of state which ruled Serbia was called a King. Presently serving as the head of state is President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. President Tadic was elected for a second term with a 50.31% majority in the 2008 Serbian presidential election.[1] Tomislav Nikolić was President after winning the 2012 election. Aleksandar Vučić is the current President since winning the 2017 election.

President of Serbia
Standard of the President of Serbia
Aleksandar Vučić

since May 31, 2017
ResidenceNovi Dvor
Term length5 years, renewable once
Inaugural holderSlobodan Milošević
Formation11 January 1991

Socialist Republic of Serbia (1944–1992)

SR Serbia within Democratic Federal Yugoslavia and Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

  Communist Party / League of Communists   Socialist Party of Serbia   Denotes Acting President

President Election Term of office Party Notes
No. Portrait Name
Took office Left office Time in office
President of the Anti-fascist Assembly for the National Liberation of Serbia
N/A Siniša Stanković
Синиша Станковић
12 November 19447 April 1945146 daysCommunist PartyLeader of Serbian wartime assembly.
President of the Presidium of the People's Assembly
1 Siniša Stanković
Синиша Станковић
7 April 194520 November 19461 year, 227 daysCommunist Party
2 Aćim Grulović
Аћим Груловић
20 November 194623 December 19482 years, 33 daysCommunist Party
3 Isa Jovanović
Иса Јовановић
23 December 1948 December 1953 5 years Communist Party
Communist Party reformed and renamed into the League of Communists.
League of Communists
Presidents of the People's Assembly
4 Petar Stambolić
Петар Стамболић
December 1953April 19573 years, 4 monthsLeague of Communists
5 Jovan Veselinov
Јован Веселинов
April 195726 June 19636 years, 2 monthsLeague of Communists
6 Dušan Petrović Šane
Душан Петровић Шане
26 June 19636 May 19673 years, 314 daysLeague of Communists
7 Miloš Minić
Милош Минић
6 May 19676 May 19692 years, 0 daysLeague of Communists
8 Dragoslav Marković
Драгослав Марковић
6 May 196919 April 19744 years, 348 daysLeague of Communists
9 Živan Vasiljević
Живан Васиљевић
19 April 19746 May 197417 daysLeague of Communists
Presidents of the Presidency
(8) Dragoslav Marković
Драгослав Марковић
6 May 19745 May 19783 years, 364 daysLeague of Communists
10 Dobrivoje Vidić
Добривоје Видић
5 May 19785 May 19824 years, 0 daysLeague of Communists
11 Nikola Ljubičić
Никола Љубичић
5 May 19825 May 19842 years, 0 daysLeague of Communists
12 Dušan Čkrebić
Душан Чкребић
5 May 19845 May 19851 year, 0 daysLeague of Communists
13 Ivan Stambolić
Иван Стамболић
5 May 198514 December 19872 years, 223 daysLeague of Communists
14 Petar Gračanin
Петар Грачанин
14 December 198720 March 19891 year, 96 daysLeague of Communists
N/A Ljubiša Igić
Љубиша Игић
20 March 1989 8 May 1989 49 days League of Communists Acting President
15 Slobodan Milošević
Слободан Милошевић
8 May 1989 11 January 1991 1 year, 248 days League of Communists
League of Communists reformed and renamed into the Socialist Party of Serbia.
Socialist Party of Serbia
President of the Republic
(15) Slobodan Milošević
Слободан Милошевић
199011 January 199128 April 19921 year, 108 daysSocialist Party of Serbia

Republic of Serbia (1992–2006)

Republic of Serbia within Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro.

  Socialist Party of Serbia   Civic Alliance of Serbia   Democratic Party of Serbia   Serbian Renewal Movement   G17 Plus   Democratic Party   Denotes Acting President

President Election Term of office Party Notes
No. Portrait Name
Took office Left office Time in office
Slobodan Milošević
Слободан Милошевић
1992 28 April 1992 23 July 1997 5 years, 86 days Socialist Party of Serbia
N/A Dragan Tomić
Драган Томић
23 July 1997 29 December 1997 159 days Socialist Party of Serbia Acting
Milan Milutinović
Милан Милутиновић
1997 29 December 1997 29 December 2002 5 years, 0 days Socialist Party of Serbia
N/A Nataša Mićić
Наташа Мићић
(born 1965)
29 December 2002 27 January 2004 1 year, 29 days Civic Alliance of Serbia Acting
N/A Dragan Maršićanin
Драган Маршићанин
(born 1951)
4 February 2004 3 March 2004 28 days Democratic Party of Serbia Acting
N/A Vojislav Mihailović
Војислав Михаиловић
(born 1951)
3 March 2004 4 March 2004 1 day Serbian Renewal Movement Acting
N/A Predrag Marković
Предраг Марковић
(born 1955)
4 March 2004 11 July 2004 129 days G17 Plus Acting
Boris Tadić
Борис Тадић
(born 1958)
2004 11 July 2004 5 June 2006 1 year, 329 days Democratic Party

List of presidents

  Democratic Party (2)   Socialist Party (4)   Serbian Progressive Party (2)   Liberal Democratic Party (1)   Movement for the Restoration (1)   G17 Plus (1)

Order Head of State Lifespan Took office Left office Party
1  Slobodan Milošević
Слободан Милошевић

1941–200611 January 199123 July 1997Socialist Party of Serbia
N/A Dragan Tomić
Драган Томић
1936–202223 July 199729 December 1997Socialist Party of Serbia
2  Milan Milutinović
Милан Милутиновић

born 194229 December 199729 December 2002Socialist Party of Serbia
N/A Nataša Mićić
Наташа Мићић
born 196529 December 20024 February 2004Liberal Democratic Party
N/A Dragan Maršićanin
Драган Маршићанин
born 19504 February 20043 March 2004Democratic Party
N/A Vojislav Mihailović
Војислав Михаиловић
born 19513 March 20044 March 2004Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia
N/A Predrag Marković
Предраг Марковић
born 19554 March 200411 July 2004G17 Plus
3  Boris Tadić
Борис Тадић

born 195811 July 20045 April 2012Democratic Party
N/A Slavica Đukić Dejanović
Славица Ђукић Дејановић
born 19515 April 201231 May 2012Socialist Party of Serbia
4  Tomislav Nikolić
Томислав Николић

born 195231 May 201231 May 2017Serbian Progressive Party
(formally independent)
5  Aleksandar Vučić
Александар Вучић

born 197031 May 2017
(Inaugurated on 23 June 2017)
IncumbentSerbian Progressive Party

Living former presidents

NameTermDate of birth
Boris Tadić 2004–2012 (1958-01-15) 15 January 1958
Tomislav Nikolić 2012–2017 (1952-02-15) 15 February 1952

The most recent President to die was Milan Milutinović, who died on July 2, 2023.


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