The city of Albany with NRHP listings identified by pinpoints

There are 75 properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Albany, New York, United States. Six are additionally designated as National Historic Landmarks (NHLs), the most of any city in the state after New York City. Another 14 are historic districts, for which 20 of the listings are also contributing properties. Two properties, both buildings, that had been listed in the past but have since been demolished have been delisted; one building that is also no longer extant remains listed.

The listed properties represent approximately 250 years of the city's history, from its 17th-century Dutch colonial origins to its suburban expansion in the mid-20th century. Reflecting Albany's position as New York's state capital are the main buildings of all three branches of state government. City Hall, the main offices of the city's school district, and the diocesan cathedrals of both the Episcopal and Roman Catholic churches are also included.

Some properties are recognized at least in part for unique attributes, such as the possible grave of the only British peer buried in the United States, the only destroyer escort still afloat and the only fireplace in that style remaining in the country. Others recognize historic firsts such as the discovery of electrical inductance, the first state government building in the country to house an educational agency and the first basketball game played outside Massachusetts, where the sport was invented. Prominent architects represented include nationally prominent figures such as Henry Hobson Richardson, Richard Morris Hunt, Richard Upjohn and Stanford White, as well as local ones like Marcus T. Reynolds. In addition to the architects and many state politicians, historic personages associated with the listed properties include George Washington, John McCloskey and Legs Diamond.


The National Register of Historic Places, the U.S. national heritage register, was established by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. It is administered by the National Park Service (NPS). Properties to be listed are usually first approved by the state historic preservation offices for listing on their state-level heritage register and then nominated to the National Register. Sometimes they are nominated directly to the National Register. In New York the board is under the auspices of the state's Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.[1]

A separate NPS program has jurisdiction over properties nominated for National Historic Landmark status, which must be formally granted by the Secretary of the Interior.[2] There is no requirement that a property nominated for NHL status previously have been listed on the Register, although many were. NHLs that were not previously listed on the Register are listed administratively when they are designated NHLs. The NHL program predates the Register by a few years, and NHLs that had been designated prior to the establishment of the Register were administratively listed when the latter was established.[3]

Geographical distribution

Outside the city, Albany County has another 148 listings. The city's 68 are 31 percent of the 214 total, the largest portion of any community in the county. One listing, the Albany Felt Company Complex, is shared with the neighboring town of Menands. Two of the listings, the USS Slater and Whipple Cast and Wrought Iron Bowstring Truss Bridge, were moved to Albany from other locations.

Most of the listed properties are located in central Albany, close to the Hudson River and the original boundaries of the city, an area today largely coterminous with one listing, the Downtown Albany Historic District.[4] The south end of the Albany Felt Company Complex in the city's northeast corner is its easternmost listing. Near the city's southern boundary, overlooking Interstate 787, is Nut Grove, the southernmost entry. The Rapp Road Community Historic District, in an area rural for much of its existence until the development of Crossgates Mall nearby,[5] is at the western and northern extreme.[note 1]

The downtown historic district takes those boundaries from the stockade built by the Dutch as part of Fort Orange in 1624.[4] The mostly buried remnants of the fort are one of the city's NHLs,[6] and the oldest of its Register listings. Until the late 19th century, downtown and its neighboring areas was the entire developed city.[4]

Historic districts

Historic districts are groupings of properties, usually under different ownership, that share a common historical background. They are sometimes recognized by local zoning codes. Not all are actually called historic districts—in Albany, the small "Broadway Row" of four townhouses is officially listed as Buildings at 744–750 Broadway. There are 14 historic districts listed on the Register in the city.

