The Passíusálmar or Passion Hymns are a collection of 50 poetic texts written by the Icelandic minister and poet, Hallgrímur Pétursson. The texts explore the Passion narrative, as traditionally presented, from the point where Christ enters the Garden of Gethsemane to his death and burial. Hallgrímur began composing the work in 1656, while serving as pastor of Saurbær in Hvalfjörður. It took him three years to complete, the final poem being written in May 1659; the first edition was published seven years later, in 1666. By the end of the century they had become so popular in Iceland that five editions had been published. Since that time, they have been reprinted more than 75 times, a unique achievement in Icelandic literature. The poems were translated into many other languages, including Latin, English, Chinese and Danish.
The first English edition was published in 1913. In the 1950s a new translation was made by Arthur Charles Gook. This new translation received the imprimatur of the Bishop of Iceland, Sigurbjörn Einarsson, and is published by Hallgrímskirkja. In addition, a selection of texts were translated by Anglican Bishop Charles Venn Pilcher and published in a pamphlet entitled "Thirty-One Meditations on Christ's Passion"; this translation, although incomplete, is regarded as more faithful to Hallgrímur's Lutheran theology.
The Passíusálmar quickly became an important part of Icelandic religious expression, being sung or read during Lent in every Icelandic home; today, they are broadcast on the radio during that time of year. They have been set to music by many composers of Icelandic church music, including Þorkell Sigurbjörnsson and Jón Hlöðver Áskelsson, but use outside Iceland is rare.
Titles of the 50 hymns
Hymn I. Christ goes to the Garden
Hymn II. Christ's Suffering in the Garden
Hymn III. “Sorrowful, even unto Death”
Hymn IV. Christ's Appeals to His Disciples
Hymn V. The Jews arrive in the Garden
Hymn VI. Judas' Kiss and Christ's Arrest
Hymn VII. Peter's Defence and Malchus' Wounded Ear
Hymn VIII. Christ's Address to the Jews
Hymn IX. The Flight of the Disciples
Hymn X. The First Enquiry before Caiaphas
Hymn XI. Peter's Denial
Hymn XII. Peter's Repentance
Hymn XIII. The False Witnesses and Caiaphas' Judgment
Hymn XIV. The Soldiers mock Christ
Hymn XV. The Priests' Conference
Hymn XVI. The Remorse of Judas
Hymn XVII. The Potter's Field
Hymn XVIII. The Jews' First Charge before Pilate
Hymn XIX. Christ's Confession before Pilate
Hymn XX. The Jews' Second Charge before Pilate
Hymn XXI. Herod's Curiosity and the Gorgeous Robe
Hymn XXII. The Demand for Crucifixion
Hymn XXIII. The Scourging of Christ
Hymn XXIV. The Scarlet Robe and Crown of Thorns
Hymn XXV. Christ led from the Judgment Hall
Hymn XXVI. Christ and Pilate
Hymn XXVII. Pilate and the Jews
Hymn XXVIII. Pilate's unjust Judgment
Hymn XXIX. Release of Barabbas
Hymn XXX. Christ bears His Cross
Hymn XXXI. Christ's Address to the Women
Hymn XXXII. The Green and the Dry Tree
Hymn XXXIII. The Crucifixion of Christ
Hymn XXXIV. The First Cry from the Cross
Hymn XXXV. The Superscription on the Cross
Hymn XXXVI. Christ's Garments divided
Hymn XXXVII. The Second Cry from the Cross
Hymn XXXVIII. The Mocking suffered on the Cross
Hymn XXXIX. The Thief's Repentance
Hymn XL. The Third Cry from the Cross
Hymn XLI. The Fourth Cry from the Cross
Hymn XLII. The Fifth Cry from the Cross
Hymn XLIII. The Sixth Cry from the Cross
Hymn XLIV. The Seventh Cry from the Cross
Hymn XLV. The Death of Christ
Hymn XLVI. The Signs that accompanied His Death
Hymn XLVII. Christ's Friends, who stood far off
Hymn XLVIII. The Saviour's wounded Side
Hymn XLIX. The Burial of Christ
Hymn L. The Guard on Watch