East Asia

East Asia or Eastern Asia is part of the continent Asia. East Asia covers about 6,640,000 km2 (2,560,000 sq mi), or 15% of the continent.

Geographic East Asia.

These are the countries and territories in East Asia:


About 1,575,784,500 people live in East Asia (as of 2010).

Countries and territories Area km² Population Population density
per km²
HDI (2010) Capital
 China 9,596,961 1,339,724,852 138 0.663 Beijing
 Hong Kong 1,104 7,061,200 6,390 0.862 Hong Kong
 Japan 377,930 127,950,000 337 0.884 Tokyo
 Macau 30 556,800 18,662 No Data Macau
 Mongolia 1,564,100 2,809,600 2 0.622 Ulaanbaatar
 North Korea 120,538 24,346,000 198 No Data Pyongyang
 South Korea 99,828 48,988,833 500 0.877 Seoul
 Republic of China (Taiwan) 36,188 23,174,528 639 0.868 Taipei

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