Selliguea hastata
Type sp. Selliguea feei
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Division: Polypodiophyta
Class: Polypodiopsida
Order: Polypodiales
Suborder: Polypodiineae
Family: Polypodiaceae
Subfamily: Drynarioideae
Genus: Selliguea
Bory Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. VI: 587 (1824)[1][2]

See text

Occurrence data from GBIF[3]

Crypsinopsis Pichi-Serm.; Webbia 31(1): 240 (1977)
Crypsinus Presl; Epim. Bot. 123 (1851)
Grammatopteridium Alderw.; Nova Guinea 11. 24 (1924)
Grammatopteris Alderw.; Bull. Buit. III. 4. 318 (1912)
Holcosorus Moore; Index Fil. XXIX (1857)
Oleandropsis Copeland; Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 18: 226 (1942)
Phymatopsis J. Smith; Hist. Fil. 104 (1875) [non Tulasne ex Trev. St. Léon
Phymatopteris Pic.-Ser.; Webbia 28: 460 (1973)
Pleuripteris C. Chr.; Dansk Bot. Ark. 6 no. 3. 76 (1929)
Pycnoloma C. Chr.; Dansk Bot. Ark. 6 no. 3. 76 (1929)

Selliguea is a fern genus in the family Polypodiaceae.[1] The type species is Selliguea feei.[5]

Species list

Species list taken from Hassler & Swale (2002).[4] These are not necessarily accepted species.

