In the Indonesian military, titular and honorary ranks are two different types of special military ranks. Unlike the normal rank in the Indonesian military, titular and honorary ranks could be given to civilians who served temporarily in the military or contributed to the military.

Titular rank


Titular rank have been given since the Indonesian National Revolution. During the revolution, the office of governors, residents, and regents were transformed into military offices, which allowed them to regulate military affairs in their region. In their capacity, they were given titular military ranks. Military governors were given the titular rank of general major, military residents were given the titular rank of lieutenant colonel, and military regents were given the titular rank of major.[1]

Several military offices during the revolution also involve civilian officeholders. An example of this is the Army Political Education Staff and the Military Court. The Army Political Education Staff, which was intended to educate the military on non-military matters, consisted of civilians. As such, these civilians were given the titular rank of major general.[2] Similarly, the military court during the revolution was filled with civilian judges due to the lack of military officers with law backgrounds. These civilian judges were given titular ranks, with the highest being the titular rank of lieutenant general for the chief justice of the supreme army court and the lowest being the titular rank of captain for the court clerk.[3]


The first regulation on titular ranks was enacted on 1 August 1946 with the Government Decree No. 7 of 1946. The regulation specifies the use of titular ranks within the military courts.[4] The decree was later amended with the enactment of Government Decree No. 45 of 1948 on 9 October 1948.[5]

Regulations about special military ranks were later merged to the Government Decree No. 36 of 1959, which was enacted on 26 June 1959.[6]

Current usage

Titular rank holders

Air Vice Admiral (Titular) Subandrio in his air vice admiral uniform.

Titular flag officers

Titular officers

Honorary rank

Honorary ranks are usually given as a promotion to retired military officers.[17] Retired military officers who serve as ministers usually received honorary rank promotion.[18]

Honorary rank holders

Honorary General Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono


  1. Ministry of Information (1959). Propinsi Sumatera Tengah. Padang: Ministry of Information. pp. 180–181.
  2. Simatupang, T. B. (2009). Report from Banaran: Experiences During the People's War. Equinox Publishing. p. 81. ISBN 978-602-8397-55-1.
  3. History Bureau of the Siliwangi Regional Command (1979). Siliwangi dari masa ke masa (2 ed.). Bandung: Angkasa. p. 499.
  4. "PANGKAT MILITER. PENGADILAN TENTARA. Peraturan tentang pemberian pangkat Militer kepada Ketua, Wakil Ketua, Anggota-Anggota Mahkamah Tentara Agung, Jaksa Tentara dan Panitera Mahkamah Tentara.". Government Decree No. 7 of 1946 (in Indonesian).
  5. "PANGKAT MILITER. HAKIM. Peraturan tentang pemberian pangkat Militer kepada Hakim dan lain sebagainya dalam Peradilan ketentaraan.". Government Decree No. 45 of 1948 (PDF) (in Indonesian).
  6. "PANGKAT-PANGKAT MILITER KHUSUS, TITULER DAN KEHORMATAN.". Government Decree No. 36 of 1959 (PDF) (in Indonesian).
  7. Presidential Decree No. 14 of 1950 (PDF) (in Indonesian).
  8. Siregar, M.R. (2000). Menentukan nasib sendiri versus imperialisme. Sumatera Human Rights Watch Network. p. 176.
  9. 1 2 3 Setiono, Benny G. (2008). Tionghoa Dalam Pusaran Politik (in Indonesian). TransMedia. p. 820. ISBN 978-979-799-052-7.
  10. 1 2 3 "Presiden Sukarno melantik Dr. Subandrio sebagai Laksamana Udara, Dr. Leimena sebagai Laksamana Laut dan Dr. H.C. Chaerul Saleh sebagai Jenderal TNI pada tgl. 17/8/1964". Indonesia OneSearch. 17 August 1964.
  11. 1 2 Soeprapto, Bambang; Simbangan, Zainal; Gayo, Hasan; Partowisastro, Koesnandar; Raib, Zakaria; Soewito, Irna Hanny Nastoeti Hadi (1995). Chairul Saleh, tokoh kontroversial. Jakarta: Tim Penulis. p. 160.
  12. Information Office of North Sumatra (1953). Republik Indonesia: Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Medan: Ministry of Information. p. 144.
  13. Syahputra, Iswandi (2006). Jurnalisme damai: meretas ideologi peliputan di area konflik. Pilar Media. p. 107. ISBN 9789793921259.
  14. Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo (2019). Siapa Nugroho Notosusanto, Tentara Yang Menjadi Tokoh Pendidikan. Jakarta: Tempo Publishing. p. 16. ISBN 9786232628366.
  15. Silaban, Jannes (7 October 2016). "Presiden Diminta Kabullkan Melanchton Siregar Pahlawan Nasional". Retrieved 21 June 2019.
  16. Sasongko, Darmadi (8 May 2014). "Idris Sardi Diberi Pangkat Letkol Agar Bisa Bentak-Bentak Tentara". Retrieved 2020-12-19.
  17. 1 2 3 4 Angkatan Bersenjata, Indonesia (March 1998). "49 PATI NAIK PANGKAT". Mimbar Kekaryaan.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Prastiwi, Devira (2019-10-08). "Deretan Purnawirawan TNI dengan Gelar Jenderal Kehormatan". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2020-12-19.
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 Lesmana, Tjipta (2009). Dari Soekarno sampai SBY. Jakarta: Gramedia. p. 292. ISBN 9789792242676.
  20. General Elections Institution (1973). Riwajat hidup anggota-anggota Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat hasil pemilihan umum 1971. Jakarta: General Elections Institution. p. 723.
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