Rodrigo Caro

Rodrigo Caro (1573, in Utrera – August 10, 1647 in Seville) was a Spanish priest, historian, archeologist, lawyer, poet and writer.


His principal works include:[1]

  • Antiguedades y principado de la illustrissima Ciudad de Sevilla, y chorographia de su convento juridico, o antigua chancilleria (Seville, 1654, folio)
  • Relacion de las inscripciones y antiguedad de la villa de Utrera, (quarto with Latin poem praising the town)
  • Veterum Hispaniae deorum manes sive reliquiae (book)
  • Trattati De ludis puerorum
  • De los nombres y sitios de los vientos (Of the names and places of the winds)
  • De los santos de Sevilla
  • Del principado de Cordova
  • De la antiguedad del appellido Caro (Of the antiquity of the surname Caro), dedicated to Don Fernando Caro, Governor of Carmona
  • Chronicle falsely attributed to Flavio Lucio Dexter, Elecano, and San Braulion (Seville, 1627)


  1. Biografia universale antica e moderna ossia Storia per alfabeto, Volume 10, Compiled by a French Society of the Learned; Specific entry by Villenave; Republished in Italian by Presso Giovanni Battista Missiaglia, Tipografia of Alvisopoli, Venice (1831); pages 122-123.

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