Wang Zhixin (Chinese: 王治馨; (August 17, 1868 – October 23, 1914) was a Chinese politician of the Republic of China era. He was born in Yantai, Shandong.[1] He was an associate of Zhao Bingjun during the later years of the Qing Dynasty. A member of the Beiyang government, he served as the 3rd mayor of Beijing (October 16, 1913 – March 23, 1914). On June 27, 1914, on the orders of Yuan Shikai, Wang was arrested and imprisoned for his involvement in the assassination of Song Jiaoren. Wang's downfall was related to his association with Zhao, who had mysteriously died during his tenure as mayor. On Yuan's orders, Wang was executed.[2][3][4]


  1. 近年まで王治馨の生年は不詳とされてきた。しかし、2008年に山東省莱陽市博物館により王の墓碑銘が発見され、それにより、王の生年月日が1868年8月17日(旧暦清同治7年6月29日)であると判明している。「民国初年北京市市長王治馨墓志銘現身莱陽(図)」を参照。
  2. 「民国初年北京市市長王治馨墓志銘現身莱陽(図)」による。徐主編(2007)、122頁は1915年としている。
  3. 「民国初年北京市市長王治馨墓志銘現身莱陽(図)」。
  4. 徐主編(2007)、121-122頁。


  • 「民国初年北京市市長王治馨墓志銘現身莱陽(図)」2008.6.2. 新華網(『煙台日報』が原典)
  • Xu Youchun (徐友春) (main ed.) (2007). Unabridged Biographical Dictionary of the Republic, Revised and Enlarged Version (民国人物大辞典 增订版). Hebei People's Press (Hebei Renmin Chubanshe; 河北人民出版社). ISBN 978-7-202-03014-1.
  • 劉寿林ほか編 (1995). 民国職官年表. Zhonghua Book Company. ISBN 7-101-01320-1.
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