Road signs in Uganda are regulated in the Traffic Signs Manual[1] and governed by the Ministry of Works and Transport (formerly the Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications).[2] They closely resemble road signs used in the United Kingdom since Uganda was a British colony until 1962, with the exception that Uganda uses metric system units instead of the Imperial System of units (miles and yards).[3]

Road signs in Uganda generally use the same pattern of colors, shapes, and symbols set out in the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, which are also used in most countries of Europe and Africa. Partner states of the East African Community take measures to ratify or accede to international conventions on road traffic and road signs and signals.[4] On August 23, 2022, Uganda acceded to the Convention.[5] Other partner states of the East African Community such as Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and Tanzania have yet to ratify or accede to the Convention. Uganda drives on the left.

Warning signs

Permanent warning signs

Hazard Marker Signs

Temporary Warning Signs

Regulatory signs

Prohibitory signs

Mandatory signs

Guidance signs

Information signs

Supplementary Plates

Temporary signs

Temporary signs differ from permanent ones in that they have a yellow background instead of white.

Warning signs

Prohibitory signs


  1. "Traffic Signs Manual Vol 1 | PDF | Traffic | Road". Scribd. Retrieved 2023-11-06.
  2. Ochieng, Paul. "Ministry of Works and Transport i Geometric Design Manual PREAMBLE". Ministry of Works and Transport.
  3. "The National Measurement Systems, Challenges In Uganda - NCSL International". Retrieved 2023-11-07.
  5. "United Nations Treaty Collection". Retrieved 2023-11-08.
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