Paul Rougnon, 1895

Paul-Louis Rougnon (24 August 1846 – 11 December 1934) was a French composer, pianist and music educator.


Paul Rougnon was born in Poitiers the son of Louis Rougnon and Claire Clotilde Robin. A student at the Lycée Bonaparte (now the Lycée Condorcet), he entered the Conservatoire de Paris in 1861 as an auditor, then a full-time student in 1862.[1] He studied piano, music theory and composition with such masters as Édouard Batiste, François Bazin, Ambroise Thomas, Antoine François Marmontel and César Franck.[2] He received degrees in music theory in 1865, harmony in 1868 and counterpoint in 1870.[3]

In 1873, at age 27, Rougnon became a professor at the Conservatoire, then under the directorship of Ambroise Thomas. He taught music theory, counterpoint and fugue until his retirement in 1921.[1] His students include Alfred Cortot, Yves Nat, Fernand Oubradous, Noël Gallon, and Henri Mulet.[2] In addition to teaching, he was an administrator for the choral societies Orphéon and Sociétés musicales mutuelles. He composed choral works especially for these ensembles. After the turn of the century, he began to work with various magazines including Piano-Soleil, Le Monde Musical, Le Ménestrel, Le Monde Orphéonique and L'Harmonie.

As a prolific composer and writer, he composed more than 300 musical works in addition to literary and pedagogical volumes. He composed hundreds of piano pieces, two operas, some chamber music, and also vocal and choral works. In 1896, under the tenure of Théodore Dubois, the Conservatoire began the practice of charging composers to write contest pieces. Rougnon began composing works for this purpose, particularly for piano, viola, flute, and trumpet.[1] His treatises on music theory and piano pedagogy are still in use today.

Rougnon received a gold medal for his collective works of music education at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris. In 1911, he was made a Chevalier of the Légion d'honneur.[1]

Rougnon married Marie-Louise de Beurmann in 1887 and had five children. He died on 11 December 1934 at his home in Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

Selected works


This is a list of compositions sorted by genre, opus number, date of composition (or publication), and title.