All but two[note 2] of them districts are clustered, contiguously in some areas, in this same section of the city along the river. The districts range in size from 136-acre (55 ha) Washington Park[7] to Broadway Row, Knox Street and the Lustron Houses of Jermain Street, all less than an acre (4,000 m2).[8][9]:11[note 3]

Combined, the historic districts equal 580 acres (230 ha), about 4% of Albany's total land area. They have over 2,000 buildings, structures, objects or sites within their boundaries. Over 90% of those are considered contributing properties to their districts' historic character.[note 4]

Most of the districts are primarily residential enclaves, with some other uses scattered throughout. They reflect different stages of the city's growth, from onetime neighborhoods of the city's wealthy like the Ten Broeck Triangle[10] to immigrant-settled areas like the Mansion District[11] and South End.[12] The two exceptions are downtown, primarily commercial,[13] and the government buildings, monuments and parks that make up most of the Lafayette Park Historic District.[14]

Property types and use

Of the remaining 43 extant listings, all but three are buildings or complexes of buildings. Those other three include one structure (the Whipple Cast and Wrought Iron Bowstring Truss Bridge), one maritime site (the USS Slater) and one archeological site (Fort Orange). The historic districts include some other structures, such as the parks that give two of them their names,[note 5] and objects like the statues near the state capitol[14] and one of the city's remaining trolley poles,[15] among their contributing properties. Five listed buildings are vacant[note 6] and one, the Abrams Building, remains listed despite its demolition in 1987.[16]

Government and military

Reflecting Albany's status as New York's capital, 17 of the 41 extant buildings listed individually, more than one-third of that total, have been used for governmental purposes at some point.[note 7] The city government is responsible for three of those, its school district for two and the federal government one (the Old Post Office), with the rest accounted for by state government. Among the latter are the main buildings of all three branches of state government: the governor's mansion (executive), Court of Appeals Building (judicial) and the state capitol (legislative). In only three other states is this so.[note 8]

Among the contributing properties to the historic districts are two buildings representing the federal and county governments, both courthouses. The 1934 Art Deco James T. Foley United States Courthouse, in the downtown district, houses the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York as well as the local office of some other federal law enforcement agencies. When built it also replaced the Old Post Office. It is the only building used by the federal government among the Register listings in Albany.[17] In 2020 it was listed on the Register individually.

Albany County government does not account for any individually listed properties. However, in the Lafayette Park district, the county courthouse is a contributing property.[18] At that time it was used for all county governmental functions, but since then most non-judicial departments have moved to a 1920s 13-story office building on State Street[19] that contributes to the downtown historic district.[20]

A prominent state government office, the Alfred E. Smith Building, also contributes to the Center Square/Hudson–Park Historic District.[21] Some former police and fire buildings are contributing properties to that and other districts.[note 9]

Four of the properties listed have, or have had, a military purpose. The original Fort Orange, built by the Dutch colonial authorities of New Netherland, defended the fledgling settlement. In the late 19th century, the state built the two armories for the National Guard. The Slater was commissioned by the Navy for service in the Pacific theater of World War II; it was later sold to the Greek Navy, where it was rechristened the Aetos.[22]

Education, arts and sciences

Government entities also control the four buildings used for educational purposes. Three are used for administrative purposes—the Old Albany Academy Building, originally a private school, is the City School District of Albany's main offices, the former headquarters of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad is now the main administration building for the State University of New York (SUNY) system and the State Department of Education Building is home to that agency, which oversees public education in the state. The James Hall Office building has been annexed to one of the city's elementary schools,[23] later used for a Montessori school.[24] The former Philip Livingston Magnet Academy, now converted into senior apartments, is the only purpose-built public school building listed so far in Albany. Two former public school buildings are included as contributing properties in the South End district,[25] and the former St. Joseph's Academy is a contributing property to Arbor Hill.[26]

The Harmanus Bleecker Library, originally built by the city as its first library but now redeveloped privately as office space,[27] is one of eight properties with a past or present cultural function. Of the other seven only two, the Albany Institute of History & Art and the Palace Theatre, are purpose-built for their continuing role. The Institute, the city's major museum, is joined by three historic house museums and the Slater in that function. Lastly, the Washington Avenue Armory is now used for some concerts.[28] Contributing properties to the historic districts with cultural functions include the John A. Howe Branch library in the South End.[25]

