
Jainism is a religion which originated in India.[1] It teaches that "all the events in the universe are self-caused, random, fixed and are independent of previous events or external causes or god": Jain philosophy is the oldest philosophy of India that distinguishes body (matter) from the soul (awareness) completely.[2] It teaches that the universe is eternal and that every living being has a soul which has the power to become all-knowing (observer of all the random events). A soul which has won over its inner enemies like attachment, greed, pride, etc. is called jina which means conqueror or victor (over ignorance). The holy book of Jainism is Pravachansara.

Jain Flag Photo
Flag of Jainism

Aspects of Jainism

  1. Every living being has a soul.[3]
  2. Every soul is potentially divine, with innate qualities of infinite knowledge, perception, power, and bliss (masked by its karmas).
  3. The universe is self-regulated, with all the events self-caused, and every soul has the potential to achieve divine consciousness (siddha) through its own efforts.
  4. There is no supreme divine creator, owner, preserver or destroyer.
  5. Therefore, Jainists think of every living being as themselves, harming no one and being kind to all living beings.
  6. Every soul is born as a celestial, human, sub-human or hellish being according to its own karmas.
  7. Every soul is the architect of its own life, here or hereafter.[4]
  8. When a soul is freed from karmas, it becomes free and attains divine consciousness, experiencing infinite knowledge, perception, power, and bliss.[5]
  9. Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct (triple gems of Jainism) provide the way to this realization.[6]
  10. Navakar Mantra is the fundamental prayer in Jainism and can be recited at any time of the day. Praying by reciting this mantra, the devotee bows with respect to liberated souls still in human form (Arihantas), fully liberated souls (Siddhas), spiritual leaders (Acharyas), teachers (Upadyayas) and all the monks. By saluting them, Jains receive inspiration from them to follow their path to achieve true bliss and total freedom from the karmas binding their souls. In this main prayer, Jains do not ask for any favours or material benefits. This mantra serves as a simple gesture of deep respect towards beings who are more spiritually advanced. The mantra also reminds followers of the ultimate goal, nirvana or moksha.[7]
  11. Jainism stresses on the importance of controlling the senses including the mind, as they can drag one far away from true nature of the soul.
  12. Limit possessions and lead a pure life that is useful to yourself and others. Owning an object by itself is not possessiveness; however attachment to an object is.[8] Non-possessiveness is the balancing of needs and desires while staying detached from our possessions.
  13. Enjoy the company of the holy and better qualified, be merciful to those afflicted souls and tolerate the perversely inclined.[9]
  14. It is important not to waste human life in evil ways. Rather, strive to rise on the ladder of spiritual evolution.
  15. The goal of Jainism is liberation of the soul from the negative effects of unenlightened thoughts, speech and action. This goal is achieved through clearance of karmic obstructions by following the triple gems of Jainism.
  16. Jains mainly worship idols of Jinas, Arihants and Tirthankars, who have conquered the inner passions and attained divine consciousness. Jainism acknowledges the existence of powerful heavenly souls (Yaksha and Yakshini) that look after the well beings of Thirthankarars. Usually, they are found in pair around the idols of Jinas as male (yaksha) and female (yakshini) guardian deities. Even though they have supernatural powers, they are also wandering through the cycles of births and deaths just like most other souls.

Scriptural canon


The Ṣaṭkhaṅḍāgama is the most important sacred scripture for the Digambara Jains.[10]


Śvetāmbara Jainism recognizes 45 texts as sacred scripture.[10]

Inner Corpus
  • 11 Aṅgas: Ācāra, Sūtrakṛta, Sthāna, Samavāya, Bhagavatī, Jñātṛdharmakathā, Upāsakadaśā, Antakṛddaśā, Anuttaraupapādikadaśā, Praśnavyākaraṇa, Vipāka
Outer Corpus
  • 12 Upāṅgas: Aupapātika, Rājapraśnīya, Jīvājīvābhigama, Prajñāpanā (written by Ārya Śyāmasūri), Sūryaprajñapti, Jambūdvīpaprajñapti, Candraprajñapti, Nirayāvalikā, Kalpāvataṁsikā, Puṣpikā, Puṣpacūlikā, Vṛṣnidaśā
  • 6 Chedasūtras: Niśītha, Mahāniśītha, Vyavahāra (written by Bhadrabāhu), Daśāśruta (8th chapter written by Bhadrabāhu), Bṛhatkalpa (written by Bhadrabāhu), Jītakalpa
  • 4 Mūlas: Uttarādhyayana, Daśavaikālika, Avaśyaka, Piṇḍaniryukti (written by Bhadrabāhu)
  • 10 Prakīrṇakas: Catuḥśaraṅa, Āturapratyākhyāna, Bhaktaparijñā, Saṁstāraka, Taṇḍulavaicārika, Candraveddyaka, Devendrastava, Gaṇividyā, Mahāpratyākhyāna, Vīrastava
  • 2 Cūlikāsūtras: Nandi (written by Devardhigaṇi Kṣamāśramaṇa), Anuyogadvāra (written by Āryarakṣita)

Sthānakavāsī and Terāpantha

The Sthānakavāsī and Terāpantha reform sects within Śvetāmbara Jainism accept only 32 texts.[10]

Inner Corpus
  • 11 Aṅgas: Ācāra, Sūtrakṛta, Sthāna, Samavāya, Bhagavatī, Jñātṛdharmakathā, Upāsakadaśā, Antakṛddaśā, Anuttaraupapādikadaśā, Praśnavyākaraṇa, Vipāka
Outer Corpus
  • 12 Upāṅgas: Aupapātika, Rājapraśnīya, Jīvājīvābhigama, Prajñāpanā, Sūryaprajñapti, Jambūdvīpaprajñapti, Candraprajñapti, Nirayāvalikā, Kalpāvataṁsikā, Puṣpikā, Puṣpacūlikā, Vṛṣnidaśā
  • 6 Chedasūtras: Niśītha, Mahāniśītha, Vyavahāra, Daśāśruta, Bṛhatkalpa, Jītakalpa
  • 4 Mūlas: Daśavaikālika, Uttarādhyayana, Nandi, Anuyogadvāra
  • 4 Chedas: Niśītha, Vyavahāra, Bṛhatkalpa, Daśāśrutaskandha
  • 1 Āvaśyaka


  1. Jones 2005, p. 4764.
  2. "Dravya - Jainism", Encyclopedia Britannica
  3. Mehta, T.U (1993). "Path of Arhat - A Religious Democracy" (DOC). Pujya Sohanalala Smaraka Parsvanatha Sodhapitha. Retrieved 2008-03-11.
  4. Fisher, Mary Pat and Bailey, Lee W. An Anthology of Living Religions. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2008.
  5. Kastenbaum, Robert (2003) "Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying " p. 491
  6. "Introduction to tattvartha-sutra". Archived from the original on 2011-05-14. Retrieved 2010-04-18.
  7. Jainism: The World of Conquerors By Natubhai Shah Published 1998 Sussex Academic Press
  8. Dulichand Jain (1998) Thus Spake Lord Mahavir, Sri Ramakrishna Math Chennai, ISBN 978-81-7120-825-8 Page 69
  9. Prof. S.A.Jain. Reality - English Translation of Sarvarthasiddhi by Srimat Pujyapadacharya, 2nd Edition, Chapter 7, Page 195.
  10. Tatia, Nathmal (1994). That Which Is. Institute of Jainology. pp. 293–4. ISBN 0-06-068985-4.

References of Jainism

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