Pope Alexander I
Alexander I served as the fifth Pope of the Catholic Church; the official title is the Bishop of Rome. His years of service can only be approximated to be ca. 109-116 C.E.

Alexander I
Early sixth-century writings attribute Alexander with inserting the words now used in the Holy Eurachist or Holy Communion of the Catholic Mass. These words are taken from the New Testament and are said to be the words of Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.[1] He is also said to have started the practice of the blessing of homes with holy water, water blessed by the Pope or any priest.[2]
He was made a Saint by the Catholic Church and his feast day is celebrated on May 3.[2]
- Charles A. Coulombe, Vicars of Christ: A History of the Popes (NY:Citadel Press, 2003), p. 25
- Richard P. McBrien, Lives of the Popes: The Pontiffs from St. Peter to John Paul II, (San Francisco:Harper San Francisco, 1997, p. 37
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