Sedjefakare Kay Amenemhat VII was an Egyptian pharaoh of the early 13th Dynasty in the late Middle Kingdom.


Archaeologically, he is known from several objects, including six cylinder seals,[2]and two scarab seals.[3] His name appears as graffito in the tomb of queen Khuit I at Saqqara.


Bark-stand, Cairo JE 15900

At Medamud (Upper Egypt), a bark-stand which originally had an inscription of Sedjefakare to which an inscription was added by Wegaf.[4] In the Turin King List Wegaf (7:05) heads this sequence of kings while Sedjefakare (7:17) comes later in the list, causing a debate about the chronology of these kings.

Nile Level Record

At Semna (Nubia), a Nile Level Record is dated to Year 1.[5] Other kings with Nile Level records at the fortresses of Semna and Kumma includes Amenemhat III, Amenemhat IV, Sobekneferu, Sekhemkare Amenemhat V and Sekhemre Khutawy Sobekhotep Amenemhat.

Cylinder seals

Six cylinder seals are known.[6]

Cylinder Seal, Petrie UC 11533

At Harageh (Faiyum region), a cylinder seal with the inscription: Sedjefakare, beloved by Sobek lord of Sumenu.[7]

Cylinder Seal, Petrie UC 11534

At Lahun (Faiyum region), a cylinder seal with the inscription: Sedjefakare, beloved by Sobek lord of Sumenu.[8]

Cylinder Seal, New York MMA 10.130.1640

Cylinder seal with the Horus name Heriteptawy, beloning to Amenemhat VII[9][10]


Two scarabs are known.[11]

Scarab, New York MMA 26.7.85

Scarab With Throne Name Sedjefakare, beloning to Amenemhat VII.[12][13]

Non-Contemporary Attestations

The Turin King List 7:18 contains the entry: "The Dual King Sedjefa..kara, x years ...".[14] In the list he is predeceded by 7:17 Awtibra Hor and succeeded by 7:19 Sekhemre Khutawy Sobekhotep Amenemhat.


Ryholt assigns him without further evidence a reign of 3 years.[15]


  • K.S.B. Ryholt, The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period (Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 20. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 1997), 341, File 13/20.

See also


  1. Thomas Schneider, Lexikon der Pharaonen, Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, 2nd ed. (2002), ISBN 3491960533
  2. Swiss Private Collection; Brooklyn Museum 44.123.77; Ex Hilton Price 4250; Petrie Museum UCL 11533; Petrie Museum UCL 11534
  3. Cairo, New York MMA 26.7.85
  4. Cairo JE 15900
  5. Elsa Yvanez (2010) Rock Inscriptions from Semna and Kumma
  6. Swiss Private Collection; Brooklyn Museum 44.123.77; Ex Hilton Price 4250; Petrie Museum UCL 11533; Petrie Museum UCL 11534
  7. London, Petrie Museum UC 11533
  8. London, Petrie Museum UC 11534
  9. New York MMA 10.130.1640
  11. Cairo; New York MMA 26.7.85
  12. New York, MET 26.7.85
  15. Ryholt 1997:408
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