Shakalya was an ancient Indian grammarian and scholar of Vedic period[1] who is supposed to have revised the Vedic texts and written their Pada-pāṭha. He is often quoted by Pāṇini and the writers of the Prātiśākhya, treatises on phonetics. His Padapāṭha of the Rig Veda was one of the early attempts in the direction of analysis; he broke down the samhita text of the Rig Veda into words, identifying even the separate elements of compound words.[2][3]


  1. Mandlik, AA. "A Morphological Study of Kalidasa's Raghuvansham, Canto II" (PDF).
  2. Potter, Karl. The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. p. 4.
  3. (2017-01-29). "Shakalya, Sākalya, Śākalya, Sakalya: 16 definitions". Retrieved 2021-06-12.

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