Three properties also commemorate scientific discoveries and technological accomplishments. As a professor at the Albany Academy, Joseph Henry discovered electrical inductance, which would later lead to the development of the telegraph and all subsequent information technology.[29] The building has since been renamed in his memory.[30] James Hall made many of his paleontological and geological breakthroughs from the research in his office and laboratory.[23]

While Squire Whipple was an Albany resident whose bowstring truss bridge design was based on his own mathematical studies of the stresses on bridge trusses, work which helped move bridge building from a craft to a science, he did not have anything to do with the construction of the bridge that shares his name. It is believed to be the work of one of many bridge builder copying his design, which was portable and easy to assemble. Albany's bridge is one of only two in that design still in use in New York, one of the oldest surviving iron bridges in the country and one of the few of those that use both cast and wrought iron.[31]

Religion and institutional

All 10 of the listed buildings used for religious purposes are or were Christian churches. Two are Catholic[note 10] and six are used by various Protestant denominations (the Episcopal Church accounts for three).[note 11] Church of the Holy Innocents, which is vacant, was built for an Episcopal congregation and later used for Russian Orthodox worship.

Three of the listed churches—the First Reformed Church St. Peter's Episcopal Church and St. Mary's Church—are home to Albany's oldest congregations in their denominations. The First Reformed Church, dating to 1634, is also the city's oldest church building and the oldest Christian congregation in upstate New York.[32] St. Mary's, established near the end of the 18th century, is likewise the oldest Catholic congregation in the city and upstate.[33] All Saints and Immaculate Conception are, respectively, the cathedrals of the Episcopal and Catholic dioceses of Albany. Immaculate Conception is further distinguished as the second-oldest Catholic cathedral in the state after St. Patrick's in New York City.[34]

In the historic districts, fourteen churches are contributing properties. They include some prominent local churches, like St. Joseph's, the city's third Catholic church,[35] in the Ten Broeck Triangle section of the Arbor Hill district. Others are historically important, like Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in the South End, the only remaining wood frame church in the city.[25] The one purpose-built synagogue among the contributing properties, Wilborn Temple in Center Square, has since been converted into a church.[36]

Only one property is used for non-profit institutional use outside of a religious organization. Nut Grove, a former mansion on the south boundary of the city, is now part of a substance-abuse rehabilitation facility,[37] following its use as a hospice.[38] The Schuyler Mansion, another former center of a large estate, was used as an orphanage between the family's occupancy and its acquisition by the state.[39]


All of the nine present or former residential properties listed are purpose-built single-family houses. Of them, only the governor's mansion is still used that way. Four of the others have been converted into office space or other commercial use[note 12] and three old mansions—Cherry Hill and the Schuyler and Ten Broeck mansions—have been converted into historic house museums. The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence, a former stop on the Underground Railroad,[40] is vacant but being converted into one.[41] Nut Grove, as noted above, is now part of a substance-abuse treatment center.[37]

By contrast, the historic districts are overwhelmingly residential. The smallest ones—Jermain Street,[9] Knox Street[8] and Rapp Road[5]—are composed entirely of houses. Four rowhouses, possibly to become office space,[42] make up the Broadway Row.[43] Among the larger districts closer to the city's core only downtown is primarily commercial or mixed-use, although a few older houses remain.[4] The Lafayette Park district is mostly large government buildings, but has a residential block at one corner.[14]

Most of the contributing residential properties, like the individually listed ones, were built as single-family homes. Most that are multiple-unit dwellings are those homes that have been subdivided into duplexes; however there are some apartment houses in Arbor Hill,[44] Center Square[45] and the South End.[46] The latter two also have former industrial buildings that have been converted into apartments.[47][48]


Eleven of the listed buildings have either been built or adapted for commercial purposes. The former group accounts for six buildings. All but one remains in commercial use—the former headquarters of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, now in government and educational reuse as the system administration building for the State University of New York. Commercially repurposed buildings were primarily houses, with four of those listed as such now serving as office space. One former government building, the city's Quackenbush Pumping Station, is now the Albany Pump Station brewpub.[49]

