Titanic: The Aftermath is a dramatized documentary that focuses on the events that occurred in the lives of the survivors and those who lost people after the sinking of the Titanic.[1] The ninety minute film[2] was made in Halifax, Nova Scotia and first premiered on April 15, 2012.[3][4] The film was released during the 100th anniversary of the tragedy, and originally aired on the Discovery Channel.[5]


  1. "Titanic: The Aftermath". Discovery Channel.
  2. K Shama Rao (April 20, 2012). "Titanic: The Aftermath". Indian Express.
  3. "Titanic: The Aftermath soon on Discovery Channel". Phil Star. April 9, 2012.
  4. "Discovery brings two shows to mark 100th anniversary of Titanic disaster". Best Media Info. March 28, 2012.
  5. Jamie Marie Elona (April 10, 2012). "'Titanic: The Aftermath' on Discovery Channel". Inquirer.
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