"The Ballad of Sally Anne" is a song with lyrics written by Alice Randall to a traditional tune which is unusual among country songs for the topic, a race lynching.[1] The song was recorded by Mark O'Connor's band project New Nashville Cats.[2]


  1. Anita Price Davis -The Margaret Mitchell Encyclopedia -2013 - Page 170 "Randall wrote the only known song to explore the subject of lynching (“The Ballad of Sally Ann”). "
  2. World Authors, 2000-2005 Jennifer Curry, David Ramm, Mari Rich - 2007 -- Page 629 "She became known for songs that transcended the usual topics of the genre; she has written about such sensitive topics as lynching ("The Ballad of Sally Ann") and slave casualties ("I'll Cry for Yours, Will You Cry for Mine?")."

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