Agent Orange
Agent Orange is a very powerful herbicide that was used in the Vietnam War. It is a defoliant that destroys forests. It was used by the United States military so their enemies had no place to hide.

Group of handicapped children, most of them victims of Agent Orange
The problem with Agent Orange is that when it is released, some dioxins are also generated. Dioxins stay a long time in the environment. They are very toxic, and cause genetic modifications and cancer.
Other websites
- Operation Ranch Hand: Herbicides In Southeast Asia Archived 2013-02-22 at the Wayback Machine History of Operation Ranch Hand
- Air Force Health Study Archived 2006-12-12 at the Wayback Machine Study of Operation Ranch Hand veterans
- Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 2004 Institute of Medicine analysis of research on dioxin
- Vietnam war orange agent Archived 2013-06-04 at the Wayback Machine Collection photos of victim caused by orange agent in Vietnam war and information about the orange agent, disease, effect and symptom
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