"The Homecoming" is a 2011 science fiction short story by American writer Mike Resnick. It was first published in Asimov's Science Fiction.
A man who has had himself surgically transformed into an alien comes home to visit his mother, who is dying of an ailment that causes dementia.
"The Homecoming" was a finalist for the 2012 Hugo Award for Best Short Story.[1] Jim C. Hines noted that the story "had a lot going for it", but also that its conclusion "felt too quick and easy", observing that it could be read as "a metaphor for a father unable to accept his son’s sexuality."[2]
- ↑ 2012 Hugo Awards, at TheHugoAwards.org; retrieved August 11, 2018
- ↑ Hugo Short Stories, by Jim C. Hines, at LiveJournal (via archive.org); published May 29, 2012; retrieved August 11, 2018
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