Vox maris, Op. 31, is a symphonic poem composed between 1929 and 1954[1] by the Romanian composer George Enescu, dedicated to the memory of the great Romanian pianist Elena Bibescu.[2]

Enescu did not live to hear this work in concert: the première was given in Bucharest on 10 September 1964,[3] by the Romanian Radio-Television Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Iosif Conta.[4]


  1. "Enescu Society Worklist: Orchestral Works". Retrieved 2008-06-10.
  2. "Historia" Special. An II, nr. 4, semptembrie 2013, pag. 24 – "George Enescu, fața nevăzută a unui geniu" (English: "George Enescu, the unseen face of a genius"). ISSN 1582-7968
  3. "Entry for Vox maris at Publisher". Salabert. Archived from the original on 2012-04-06. Retrieved 2017-05-01.
  4. Noel Malcolm, George Enescu: His Life and Music, with a preface by Sir Yehudi Menuhin (London: Toccata Press, 1990), 277. ISBN 0-907689-32-9.

Further reading

  • Bentoiu, Pascal. 2010. Masterworks of George Enescu: A Detailed Analysis, translated by Lory Wallfisch. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-7665-1 (cloth) ISBN 978-0-8108-7690-3 (ebook).
  • Firca, Clemansa, and Ștefan Niculescu. 1971. "Esențializări (1945–1955)". In George Enescu: Monografie, 2 vols., edited by Mircea Voicana, 1017–1138. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
  • Stihi-Boos, Constantin. 1976. "A Few Aspects of the Musical Transfiguration of the Literary Pretext in the Symphonic Poem Vox maris by George Enescu". In Enesciana I: La personnalité artistique de Georges Enesco: Travaux de la Première Session Scientifique du Centre d'Études "Georges Enesco", Bucarest, 19 septembre 1973, edited by Mircea Voicana, 141–50. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
  • Stihi-Boos, Constantin. 1981. "Some Analytical Specifications Concerning the Symphonic Poem Vox maris in G Major Op. 31 by George Enescu". In Enesciana II–III: Georges Enesco, musicien complexe, edited by Mircea Voicana, 187–92. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
  • Stihi-Boos, Constantin. 1981. "Două precizări analitice privitoare la poemul orchestral românesc din prima jumătate a secolului nostru". In Centenarul George Enescu, edited by Speranța Rădelescu, 369–96. Bucharest: Editura Muzicală.
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