Víla Amálka (Amalka the Fairy) is a Czechoslovak animated television series created in 1975. It was, and still regularly is, aired as part of Večerníček, a long-running evening programme aimed at children. The artwork was created by Václav Čtvrtek. The show itself was drawn and directed by Václav Bedřich, with narration by Jiří Hrzán. A total of 13 episodes of about 8 minutes each were produced.

In 2013, Amalka the Fairy started gaining popularity in Japan, with the episodes having been dubbed into Japanese. A toy range featuring characters from the show has also been released.[1]


  1. "Japonské děti milují vílu Amálku". Czech Television (in Czech). ČT24. 6 May 2013. Retrieved 17 October 2014.

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