The Vybrid Series is a low power System on chip from Freescale Semiconductor with ARM Cortex-A5 and optional Cortex-M4 cores. The full featured VF6xx comes with asymmetrical multiprocessing using both cores.[1] Lower cost alternative such as the VF5xx and VF3xx only support the ARM Cortex-A5.[2][3] The ARM Cortex-A5 cores run from 266 MHz to 500 MHz depending on package options and ARM Cortex-M4 Cores at 168 MHz if present.


  1. โ†‘ "VF6xx Product Summary". Freescale.
  2. โ†‘ "VF5xx Product Summary". Freescale.
  3. โ†‘ "VF3xx Product Summary". Freescale.
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