Genre Opus Date Title Scoring Notes
Opera1876La Prima Donnalibretto by Lauzières de Thémines
OperaLe Prince charmant
Chamber musicAir de balletfor oboe and piano
Chamber music1916Allegro appassionato in D minorfor viola (or cello) and piano
Chamber music1879Aragonaisefor violin and pianooriginal for piano solo
Chamber music19002 Morceaux
2. Allegro symphonique
for oboe (or violin) and piano
Chamber music1919Barcarolle in G majorfor flute (or violin) and piano
Chamber music1381895Concertino romantique in D minorfor viola (or violin) and pianodedicated to violist Théophile Laforge
Chamber music1921Élégie
Chamber music1922Fantaisie-Caprice in G majorfor viola and pianodedicated to violist Maurice Vieux
Chamber music1er Fantaisie de concertfor trumpet and piano
Chamber music1900?Fantaisie de concertfor oboe and piano
Chamber music19024ème Fantaisie de concert in G minorfor viola (or violin) and piano
Chamber musicGrande étude de concertfor viola and piano
Chamber musicMéditationfor violin (or cello) and piano or organ
Chamber music19114 Pièces archaïques concertantes
  2. Danza
  3. Passe-pied
  4. Toccata
for 2 violins and piano
Chamber musicPolonaise de concertfor 2 trumpets and piano
Chamber musicPrière
Chamber music1919Rapsodie italiennefor flute (or violin) and piano
Chamber music1919Sérénade in A majorfor flute (or violin) and pianodedicated to flautist René Le Roy
Chamber musicSiciliennefor bass saxhorn, bugle, baritone or saxophone
Chamber music12818951er Solo in F majorfor clarinet and pianodedicated to clarinetist Cyrille Rose
Chamber music1er Solo de concertfor alto saxophone and piano
Chamber music18952ème Solo de concert
  1. Berceuse
  2. Caprice
for alto saxophone and piano"Ces deux parties s'enchaînent sans interruption ou peuvent être jouées séparément"
Chamber music1er Solo de concertfor trumpet or cornet and piano
Chamber music12918952ème Solo de concert in D minorfor trumpet and piano"Imposé au Concours du Conservatoire de Paris (1895)"
Chamber music19004ème Solo de concert in F majorfor trumpet and piano"Imposé au Concours du Conservatoire de Paris (1913)"; dedicated to trumpeter Merri Franquin
Chamber music19005ème Solo de concert: Variations sur un thème originalfor trumpet and pianoFantaisie pastorale
Chamber music8ème Solo de concertfor trumpet and piano
Chamber musicSuite de concertfor viola and piano
Organ2 Piècesfor organNo. 1 in C, No. 2 in E
Piano2Caprice-Menuet, Menuet symphonique in G majorfor piano
Piano4Mazurka-Polonaisefor piano
Pedagogical12187515 Études préparatoires de mécanisme et de style mélodiques et progressivesfor piano
Pedagogical15187424 Récréations instructives dans tous les tons majeurs et mineurs, Précédées de la gamme rythmée et d'un exercice dans le ton du morceau for piano
Pedagogical21187712 Études très faciles, Faisant suite aux méthodesfor pianointroduction to Op. 22
Pedagogical22187712 Études faciles sans octaves, Précédées d'exercises préparatoires et composées spécialement pour développer le mécanisme, le sentiment mélodique et rhythmique for pianointroduction to Op. 23
Pedagogical23187712 Études chantantes de style et de mécanisme faisant suite aux Études faciles, Op. 22, Précédées d'exercices préparatoiresfor pianointroduction to Op. 24
Piano26187715 Caprices-Étudesfor pianodedicated to Ambroise Thomas
Piano30La Madgyare, Fantaisie-Capricefor piano
Piano32La Chant de la montagnefor piano
Piano35Rêve maternalfor piano
Piano1879Aragonaisefor pianoalso for violin and piano
Piano381879La charmeuse, Polka-Mazurkafor piano
Piano461880Historiette, Capricefor piano
Piano471880Le sommeil des fleurs, Nocturnefor piano
Piano1880Fleurs et diamants, Caprice brillantefor piano
Piano521882Souvenance, Gavottefor piano
Piano551881Caprice espagnolfor piano
Piano1881Le Réveil de flore, Valse brillantefor piano
Piano1886Au Village, Impromptufor piano
Piano1886Valse-Capricefor piano
Piano801887Gavottefor piano
Piano811887Chanson vénitiennefor piano
Piano821887Marquis et Marquise, Souvenir d'autrefoisfor piano
Piano881885Perruque poudrée, Vieux stylefor piano
Piano901885Aragonaisefor piano
Piano91Concert des anges, Nocturne brilliantefor piano
Piano93Valse-Ballet, Morceau de salonfor piano
Piano961886Scherzo-Valse, Morceau brilliantefor piano
Piano97Tristezza, Chant de tristesse, Nocturnefor piano
Piano98Allegrezzafor piano
Piano99Valse des lutins, Morceau brilliantefor piano
Piano1001887Valse rêveusefor piano
Piano1011887Menuet symphoniquefor piano
Piano103Ballerine, Air de balletfor piano
Piano104Astre des nuits, Nocturnefor piano
Piano105Menuet de l'infantefor piano
Piano105Valse-Rêveriefor piano
Piano106Chanson de l'aïeulefor piano
Piano107Valse joyeusefor piano
Piano108Mascaradefor piano
Piano109Parmi le thym et le rosée, Idylle in A majorfor piano
Piano110Valse des fileusesfor piano
Piano111Sous les tilleuls, Valse alsaciennefor piano
Piano115Polichinellefor piano
Piano117Bagatellefor piano