Among the contributing properties to the downtown historic district are five of the listed commercial buildings, three purpose-built and two adapted, as well as the SUNY system administration building. Of the other six, only the Arnold House contributes to another historic district, Washington Park.[50] Downtown's contributing properties also include other significant commercial buildings in the city's history such as the Home Savings Bank Building,[51] Albany's tallest building at the time of its 1927 construction.[52] Some of Center Square's rowhouses have also been converted into offices. Lark Street, with many shops, runs through the district as well.[21] Another significant commercial corridor, South Pearl Street, runs through the South End[53] and then the Mansion before reaching downtown.[54] Green Street in the Pastures district also has a small row with commercial storefronts.[55]

Transportation and infrastructure

Two listings—the former Union Station building and the Whipple Cast and Wrought Iron Bowstring Truss Bridge—served transportation purposes for most of their existence. The former was converted to office space after passenger train service stopped in 1968.[56] The latter, once used as a road bridge into a farm on the city's outskirts, is now used only by pedestrians due to its age[57] since the farm became a public park.[58]

Outside of transportation purposes, there is one other building that was part of the city's infrastructure. The Albany Pump Station was formerly the Quackenbush Pumping Station of the city's water system. When the city switched from using the nearby Hudson River to Alcove Reservoir as its primary water source in 1937, it was taken out of service.[59] After several decades of neglect it has been revived as a brewpub.[49]

There are two significant transportation-related resources among the contributing properties to the historic districts. Most prominent is the former railroad bridge in the Broadway–Livingston Avenue Historic District, a Warren truss dating to 1900.[60] In Center Square there is also one of the two surviving overhead wire poles from the city's trolley system.[15]

Open space

Four parks in the city are included in its listings. Lincoln Park is listed individually, and Swinburne Park is listed along with neighboring Bleecker Stadium. Lafayette and Washington parks are contributing properties to the historic districts that bear their names.

Architects and architecture

Most of the listed properties date from the mid-19th to early 20th centuries, the period of the city's greatest prosperity and growth. As such the architectural styles most prevalent are from that era. From outside there are more from older periods than newer.

Despite the city's founding by the Dutch, only one listed property, the Van Ostrande–Radliff House, the city's oldest building, is a genuine example of Dutch Colonial architecture. Even then its Dutch features that do survive are more structural and internal, most notably its jambless fireplace, the only one in that style remaining in the country.[61] English colonial styles are more visibly represented by the Georgian Schuyler Mansion.[62]

The Ten Broeck Mansion, built near the end of the 18th century, is the earliest listing postdating American independence.[63] Like Schuyler's a gabled brick estate house, its early use of the similarly classically-inspired Federal style shows the transition from colonial architecture to the modes of the new nation and century. Philip Hooker's First Reformed Church, another Federal structure completed shortly after Ten Broeck's mansion, was his first major building.[64] With the Old Albany Academy Building in 1815 Hooker would further develop the Federal style in the city.[30] The style persisted in vernacular forms as late as 1838, when the brick house of strawberry-farming pioneer James Wilson, the oldest contributing property to the Knox Street Historic District, was built.[65]

Following the opening of the Erie Canal in the 1820s, a new generation of builders continued the evolution of the classically inspired form into the Greek Revival, which made its mark in the city shortly before mid-century. The houses of the Broadway Row show this transition from the Federal style.[43] It would be used for both the upscale townhouses of Elk Street, one of Albany's most distinguished addresses for decades afterwards,[66] and the restrained frame houses of Foley's Row in the South End, speculative housing built for lower-income buyers.[67] The style was often used for public buildings, and in Albany it made its grand entrance with 1842's colonnaded State Hall (now the Court of Appeals Building), its rotunda using all three classical orders.[68] South of the city limits at the time of its construction, Alexander Jackson Davis's Nut Grove is his only Greek Revival house within the Hudson Valley, and a rare example of the Grecian country house within that style.[69]

