Quirijn Jansz Damast in 1639

Quirijn Jansz Damast (1580 1638), was a Dutch linen weaver and mayor of Haarlem, best known today for his portrait painted by Frans Hals.


Quirijn Damast was the son of Jan Damast Crijnsz from Courtrai. He became a damask weaver like his father, who had come to Haarlem about the time he was born in 1580. Quirijn married Willimijnken Jansdr van der Eynde in 1603.[1] He became a Haarlem councilman in 1627 and was mayor in 1642 and 1674. He was governor of the St. Elisabeth Gasthuis, Haarlem in 1626. In 1633 he became governor of the old men's almshouse and in 1644 he became warden of the orphans. Hals painted him 3rd from right in The Officers of the St George Militia Company in 1639. His daughter's children inherited his estate and the list of linen items in the inventory was quite impressive and was published in 1910.[2]


  1. De Haarlemse Schuttersstukken, by Jhr. Mr. C.C. van Valkenburg, pp. 47-76, Haerlem : jaarboek 1961, ISSN 0927-0728
  2. De boedel van Quirijn Jansz Damast, by Jan Six, Magazine: Oud Holland, V28, 1910. Pg. 19-55
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