Piano1204 Pièces faciles et brillantes sans octaves
  1. Danse bretonne
  2. Rondo-Valse
  3. Ballade
  4. Galop
for piano 4-hands
Piano121Gavotte Régencefor piano
Piano122Valse arabesquefor piano
Piano123Russia, Mazurkafor piano
Piano124Menuet-Balletfor piano
Piano125Danse rustiquefor piano
Piano126Dans l'azur, Capricefor piano
Piano128Echos du nord, Mazurkafor piano
Piano129Près du Ruisseaufor piano
Piano131Mazurka rêveusefor piano
Piano133Chanson du Batelierfor piano
Piano136Hymnefor piano
Piano141Passe-pied de la reinefor piano
Piano141Chants du cœurfor piano
Piano142Les Cascatelles, Caprice brillantefor piano
Piano1422ème Valse-Capricefor piano
Piano146Valse expressivefor piano
Piano1701899Sérénade tendrefor piano
Piano1711899À Grenade, Danse espagnolefor piano
Piano200Faintaisie-Valsefor piano
Piano2206 Morceaux
  1. Sous la Ramée, Valse
  2. La Naïade, Caprice
  3. En rêvant, Romance
  4. Talons roses, Caprice-Gavotte
  5. En valsant, Fantaisie-Valse
  6. Balancelle, Caprice-Valse
for piano
Piano3011912Pour la saison nouvelle, 2 Pièces
2. Chanson d'été
for piano
Piano1921Danse ancienne in D minorfor piano
Piano1927Les Harpes célestes, Caprice in G majorfor piano
Piano19316ème Mazurka in D majorfor piano
Piano19301ère Alsacienne in A majorfor pianomay be played as a solo or simultaneously with 2ème Alsacienne on a second piano
Piano19302ème Alsacienne in A majorfor pianomay be played as a solo or simultaneously with 1ère Alsacienne on a second piano
Piano2e Air de balletfor piano
PianoCantilène italiennefor piano
PianoChanson espagnole in D minorfor piano
PianoChant d'amour, Rêverie-Barcarolle in E majorfor piano
PianoFleur de bruyères, Villanellefor piano
PianoLa Féria, Caprice espagnol in A minorfor piano
PianoMarche bosniaque in C majorfor piano
Vocal1876Le Bataillon de la reinefor voice and pianowords by François de Barghon Fort-Rion
Vocal1879Chant de Pâquesfor voice and pianowords by L. Bridier; championed by tenor Jean-Alexandre Talazac
Vocal1879L'Assomption!for voice and pianowords by L. Bridier
Vocal1885La Chanson du renouveaufor voice and pianowords by R. Laret
Vocal1885Le Souvenirfor voice and pianowords by P. Roussel
Vocal991887Gavotte-Marlyfor voice and piano....Théorie composée par De Soria
Vocal1890Pour Vous, Mélodiefor voice and pianowords by Léon Roger-Milès
Vocal1904Le Chant de la Mutualité, Prose rythméefor voice and pianowords by the composer
À Monsieur Léopold Mabilleau, Président de la Fédération Nationale des Sociétés de Secours Mutuels, Directeur du Musée Social
Vocal1921Les Enfants du Poitou!, Hymne patriotique poitevinfor voice and pianowords by the composer; Patriotic Hymn of Poitou
Vocal1927Aragonaise, Cantilène espagnolefor voice and pianowords by Louis Tiercelin
VocalComment on dit: je t'aimefor voice and pianowords by Fernand Rougnon
VocalCoquelicots et bluetsfor voice and pianowords by Louis Girard
VocalJ'ai fait pleurer tes yeux...for voice and pianowords by A. Saillard
VocalJe crois, j'aime, j'espère!, Mélodiefor voice and pianowords by Fernand Rougnon
VocalLe Rêveur et le passantfor voice and pianowords by Fernand Rougnon
ChoralBoisfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralCyclopes, Scène choralefor male chorus a cappella
ChoralEn merfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralEnfants de la côtefor male chorus a cappella
ChoralEnfants d'Orphéefor male chorus a cappella
ChoralEnfants de St. Eloifor male chorus a cappella
ChoralFin de moissonfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralFleur du matinfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralFraternitéfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralGloire aux héros!for male chorus a cappella
ChoralHaut les cœurs!for male chorus a cappellawords by H. A. Simon
ChoralHymne à Paris (Vive Paris!), Scène choralefor male chorus a cappella
ChoralHymne au drapeaufor male chorus a cappella
ChoralIdyllefor male chorus a cappella
ChoralKorrigansfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralLa Nuit aux champsfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralLes Bateleursfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralLes Chants du jeune age pour garçons ou fillesfor chorus and piano
ChoralLes Flibustiersfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralLes Laboureursfor male chorus a cappellawords by René Brancour
ChoralLes Pêcheursfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralLes Penseursfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralLes Voix de la foulefor male chorus a cappella
Choral1873Messe en Fa majeur à 3 voixfor chorus a cappellapremiered at L'église de Saint-Porchaire in Poitiers with subsequent performances in Paris on 6 June 1891 at Basilique du Sacré Cœur de Montmartre, in Rome at San Luigi dei Francesi, and at the Palace of Versailles[1]
ChoralPoésie du soirfor male chorus a cappella
ChoralRetour du Pôlefor male chorus a cappella
ChoralVers les Timesfor male chorus a cappella

