Nguyễn Hồng Giáp
Nguyễn Hồng Giáp, Doctor in History
Born(1934-09-21)September 21, 1934
Alma materSorbonne University
ChildrenNguyễn Thái Ðông, Nguyễn Thái San, Nguyễn Kiều Lan, Nguyễn Kiều Tiên, Nguyễn Kiều Diễm, Nguyễn Kiều Hạnh, Nguyễn Kiều Nhi
Scientific career
FieldsHistory, Economy, Tourism
InstitutionsTân Thanh School

Nguyễn Hồng Giáp (born 21 September 1934) is a Vietnamese scholar.


He was born September 21, 1934, in Nam Thành village, Yên Thành district, Nghệ An province, within a family of wealthy Catholic rice farmers ; his father Nguyễn Ðình Long (1906-1976) and several family members were persecuted during the great land reform (1954). When he was in primary and secondary schools, he used to study at Vinh - Bến Thủy, Nha Trang and Thủ Đức Saigon (1948-1960), then moved to France (1960-1973) and got a Ph.D in History and a master's degree in Economics at Sorbonne University, Paris.[1] He returned to Vietnam in 1973 teaching history and economy at Dalat University, and served as vice-dean of the Faculty of Literature (the dean was Pr. Nguyễn Khắc Dương).[2]

After the reunification of Vietnam (1975), he was among the few professors who did not emigrate and stayed in Dalat University, even though during the next ten years he was not allowed to teach.[3] He rather took part in the preservation of the university off material decays.[4] Then he studied the life of various Tây Nguyên ethnic people (he is the co-author with Pr. Nguyễn Khắc Tụng of « North Tây Nguyên ethnic people collective meeting spaces on pilotis »).[5]

Between 1990 and 2012, he teaches again but also takes part in several administration activities. He became successively general manager of Ðông Phương Bảo Lộc Bank (1990), director of Trí Dũng Management School in Ho Chi Minh City (1993), teacher in Economy at Văn Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City (1995), dean of the School of Ho Chi Minh City, Techniques and Technology (1998), head of Formation and dean of the Faculty of Management and Tourism at the University of Cửu Long, Vĩnh Long (2000), rector assistant of Hồng Bàng University, Ho Chi Minh City (2003). He created and became director of Ho Chi Minh City Research and Tourism development Center (2005), then created and became President of the Administration Board of Tân Thanh Economics and Tourism School, Ho Chi Minh City (2007-2012).[6]

Notable works

  • Làng xã Việt Nam, (Villages and Hamlets of Vietnam), NXB University of Dalat 1974.
  • Nhà Rông các dân tộc Bắc Tây nguyên, (North Tây Nguyên Ethnic People Meeting Houses on Pilotis), NXB Khoa học Xã hội, Hanoi 1991.
  • Kinh tế học vi mô, (Micro-economics), NXB Thống kê, Ho Chi Minh City 1995, reedited 2002.
  • Chiến lược kinh doanh, (Business Strategy), teaching materials, University of Technics and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Kinh tế Du lịch, (Tourism Economics), NXB Tuổi Trẻ, Ho Chi Minh City 2002.
  • Quản trị nguồn nhân lực, (Human resources Management), teaching materials, Tân Thanh School, 2007.


He has seven children:

  • Nguyễn Thái Ðông (aka Marc-Antoine Nguyen), born in 1963 in Paris (France), translator (Saigon Eco and FAFILM), and xiangqi expert[7] (author of « Xiangqi : L'univers des échecs chinois »[8]).
  • Nguyễn Thái San, movie actor, MBA in Tourism.
  • Nguyễn Kiều Lan, born in 1966 in Antony (France), physician.
  • Nguyễn Kiều Tiên, born in 1968 in Paris (France).
  • Nguyễn Kiều Diễm, born in 1978 in Dalat (Vietnam).
  • Nguyễn Kiều Hạnh, born 1981 in Dalat (Vietnam).
  • Nguyễn Kiều Nhi, born 1983 in Dalat (Vietnam).