The Victorian styles that dominated architecture in the second half of the century made their debuts in Albany at its midpoint. The small building in Lincoln Park where James Hall did his groundbreaking paleontological research is an Italian villa-style variant of the Italianate style, built from a pattern designed by Andrew Jackson Downing and his student Calvert Vaux, erected in 1852, the year of the former's death.[23] Elsewhere in the city, the Italianate style proved ideal for the many rowhouses going up, particularly along Clinton Avenue, where different stretches show the transition from the Greek Revival and how it was applied before and after the Civil War.[70] The Walter Merchant House on Washington Avenue, one of the more developed applications of the Italianate rowhouse in Albany, is one of the rare detached, larger ones remaining.[71]

As they had elsewhere, churches were instrumental in bringing the Gothic Revival to Albany. The city's Episcopalians were the first, with Frank Wills' Church of the Holy Innocents in 1850.[72] Two years later Patrick Keely built the Gothic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception for the newly established Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany.[34] Lutherans in the South End put up the German Evangelical Protestant Church, still a focal point of that neighborhood, in 1857.[73] At the end of the decade the Episcopal Church brought in Gothic Revival pioneer Richard Upjohn, along with his son, to design the new St. Peter's Episcopal Church building in the French Gothic mode.[74]

The complicated construction of the state capitol wound up embracing the century's later architectural movements. In 1867, Thomas Fuller began the new building in the Second Empire style. Nine years and three stories later, however, amid mounting criticism of his work and the costs of the project, he was replaced by Leopold Eidlitz and Henry Hobson Richardson, who oversaw the construction of the next two floors in the Renaissance Revival style. They lasted until 1883, when new governor Grover Cleveland replaced them with Isaac Perry, who supervised the building through its 1899 completion, moving toward a more Romanesque style as he did so.[75]

Some of the architects who worked on the capitol graced Albany with other projects. After an 1880 fire destroyed city hall, Richardson designed its replacement, completed in 1883, a period when he is generally regarded as having been at his creative peak.[76] Perry built the Washington Avenue Armory for the state seven years later.[77] The Renaissance Revival style used for the capitol's later floors was complemented when that style was used for another project with a complicated history, the city's 1883 post office.[78]

The more decorative styles of the fin de siècle began to appear in Albany during the 1890s. Richard Morris Hunt built the Rice Mansion, the only freestanding Beaux Arts mansion in the city, now part of the Albany Institute of History & Art, during that time.[79] In the last years of the century, the new Union Station by Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge brought the style to where most visitors entered the city.[56]

In the first decades of the new century, another new style, Colonial Revival, came to the city. Stanford White's Benjamin Walworth Arnold House, his only building in the city, was also the first to use it, in 1905. A decade later, the First Congregational Church of Albany 1917 Woodlawn building by Albert W. Fuller attracted considerable media attention as the first Colonial Revival church in the city. It would receive its highest application in the city 15 years later with the opening of Philip Livingston Junior High School at the city's northern entrance, one of its few landmark buildings outside downtown.

Historical context

Early expansion, fueled by the 1825 completion of the Erie Canal and the immigrant populations it attracted, largely went to the north and south of the original settlement, absorbing large earlier estates in the latter direction such as the Schuyler Mansion,[62] Cherry Hill[80] and Nut Grove[69] leading to the development of the Arbor Hill,[10] Mansion,[11] Pastures[81] and South End historic districts.[12]

West of that historic core, the first city hall and state capitol buildings around what later became Lafayette Park spurred some development around them early in the 19th century.[14] Near the end of the century, the completion of the current capitol and Washington Park gave a new impetus to the city's growth in that direction, opening up the Center Square neighborhood.[82]

By the 1920s streetcar lines were running out to newer, more suburban neighborhoods to the west and southwest. Two of the listed churches helped pioneer the development of the Pine Hills neighborhood;[83][84] the city built Hook and Ladder No. 4, the only fire station listed, to serve another new enclave. After World War II, another suburban building boom and new technologies combined to create the Lustron Houses of Jermain Street Historic District, the most recently constructed of the city's Register listings.[9]:6,9

