Male (bottom) and female (top)
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Copepoda
Order: Calanoida
Family: Pontellidae
Genus: Pontella
Dana, 1846

Pontella is a marine copepod genus in the family Pontellidae. It is an organism that bears three lenses in the eye. The outer has a parabolic surface, countering the effects of spherical aberration while allowing a sharp image to be formed.[1]

Pontella includes the following species:[2]

  • Pontella agassizii Giesbrecht, 1895
  • Pontella alata A. Scott, 1909
  • Pontella andersoni Sewell, 1912
  • Pontella argentea Dana, 1849
  • Pontella asymmetrica Heinrich, 1967
  • Pontella atlantica (Milne-Edwards, 1840)
  • Pontella bairdii Lubbock, 1853
  • Pontella barbata Tanaka, 1936
  • Pontella bifurcata Tanaka, 1936
  • Pontella bonei Mulyadi, 2003
  • Pontella brachiata Dana, 1849
  • Pontella brachyura (Kroyer, 1849)
  • Pontella brevicornis (Lubbock, 1857)
  • Pontella cerami A. Scott, 1909
  • Pontella chierchiae Giesbrecht, 1889
  • Pontella contracta Dana, 1849
  • Pontella cristata Kramer, 1896
  • Pontella curta Dana, 1849
  • Pontella curticornis Dana, 1852
  • Pontella danae Giesbrecht, 1889
  • Pontella darwinii (Lubbock, 1853)
  • Pontella denticauda A. Scott, 1909
  • Pontella detonsa Dana, 1849
  • Pontella diagonalis C. B. Wilson, 1950
  • Pontella edwardsii (Kroyer, 1849)
  • Pontella elegans (Claus, 1892)
  • Pontella elephas Brady, 1883
  • Pontella emerita Dana, 1849
  • Pontella eugeniae Leuckart, 1859
  • Pontella fera Dana, 1849
  • Pontella forcipata Tanaka, 1936
  • Pontella forficula A. Scott, 1909
  • Pontella gaboonensis T. Scott, 1894
  • Pontella gracilis C. B. Wilson, 1950
  • Pontella hanloni Greenwood, 1979
  • Pontella helgolandica Claus, 1863
  • Pontella indica Chiba, 1956
  • Pontella inermis Brady, 1883
  • Pontella investigatoris Sewell, 1912
  • Pontella karachiensis Rehman, 1973
  • Pontella kieferi Pesta, 1933
  • Pontella kleini Mulyadi, 2003
  • Pontella labuanensis Mulyadi, 1997
  • Pontella latifurca Chen & Zhang, 1965
  • Pontella lobiancoi (Canu, 1888)
  • Pontella longipedata Sato, 1913
  • Pontella marplatensis Ramirez, 1966
  • Pontella meadii Wheeler, 1900
  • Pontella mediterranea (Claus, 1863)
  • Pontella mimocerami Fleminger, 1957
  • Pontella natalis Brady, 1915
  • Pontella novaezealandiae Farran, 1929
  • Pontella patagoniensis (Lubbock, 1853)
  • Pontella pattersonii (Templeton, 1837)
  • Pontella pennata C. B. Wilson, 1932
  • Pontella perspicax Dana, 1849
  • Pontella plumata Dana, 1849
  • Pontella polydactyla Fleminger, 1957
  • Pontella princeps Dana, 1849
  • Pontella protensa Dana, 1849
  • Pontella pulvinata C. B. Wilson, 1950
  • Pontella raynaudii (Milne-Edwards, 1840)
  • Pontella regalis Dana, 1849
  • Pontella resnautica Oliveira, 1946
  • Pontella rostraticauda Ohtsuka, Fleminger & Onbé, 1987
  • Pontella rubescens Dana, 1849
  • Pontella savignyi (Milne-Edwards, 1828)
  • Pontella securifer Brady, 1883
  • Pontella setosa Lubbock, 1856
  • Pontella sewelli Heinrich, 1987
  • Pontella sinica Chen & Zhang, 1965
  • Pontella speciosa Dana, 1849
  • Pontella spinicauda Mori, 1937
  • Pontella spinipedata Heinrich, 1989
  • Pontella spinipes Giesbrecht, 1889
  • Pontella strenua Dana, 1849
  • Pontella suchumica Kritchagin, 1873
  • Pontella surrecta C. B. Wilson, 1950
  • Pontella tenuiremis Giesbrecht, 1889
  • Pontella tridactyla Shen & Lee, 1963
  • Pontella turgida Dana, 1849
  • Pontella valida Dana, 1852
  • Pontella vervoorti Mulyadi, 2003
  • Pontella whiteleggei Kramer, 1896


  1. I. R. Schwab (2003). "An eye for the ladies". British Journal of Ophthalmology. 87 (8): 936. doi:10.1136/bjo.87.8.936. PMC 1771812. PMID 12908482.
  2. T. Chad Walter & Geoff Boxshall (2011). T. C. Walter & G. Boxshall (ed.). "Pontella Dana, 1846". World Copepoda database. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved February 10, 2011.

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