In probability theory, a sub-Gaussian distribution, the distribution of a sub-Gaussian random variable, is a probability distribution with strong tail decay. More specifically, the tails of a sub-Gaussian distribution are dominated by (i.e. decay at least as fast as) the tails of a Gaussian. This property gives sub-Gaussian distributions their name.

Formally, the probability distribution of a random variable is called sub-Gaussian if there is a positive constant C such that for every ,


Alternatively, a random variable is considered sub-Gaussian if its distribution function is upper bounded (up to a constant) by the distribution function of a Gaussian. Specifically, we say that is sub-Gaussian if for all we have that:

where is constant and is a mean zero Gaussian random variable.[1]:Theorem 2.6


The sub-Gaussian norm of , denoted as , is defined by

which is the Orlicz norm of generated by the Orlicz function By condition below, sub-Gaussian random variables can be characterized as those random variables with finite sub-Gaussian norm.

Sub-Gaussian properties

Let be a random variable. The following conditions are equivalent:

  1. for all , where is a positive constant;
  2. , where is a positive constant;
  3. for all , where is a positive constant.

Proof. By the layer cake representation,

After a change of variables , we find that

Using the Taylor series for :

we obtain that

which is less than or equal to for . Take , then

By Markov's inequality,

More equivalent definitions

The following properties are equivalent:

  • The distribution of is sub-Gaussian.
  • Laplace transform condition: for some B, b > 0, holds for all .
  • Moment condition: for some K > 0, for all .
  • Moment generating function condition: for some , for all such that . [2]
  • Union bound condition: for some c > 0, for all n > c, where are i.i.d copies of X.


A standard normal random variable is a sub-Gaussian random variable.

Let be a random variable with symmetric Bernoulli distribution (or Rademacher distribution). That is, takes values and with probabilities each. Since , it follows that

and hence is a sub-Gaussian random variable.

Maximum of Sub-Gaussian Random Variables

Consider a finite collection of subgaussian random variables, X1, ..., Xn, with corresponding subgaussian parameters . The random variable Mn = max(X1, ..., Xn) represents the maximum of this collection. The expectation can be bounded above by . Note that no independence assumption is needed to form this bound.[1]

See also


  1. 1 2 Wainwright MJ. High-Dimensional Statistics: A Non-Asymptotic Viewpoint. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2019. doi:10.1017/9781108627771, ISBN 9781108627771.
  2. Vershynin, R. (2018). High-dimensional probability: An introduction with applications in data science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 33–34.


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