      This National Park Service list is complete through NPS recent listings posted January 12, 2024.[85]


Legend:   National Register of Historic Places listing   National Historic Landmark   Historic district   National Historic Landmark District

[86] Name on the Register Image Date listed[87] Location Neighborhood Description
1 Abrams Building
Abrams Building
Abrams Building
February 14, 1980[88]
55–57 S. Pearl St.[88]
42°38′53″N 73°45′15″W / 42.648056°N 73.754167°W / 42.648056; -73.754167 (Abrams Building)
Downtown When listed, it was one of the few commercial buildings downtown with its original storefront.[89] In 1987 it was demolished to make way for the Times Union Center.[16]
2 The Albany Academy
An ornate three-story brick building with a pedimented front section and tall gray cupola.
The Albany Academy
February 18, 1971[90]
Academy Park[90]
42°39′11″N 73°45′18″W / 42.653°N 73.7549°W / 42.653; -73.7549 (The Albany Academy)
Downtown Philip Hooker designed the original home of the Albany Academy, one of his two remaining buildings in the city. Now the main office of the City School District of Albany,[30] it is sometimes known as the Joseph Henry Memorial after the scientist who discovered electrical inductance here in 1829.[91]
3 Albany City Hall
A light brown building with dark brown trim stands on a street corner; it has an arched entrance at left, a double-peaked roof, and a 200-foot tower at the closest corner.
Albany City Hall
September 4, 1972[90]
Eagle Street at Maiden Lane[90]
42°39′06″N 73°45′16″W / 42.6517°N 73.7544°W / 42.6517; -73.7544 (Albany City Hall)
Downtown Designed by Henry Hobson Richardson in his particular Romanesque style, this 1883 structure is from the period considered as his architectural peak. Small donations by more than 25,000 residents paid for the installation of a carillon, the first to be installed in an American municipal building, in 1927.[76][92]
4 Albany Felt Company Complex
Albany Felt Company Complex
Albany Felt Company Complex
February 14, 2014
1373 Broadway
42°40′34″N 73°44′12″W / 42.676164°N 73.7365487°W / 42.676164; -73.7365487 (Albany Felt Company Complex)
North Albany Early 20th-century factory complex with extensive landscaping. Extends into Menands, elsewhere in Albany County
5 Albany Institute of History & Art
From left to right, a yellow brick building with a flat roof; a steel, concrete and glass connector, and another brick building with a large tree and lawn in front, seen from across a city street.
Albany Institute of History & Art
July 12, 1976[90]
135 Washington Ave.[90]
42°39′21″N 73°45′36″W / 42.6558°N 73.7601°W / 42.6558; -73.7601 (Albany Institute of History & Art)
Washington Avenue Two connected buildings house the Albany Institute, created by the merger of two separate learned societies in 1824. Richard Morris Hunt designed the older Rice House, the only freestanding Beaux arts-style mansion in Albany. In 1907, the Institute added a similar structure by Marcus T. Reynolds for offices and collections.[79] Both were renovated around the turn of the millennium.[93]
6 Albany Perforated Wrapping Paper Co. April 28, 2022
19 Erie Blvd.
42°39′51″N 73°44′21″W / 42.6641°N 73.7392°W / 42.6641; -73.7392 (Albany Perforated Wrapping Paper Co.)
7 Albany Union Station
An ornate stone building with three tall arched entrances and a clock in the middle of the top
Albany Union Station
February 18, 1971[90]
East side of Broadway between Columbia and Steuben streets[90]
42°39′05″N 73°44′58″W / 42.6514°N 73.7494°W / 42.6514; -73.7494 (Albany Union Station)
Downtown Built during 1899–1900, this Beaux-Arts station "provided an ultra-modern first impression" to visitors and potential investors until it closed in 1968.[56] From the mid-1980s to 2009 it was reused as a bank.[94]
8 Albany VA Main Hospital Building July 15, 2022
113 Holland Ave.
42°38′59″N 73°46′28″W / 42.6496°N 73.7744°W / 42.6496; -73.7744 (Albany VA Main Hospital Building)
