Fast & Furious (2009 movie)

Fast & Furious (also known by Fast & Furious 4) is a 2009 American action movie directed by Justin Lin. The story was written by Chris Morgan. The movie is the fourth one of the Fast and the Furious movies. The movie gets back together the actors Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster. The movie follows from The Fast and the Furious, the 2001 movie into a the time right now. The same actors are in both movies.[1][2] The movie came out on April 3, 2009. The movie got bad comments when it came out. The movie made $363 million dollars all over the world.



  1. Merrick (March 6, 2008). "Another Familiar Face Is Returning For The New FAST AND THE FURIOUS Film!!". Retrieved March 9, 2008.
  2. Chris Beaumont (March 7, 2008). "Michelle Rodriguez Joins Walker and Diesel for The Fast and the Furious 4". Archived from the original on November 12, 2010. Retrieved March 9, 2008.

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