Epistle to Titus
The Epistle to Titus is the fifty-sixth book in the Christian Bible, and the seventeenth in the New Testament. This book is believed to a letter from the Apostle Paul to Titus. Titus was a pastor and church leader. The letter tells what church leaders should be like and lists their duties. These leaders are called elders and bishops.[1] This letter is one of three "Pastoral epistles" since it was sent to a pastor and is mainly about pastors.
Who was Titus?
Titus was mentioned in Galatians (Chapter 2, verses 1 and 3) where Paul wrote of going to Jerusalem with Barnabas, along with Titus. He was then sent to Corinth, Greece, where he helped the Christians there to follow Paul's teachings. Titus was later left on the island of Crete to help organize the Church, and later met back with the Apostle Paul in Nicopolis. He soon went to Dalmatia (now Croatia). Then he served as the first bishop of Crete.
Content of the letter
False teachers
In Chapter 1, verse 9, Paul says that some among the Jewish Christians are false teachers.[2][3] Paul says the false teachers are rebellious, empty talkers who claim to teach the law "without understanding"[4] They cause the Christians to believe false things.[5] Calvin wrote that vain (empty) talking (Greek: mataiologia) is not the same as useful doctrine. The false teachings don't help people to show piety and fear of God.[6]
How different groups should act
In Chapter 2, Paul tells how the people in the church should act. He talks about older men, older women, younger women, young men, and slaves. Each group is given their proper way to live. All are told to live for God while they wait for the return of Jesus who died to buy us back from evil living and make us into good people.
More about right living
Chapter 3 tells the Christians to obey the government leaders and to live a good life and be gentle. The adds that Jesus has saved us not because of the good things we had done, but through his grace and mercy and now wants to make us into people always who do good things. The letter ends with a final warning against those who stir up fights and some personal greetings.
Epimenides paradox
In the Epistle to Titus it says in chapter 1 verse 12 and 13 "One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said, 'Cretans are always liars'". This is called a logical paradox since if a member of a group says that all members of the group are liars we can't know if what he says is true since he must also be a liar. Students of logic think about this and try to find an answer. The one who said this was Epimenides, so it is named for him.
- Stephen L Harris, Understanding the Bible. Palo Alto: Mayfield. 1985.
- Titus 1:9–16
- Arichea, Daniel Castillo; Hatton, Howard (1995). A handbook on Paul's letters to Timothy and to Titus. New York: United Bible Societies. ISBN 978-0-8267-0168-8.
- 1 Timothy 1:6
- Towner, Philip H (1994). 1–2 Timothy [and] Titus. Downers Grove (Ill.): InterVarsity Press. ISBN 978-0-8308-1814-3.
- Calvin, Jean; Calvin Translation Society (1844). Calvin's commentaries ... Edinburgh: Printed for the Calvin Translation Society.