9 Arbor Hill Historic District–Ten Broeck Triangle
A row of attached two-story houses with ornate wooden sheltered balconies on the front.
Arbor Hill Historic District–Ten Broeck Triangle
January 25, 1979[95]
September 29, 1984 (increase)[96]
Irregular pattern along Ten Broeck Street from Clinton Avenue to Livingston Avenue[95]
42°39′26″N 73°45′07″W / 42.6572°N 73.7519°W / 42.6572; -73.7519 (Arbor Hill Historic District–Ten Broeck Triangle)
Arbor Hill Albany's 19th-century industrialists and merchants built stately homes in this intact 34-acre (14 ha) enclave south of the Ten Broeck Mansion. Two large churches serve as focal points.[10] A 1984 westward expansion of the district boundaries more than doubled its size.[97]
10 Benjamin Walworth Arnold House and Carriage House
A three-story brick building on a street corner seen from across the intersection. It has an entrance with columns and a white balustrade on its flat roof.
Benjamin Walworth Arnold House and Carriage House
July 26, 1982[98]
465 State St. and 307 Washington Ave.[98]
42°39′31″N 73°46′07″W / 42.6586°N 73.7686°W / 42.6586; -73.7686 (Benjamin Walworth Arnold House and Carriage House)
Washington Avenue Stanford White's early use of the Colonial Revival style for this house of a local lumberman and financier attracted considerable notice when it was built in 1905. The two are his only buildings in Albany.[99]
11 Bleecker Stadium and Swinburne Park
Bleecker Stadium and Swinburne Park
Bleecker Stadium and Swinburne Park
February 20, 2018
Clinton Ave.
42°40′14″N 73°46′35″W / 42.67053°N 73.77637°W / 42.67053; -73.77637 (Bleecker Stadium and Swinburne Park)
West Hill Park built up from 1850s flower garden includes stadium converted from a reservoir by WPA during New Deal
12 Boardman and Gray Piano Company July 27, 2022
883 Broadway
42°38′51″N 73°44′21″W / 42.6474°N 73.7392°W / 42.6474; -73.7392 (Boardman and Gray Piano Company)
13 Broadway–Livingston Avenue Historic District
Several old brick buildings along the left side of a street, which descends underneath a rusted metal bridge.
Broadway–Livingston Avenue Historic District
January 7, 1988[100]
Broadway and Livingston Avenue[100]
42°39′27″N 73°44′53″W / 42.6576°N 73.7481°W / 42.6576; -73.7481 (Broadway–Livingston Avenue Historic District)
Arbor Hill and North Albany Nine buildings of the original 20 that surround this intersection. They comprise the only remaining intact 19th-century commercial-residential cluster on north Broadway. A 1900 Warren Truss railroad bridge is a contributing structure.[60]
14 Building at 44 Central Avenue
Building at 44 Central Avenue
Building at 44 Central Avenue
February 14, 2014
44 Central Avenue.
42°39′30″N 73°46′04″W / 42.6583092°N 73.7676874°W / 42.6583092; -73.7676874 (Building at 44 Central Avenue)
Washington Avenue 1840s Federal style building is one of few remainders of city's turnpike era.
15 Buildings at 744, 746, 748, 750 Broadway
A group of four attached three-story brick buildings with flat roofs and stoops. The two closest to the camera are tan, the third brown and the last white.
Buildings at 744, 746, 748, 750 Broadway
December 17, 1987[101]
744–750 Broadway[101]
42°39′23″N 73°44′55″W / 42.6563°N 73.7487°W / 42.6563; -73.7487 (Buildings at 744, 746, 748, 750 Broadway)
Arbor Hill These four row houses, built 1833–1870, are the only that remain of the many that once lined this section of Broadway.[43]
16 Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church
A brown brick building with gothic detailing, buttresses and a square tower on the front right seen from the middle of a nearby intersection.
Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church
February 28, 2008[102]
715 Morris St.[102]
42°39′53″N 73°47′31″W / 42.6648°N 73.7919°W / 42.6648; -73.7919 (Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church)
