Trogkofel Formation
Stratigraphic range: Sakmarian-Artinskian
Trogkofel, namesake of the formation
Coordinates46°36′N 13°12′E / 46.6°N 13.2°E / 46.6; 13.2
Approximate paleocoordinates4°48′N 26°12′E / 4.8°N 26.2°E / 4.8; 26.2
Country Austria
ExtentSouthern Limestone Alps
Type section
Named forTrogkofel
Trogkofel Formation is located in Austria
Trogkofel Formation
Trogkofel Formation
Trogkofel Formation (Austria)

The Trogkofel Formation is a geologic formation in Austria, Slovenia and Italy. It preserves fossils dating back to the Sakmarian to Artinskian stages of the Permian period.[1]

Fossil content

The following fossils were reported from the formation:[1]

  • Alternifenestella subquadratopora
  • Alternifenestella tuberculifera
  • Biwaella aff. americana
  • Boultonia willsi
  • Carnocladia fasciculata
  • Eridopora ignota
  • Filites trapezoida
  • Neostreptognathodus cf. pequopensis
  • Polypora sigillata
  • Primorella serena
  • Pseudofusulina ex gr. fusiformis
  • Rhabdomeson hirtum
  • Robustoschwagerina spatiosa
  • Scacchinella gigantea
  • Schubertella paramelonica
  • Spirifer (Martinia) macilentus
  • Stenophragmidium lamellatum
  • Streblotrypa (Streblascopora) germana
  • Yokoyamaella (Yokoyamaella) arminiae
  • Alternifenestella sp.
  • Apterinella sp.
  • Dutkevitchia sp.
  • Epimastopora sp.
  • Eridopora sp.
  • Girvanella sp.
  • Goniocladia sp.
  • Paraptylopora sp.
  • Paratriticites sp.
  • Penniretepora sp.
  • Prismopora sp.
  • Pseudofusulina sp.
  • Rhombopora sp.
  • Rugosofusulina sp.
  • Staffella sp.
  • Tubiphytes sp.

See also



  • H. C. Forke. 2002. Biostratigraphic subdivision and correlation of uppermost Carboniferous/Lower Permian sediments in the southern Alps: fusulinoidean and conodont faunas from the Carnic Alps (Austria/Italy), Karavanke Mountains (Slovenia), and southern Urals (Russia). Facies 47:201-275
  • A. Ernst. 2000. Permian Bryozoans of the NW-Tethys. Facies 43:79-102
  • A. Ramovs. 1986. Reef building organisms and reefs in the Permian of Slovenia, NW Yugoslavia. Memorie della Societa Geologica Italiana 34:189-193
  • H. L. Holzer and A. Ramovs. 1979. New rugose corals from the Lower Permian beds of the Karavanke Alps. Geologija 22(1):1-20
  • E. Schellwien. 1900. Die Fauna der Trogkofelschichten in den Karnischen Alpen und den Karawanken I. Theil: die Brachiopoden. Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt 16:1-122
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