  1. Vietnamese Peasants Conditions of Life during the French Occupation Through Popular Proverbs and Songs. Ph.D thesis, Paris, 1971.
  2. Pr. Ðỗ Hữu Nghiêm, « Viện Ðại học Ðà Lạt giữa lòng dân tộc Việt Nam 1957-1975 » (Dalat University among the Vietnamese People 1957-1975) published on gives details of the Faculty of Literature: the administration board reunited in direct collaboration several assistant professors such as Nguyễn Thanh Châu, Trịnh Nhất Định, Nguyễn Văn Hòa, Hoàng Thái Linh, Phạm Duy Lực, Nguyễn Trung Thiếu, Trần Ngọc Cường, Phạm Văn Hải, and Lê Văn Khuê. The faculty secretary was held by Phan Văn Thịnh. The council of the Faculty of Literature included some professors: Pr. Nguyễn Khắc Dương, Dean of the Faculty and head of Philosophy School; Pr. Nguyễn Hồng Giáp, vice-dean; Pr. Vũ Khắc Khoan, head of Vietnamese School; Father Nguyễn Hòa Nhã, head of History and Geography School; Pr. Lê Văn, head of English School; Father J. Maïs, head of French School. Several professors came from Saigon: Father Nguyễn Việt Anh, Ph.D in English Literature (Switzerland), Father Hoàng Kim Đạt, Ph.D in Literature, Father Vũ Đình Trác, Dr. in Philosophy (Taiwan), Lương Kim Định, Dr. in Philosophy (Paris), professors Lê Hữu Mục, Vũ Khắc Khoan, Nguyễn Thế Anh, Hoàng Khắc Thành, Phạm Cao Dương, scholars Cao Hữu Hoành, Lê Thọ Xuân, Trần Trọng San, etc. The Faculty of Literature has invited most external professors (almost 70 professors, besides internal teachers) and was only outnumbered by the Business and Political Sciences School (almost 84 professors, besides internal teachers).
  3. Dr. Bùi Văn Hùng, « 24 năm nghiên cứu và đào tạo cử nhân lịch sử ở truờng Ðại học Ðà Lạt », (24 years of History Research and Students Formation at Dalat University) 2010: « History teachers came from Tây Nguyên University to Dalat University: Lê Đình Bá, Nguyễn Cảnh Huệ, Nguyễn Thông, Cao Thế Trình, Hoàng Thị Như Ý, Thu Nhung Mlô as well as professors Nguyễn Khắc Tụng and Lê Hồng Bình from Hanoi, and professor Nguyễn Hồng Giáp, former teacher of Dalat University, have formed the first teaching team of the Faculty of History. »
  4. Đinh Thị Như Thuý, Ðọt Chuối Non, 2008,, « Ðà Lat trong tôi và những điều đã mất » (Dalat Inside Me and Nostalgia of Lost Memories): The abrupt slope starting from La Si Mi Fa rice soup food shop hold by Professor and Doctor in History Nguyễn Hồng Giáp, and leading to the empty space in front of the Faculty of Literature university residence still challenges carts pulled by old and hungered horses. The tired and disrupted clacking of hoofs mingles with wind raffles blowing around pine trees hills makes the night sounds wetter and longer. We suddenly think that it is quite impossible to not care about the heavy weight of life, full of pleasure as well of sorrow. / Professor Nguyễn Hông Giáp left Sorbonne to come back to his country; for some long time, he was not allowed to teaching. He opened a rice soup shop for students. It was rice soup with a loaf of grilled rice cake. Dalat sweet potatoes with flavored red flesh, spiced with a mixture of salt and chili peppers. La Si Mi Fa rice soup bowls have impressed my mind as well as the silhouette of our respectable professor walking upward from Phù Đổng Thiên Vương five streets crossroads until the university residence. He gave us a smiling salute, one hand holding a tin bucket, the other hand holding tongs used to keep up horse manure. He kept horse manure to enrich his flowers ground and coffee trees… Professor Giáp lives now in Saigon. At that epoch many times I would like to ask him questions but I never dared to, as I felt so confused. Have you had regrets? How come did you leave Paris and your lovely Eurasian wife to come here cooking rice soup and keeping horse manure ? To give us a smiling salute and distillate into our mind a lancinante interrogation about man fate? / Of course the rice shop has now disappeared. I do not know among all the people remembering Đa Thiện district in Dalat, how many could remember the hill carving ground tight space agenced with pine wood chairs and tables and named with La Si Mi Fa sounding musical notes. Myself I could always wholly see it, as I always distinctly see the star wrapped big cross on the top of Năng Tĩnh triangulum high tower watching over Dalat University. People told me professor Giáp was one of the three men who have climbed on the top of this 38 meters high tower to wrench the branches of the cross wrapping star, allowing the cross to stand intact and harmless.
  5. Nguyễn Hồng Giáp, Nguyễn Khắc Tụng, Nhà rông các dân tộc Bắc Tây Nguyên, (North Tây Nguyên Ethnic People Meeting Houses on Pilotis) 1991, Nhà xuất bản Khoa học Xã hội.
  6. Trường trung cấp Kinh tế và du lịch Tân Thanh (Tân Thanh Economics and Tourism secondary School), 101/37 Gò Dầu, Tân Quý, Tân Phú, TP.HCM. A two years undergraduate school which allows students to get a secondary degree national diploma. Tân Thanh School which also dispenses restaurant and hotel teachings belongs now to Ho Chi Minh City tourism special formation schools.
  7. September 2010, the xiangqi French team which was composed of Ðặng Thanh Trung, Huỳnh Vĩnh Tường and Nguyễn Thái Ðông won the European Team Championship gold medal, Hamburg (Germany).
  8. Marc-Antoine Nguyen, Xiangqi : l'univers des échecs chinois, Editions PRAXEO 2009, ISBN 978-2-9520472-6-5.
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