United States
Under Secretary of Commerce
for Industry and Security
Alan Estevez
since April 19, 2022
WebsiteOfficial Website

The Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security, or USC(IS), is a high-ranking official in the United States Department of Commerce and the principal advisor to the United States Secretary of Commerce on the export of sensitive goods and technologies. The Under Secretary is the head of the Bureau of Industry and Security within the Commerce Department.

The Under Secretary is appointed by the President of the United States with the consent of the United States Senate to serve at the pleasure of the President. On July 13, 2021, President Joe Biden announced that he would nominate former Department of Defense official Alan Estevez to the role and he was confirmed unanimously by the Senate on March 31, 2022.[1]


The Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security is the principal staff officer of the Commerce Department responsible for advancing United States national security and foreign policy. The Under Secretary oversees the Bureau of Industry and Security.

The Under Secretary promotes American national security objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system and promoting continued strategic technology leadership. This includes primary focus on Export restrictions, export administration, anti-boycott enforcement, implementation of certain treaty requirements, defense priorities and allocations, strategic trade, and promotion of the defense-industrial base of the United States.

With the rank of Under Secretary, the USC(IS) is a Level III position within the Executive Schedule. Since Fiscal Year 2021, under the political appointee pay freeze, the functional annual rate of pay for Level III is $168,400.


The position of Under Secretary, as well as the Bureau of Industry and Security, was created in 1985 to move the national security and export control functions away from the International Trade Administration which performs trade promotion among other activities.[2]

Former Under Secretaries

Reporting officials

Officials reporting to the USC(IS) include:

  • Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security
  • Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration
    • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration
  • Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement
    • Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement
  • Chief Financial Officer and Director of Administration
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Chief Counsel for Industry and Security (Office of the General Counsel)


  1. "President Biden Announces 11 Key Nominations". The White House. 13 July 2021. Retrieved 13 July 2021.
  2. https://www.congress.gov/99/statute/STATUTE-99/STATUTE-99-Pg120.pdf

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