Kautokeino, or Guovdageainnu suohkan, is a municipality in Norway's northernmost county, Finnmark.

Settlements include Guovdageainnu (village).
Reindeer that are domesticated is the largest industry (as of 2003) in the municipality; That year there were 79,000 of those reindeer.[1] Experimental search for minerals is being permitted for one company, for 7 years (as of 2024).[2] Until the early 1990s, there was mining (for mineral)s in Bidjovagge.[1]
The municipal council is elected until late 2027.
- 5 council members are from Kautokeino Flyttsameliste[3]
- 4 from Labour party
- 3 from Guovdageainnu Sámilistu
- 2 from Samefolkets Parti i Karasjok
- 2 from árja
- 1 from Conservative party
- 1 from Fastboendes liste
- 1 from Venstre (Norway)
- 1 from Progress party
- 1 from Centre party
(The 19 council members were elected during the 2023 Norwegian local elections.)
The inhabitants had the hightest rate of broken marriages (in the country, as of 2023), for those that are between 66 and 16-years old.[4] One has to be at least 18-years old, to get married, according to Norwegian law.[5]
Related pages
- https://snl.no/Kautokeino. SNL.no Retrieved 2024-03-23
- https://www.nrk.no/sapmi/fatt-innvilget-undersokelsesrett-i-kautokeino-1.16816250. Retrieved 2024-03-23
- https://www.nrk.no/valg/2023/resultat/fylke/56/5612. NRK.no. Retrieved 2023-09-27
- https://www.nettavisen.no/okonomi/her-er-det-flest-som-skiller-seg-ikke-morsomt/s/5-95-1711164. Retrieved 2024-03-31
- https://www.regjeringen.no/no/tema/familie-og-barn/innsiktsartikler/ekteskap-og-samliv/mer-informasjon-om-ekteskap/id672620/#:~:text=Alderskrav.,samlivsbrudd%20ved%20brudd%20p%C3%A5%20alderskravet. Retrieved 2024-03-31