Literary works

  • Devoirs élémentaires de musique théorique et pratique en deux livres (Éditions Gallet)
  • Dictées harmoniques à 2 parties (Heugel and Cie., 1914)
  • Dictionnaire général de l'art musical (Éditions Delagrave, 1935)
  • Dictionnaire musical des locutions étrangères (italiennes, allemandes, etc.) (c.1880, Éditions Delagrave, 1918, 1935)
  • La Musique et son histoire (Librairie Garnier Frères, 1920)
  • Le Mouvement et les nuances d'expression dans la musique (P. Dupont, 1893)
  • Le Rythme et la mesure: Traité complet théorique, analytique & practique (Éditions Enoch et Cie.)
  • Manuel de transposition musicale: étude de toutes les clés; appliquée aux instruments de musique et principalment au piano, à l'orgue, à la harpe (Heugel, 1912)
  • Origines de la notation musicale moderne: Étude historique (1925)
  • Petit dictionnaire de musique: termes musicaux usuels (Heugel, 1922)
  • Petit dictionnaire liturgique de musique religieuse: théorique, pratique, historique (P. Lethielleux, 1921)
  • Petite biographie des grands compositeurs (in 3 volumes) 1. École française 2. École italienne 3. École allemande (Éditions Margueritat, 1924)
  • Souvenirs de 60 années de vie musicale et de 50 années de professorat au Conservatoire de Paris (Éditions Margueritat, 1925)
Pedagogical publications
  • Cours de chant choral (Andrieu et Cie., 1924)
  • Cours de piano élémentaire et progressif formant un cours complet de mécanisme (E. Gallet, 1899; Éditions M. Combre)
  • Grandes études journalières de solfège à changement de clef (Éditions du Ménestrel, 1907)
  • Mon piano: Hygiène du piano, Petit dictionnaire explicatif et historique des éléments constitutifs du piano (Éditions Fischbacher, 1921)
  • Principes de la musique. Étude développée (Édition Delagrave, 1936)
  • Solfège élémentaire: théorique, analytique et pratique à la portée des jeunes élèves (Éditions Combre)
  • Solfège en 16 volumes (Éditions Combre)
  • Traité pratique de prosodie dans la composition musicale et la déclamation lyrique (Éditions Enoch et Cie.)
  • Traité pratique d'harmonie (Éditions Gallet)


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Paul Rougnon Biography Retrieved 21 August 2012. (in French)
  2. 1 2 Rougnon: Amis et contemporains Retrieved 21 August 2012. (in French)
  3. Fétis, François-Joseph (1880). Biographie universelle des musiciens et bibliographie générale de la musique, Supplément et Complément, Tome 2 (in French). Paris: Firmin-Didot et Cie. p. 449.
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