In fluid dynamics, Taylor–Culick flow describes the axisymmetric flow inside a long slender cylinder with one end closed, supplied by a constant flow injection through the sidewall. The flow is named after Geoffrey Ingram Taylor and F. E. C. Culick, since Taylor showed first in 1956 that the flow inside such a configuration is inviscid and rotational[1] and later in 1966, Culick found a self-similar solution to the problem applied to solid-propellant rocket combustion.[2] Although the solution is derived for the inviscid equation, it satisfies the non-slip condition at the wall since, as Taylor argued, any boundary layer at the sidewall will be blown off by flow injection. Hence, the flow is referred to as quasi-viscous.

Flow description

The axisymmetric inviscid equation is governed by the Hicks equation, that reduces when no swirl is present (i.e., zero circulation) to

where is the stream function, is the radial distance from the axis, and is the axial distance measured from the closed end of the cylinder. The function is found to predict the correct solution. The solution satisfying the required boundary conditions is given by

where is the radius of the cylinder and is the injection velocity at the wall. Despite the simple-looking formula, the solution has been experimentally verified to be accurate.[3] The solution is wrong for distances of order since boundary layer separation at is inevitable; that is, the Taylor–Culick profile is correct for . The Taylor–Culick profile with injection at the closed end of the cylinder can also be solved analytically.[4]

See also


  1. Taylor, G. I. (1956). Fluid flow in regions bounded by porous surfaces. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 234(1199), 456–475.
  2. Culick, F. E. C. (1966). Rotational axisymmetric mean flow and damping of acoustic waves in asolid propellant rocket. AIAA Journal, 4(8), 1462–1464.
  3. Dunlap, R., Willouchby, P. G., & Hermsen, R. W. (1974). Flowfield in the combustion chamber of a solid propellant rocket motor. AIAA journal, 12(10), 1440–1442.
  4. Majdalani, J., & Saad, T. (2007). The Taylor–Culick profile with arbitrary headwall injection. Physics of Fluids, 19(9), 093601.
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