  • Selliguea albicaula (Copel.) M.Kato & M.G.Price; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 41(1-3): 72 (1990)
  • Selliguea albidopaleata (Copel.) Parris; Parris, R.S.Beaman & Beaman, Pl. Mt. Kinabalu, 1. Ferns & Fern Allies: 151 (1992)
  • Selliguea albidosquamata (Blume) Parris; Parris, R.S.Beaman & Beaman, Pl. Mt. Kinabalu, 1. Ferns & Fern Allies: 152 (1992)
  • Selliguea albopes (C. Chr. & Ching) S.G.Lu, Hovenkamp & M.G.Gilbert, Fl. China 2–3: 782 (2013)
  • Selliguea archboldii Copel.; Journ. Arnold Arbor. 24: 442 (1943)
  • Selliguea bakeri (Luerss.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 90 (1998)
  • Selliguea balbi Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 108 (1998)
  • Selliguea banaensis (C. Chr.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea bellisquamata (C. Chr.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 90 (1998)
  • Selliguea bisulcata (Hook.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 73 (1998)
  • Selliguea brooksii (Alderw.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 93 (1998)
  • Selliguea caudiformis (Bl.) J. Sm.; Ferns br. and for. 97 (1866)
  • Selliguea ceratophylla (Copel.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 86 (1998)
  • Selliguea chenkouensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea chinensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea chrysotricha (C. Chr.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea conjuncta (Ching) S.G.Lu, Hovenkamp & M.G.Gilbert, Fl. China 2–3: 784 (2013)
  • Selliguea connexa (Ching) S.G.Lu, Hovenkamp & M.G.Gilbert, Fl. China 2–3: 780 (2013)
  • Selliguea costulata (Ces.) Wagner & Grether; Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 23: 60. t.22 (1948)
  • Selliguea craspedosora (Copel.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 72 (1998)
  • Selliguea crenatopinnata (C. B. Clarke) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea cretifera (Alderw.) Ching; Sunyatsenia 5: 260 (1940)
  • Selliguea cruciformis (Ching) S.G.Lu, Hovenkamp & M.G.Gilbert, Fl. China 2–3: 783 (2013)
  • Selliguea cunea (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea dactylina (Christ) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea dekockii (Alderw.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 40 (1998)
  • Selliguea digitata (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea ebenipes (Hook.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea echinospora (Tag.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea elmeri (Copel. in Perkins) Ching; Sunyatsenia 6: 260 (1940)
  • Selliguea enervis (Cav.) Ching; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 10: 239 (1941)
  • Selliguea engleri (Luerss.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea erythrocarpa (Mett. ex Kuhn) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea feei Bory; Dict. class. 6: 588 (1824)
  • Selliguea feeoides Copel.; Bishop Mus. Bull. 69. 17 (1929)
  • Selliguea ferrea (Brause) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 43 (1998)
  • Selliguea fukienensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea glauca (J.Sm. ex Brackenr.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 56 (1998)
  • Selliguea glaucopsis (Franchet) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea gracilipes (Alderw.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 83 (1998)
  • Selliguea griffithiana (Hook.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea hainanensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea hastata (Thunb.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea hellwigii (Diels in K.Schum. & Laut.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 82 (1998)
  • Selliguea heterocarpa (Bl.) Bl.; Enum. addend. (1828)
  • Selliguea hirsuta (Tag. & lwatsuki) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea hirtella (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea hunyaensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea integerrima (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea katuii (Brownlie) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea kingpingensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea kwangtungensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea laciniata (C. Presl) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 47 (1998)
  • Selliguea lagunensis (Christ) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 55 (1998)
  • Selliguea laipoensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea lancea (Ching & Wang) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea lanceola (Mett.) E. Fourn.; Ann. sc. nat. V. 18: 280 (1873)
  • Selliguea lateritia (Bak.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 71 (1998)
  • Selliguea lauterbachii (Alderw.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 41 (1998)
  • Selliguea likiangensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea majoensis (C. Chr.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea malacodon (Hook.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea metacoela (Alderw.) Parris; Parris, R.S.Beaman & Beaman, Pl. Mt. Kinabalu, 1. Ferns & Fern Allies: 152 (1992)
  • Selliguea montana (Sledge) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea murudensis (C. Chr.) Parris; Parris, R.S.Beaman & Beaman, Pl. Mt. Kinabalu, 1. Ferns & Fern Allies: 152 (1992)
  • Selliguea neglecta (Bl.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 88 (1998)
  • Selliguea nigropaleacea (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea nigrovenia (Christ) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea oblongifolia (S. K. Wu) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea obtusa (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea omeiensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea oodes (Kunze) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 89 (1998)
  • Selliguea oxyloba (Wallich ex Kunze) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea palmatifida (Ching & P.S.Chiu) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea pampylocarpa (Alderw.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 87 (1998)
  • Selliguea pellucidifolia (Hayata) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea pianmaensis (W.M.Chu) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea pingpienensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea plantaginea Brackenr.; Expl. Exp. 16: 58 (1854)
  • Selliguea platyphylla (Swartz) Ching; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 10: 238 (1941)
  • Selliguea pseudoacrosticha (Alderw.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 94 (1998)
  • Selliguea pyrolifolia (Goldm. in Meyen) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 58 (1998)
  • Selliguea quasidivaricata (Hayata) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea rhynchophylla (Hook.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea rigida (Hook.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 92 (1998)
  • Selliguea roseomarginata (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea rotunda (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea setacea (Copel.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 92 (1998)
  • Selliguea shandongensis (J.X.Li & C.Y. Wang) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea shensiensis (Christ) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea similis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea simplicifolia (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea simplicissima (F.Muell.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 61 (1998)
  • Selliguea soridens (Hook.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 65 (1998)
  • Selliguea sri-ratu Hovenkamp; Blumea 41(1): 19 (1996)
  • Selliguea stenophylla (Blume) Parris; Parris, R.S.Beaman & Beaman, Pl. Mt. Kinabalu, I. Ferns & Fern Allies: 151 (1992)
  • Selliguea stenosquamis Hovenkamp; Blumea 33(2): 396 (1988)
  • Selliguea stewartii (Bedd.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea suboxyloba (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea subsparsa (Bak.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 80 (1998)
  • Selliguea subtaeniata (Alderw.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 80 (1998)
  • Selliguea taeniata (Sw.) Parris; Parris, R.S.Beaman & Beaman, Pl. Mt. Kinabalu, 1. Ferns & Fern Allies: 152 (1992)
  • Selliguea tafana (C. Chr.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 36 (1998)
  • Selliguea taiwanensis (Tag.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea tamdaoensis (V.N.Tu) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea tarningensis (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea tenuipes (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea tibetana (Ching & S. K. Wu) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea triloba (Houtt.) M.G.Price; Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 17: 276 (1990)
  • Selliguea triquetra (Blume) Ching; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 10: 238 (1941)
  • Selliguea violascens (Mett.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 53 (1998)
  • Selliguea waltonii (Ching) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea whitfordii (Copel.) Hovenkamp; Blumea 43: 60 (1998)
  • Selliguea wuliangshanensis (W.M.Chu) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea wuyishanica (Ching & Shing) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea yakuinsularis (Masam.) comb. ined.
  • Selliguea yakushimensis (Makino) comb. ined.


  1. 1 2 "IPNI: Selliguea". International Plant Names Index. Retrieved 29 July 2018.
  2. Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.(1824) Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle 6: 587.
  3. (28 July 2018) GBIF Occurrence Download Selliguea Bory
  4. 1 2 Hassler, M & Swale, B. (2002). "Ferns: Family Drynariaceae, genus Selliguea; world species list". Retrieved 29 July 2018.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.(1829) Dictionnaire Classique d'Histoire Naturelle 15: t. opp. p. 344.
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