Pine Hills This church was notable during the development of the Pine Hills neighborhood, having served an important cultural function during the neighborhood's massive growth in the early 1900s. It is also an example of an early-20th-century Collegiate Gothic brick church.[84]
17 Cathedral of All Saints
An L-shaped brick building with two pointed roofs and a large tree in its crook
Cathedral of All Saints
July 25, 1974[90]
South Swan Street[90]
42°39′17″N 73°45′28″W / 42.6547°N 73.7578°W / 42.6547; -73.7578 (Cathedral of All Saints)
Downtown A young Robert W. Gibson beat out Henry Hobson Richardson in 1884 for this commission, a cathedral long sought by the wealthy families in Albany's Episcopal diocese. The most ambitious plan for an Episcopal cathedral in its time, it was never finished due to the construction of the nearby Education Department building almost three decades later.[103]
18 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
A church of ornate brown stone with two tall towers in front seen from across an intersection.
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
June 8, 1976[90]
125 Eagle St.[90]
42°38′52″N 73°45′36″W / 42.6477°N 73.7599°W / 42.6477; -73.7599 (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception)
Mansion District Designed by Patrick Keeley and built in 1848-52, Immaculate Conception was the second Catholic cathedral to be built in New York after St. Patrick's, third in the country and the first American Catholic building in the Neo-Gothic style. Its recently-renovated interior retains the original English stained glass windows. For the rest of the century it was the tallest building in the city.[34]
19 Center Square/Hudson–Park Historic District
An urban street with cars parked along either side. On the left is a group of ornate three-story brick rowhouses in various colors. In the background is a tall modernist office tower, with smaller versions on its flanks.
Center Square/Hudson–Park Historic District
March 18, 1980[88]
Roughly bounded by Park Avenue, State, Lark and South Swan streets.[88]
42°39′09″N 73°45′51″W / 42.6526°N 73.7642°W / 42.6526; -73.7642 (Center Square/Hudson–Park Historic District)
Center Square and Hudson/Park This 27-block area west of the Empire State Plaza has a diverse collection of 19th- and early-20th-century buildings in contemporary architectural styles by both prominent and vernacular architects. Most are rowhouses, with some churches and office and industrial buildings included.[82]
20 Cherry Hill
A two-and-a-half-story yellow wooden house with a gambrel roof seen from a corner angle amid large trees. A paved path leading to it from the camera is blocked by a chainlink fence.
Cherry Hill
February 18, 1971[90]
S. Pearl St. between 1st and McCarthy Aves.[90]
42°38′05″N 73°45′49″W / 42.6348°N 73.7635°W / 42.6348; -73.7635 (Cherry Hill)
South End Built by Colonel Philip van Rensselaer in 1768 for his wife Maria Sanders (granddaughter of Albany's first mayor Pieter Schuyler), this colonial home remained in the Van Rensselaer family for nearly two centuries. Today it is a museum exhibiting family heirlooms from that era.[104]
21 Church of the Holy Innocents
An ivy-covered building with a pointed roof and a small green dome with a cross seen from across a street, with a car parked in front. There is a chainlink fence around it and the ground slopes downwards towards its rear. A street sign at the corner reads "Colonie" and "North Pearl".
Church of the Holy Innocents
January 31, 1978[90]
275 N. Pearl St.[90]
42°39′32″N 73°44′54″W / 42.6588°N 73.7483°W / 42.6588; -73.7483 (Church of the Holy Innocents)
Arbor Hill An early example of the Gothic Revival style of architecture in America, an onion dome was added when this 1850 Episcopal church became Russian Orthodox. Noted for its John Bolton-designed stained glass windows, the church was located in "the most fashionable area of Albany during the 1840s and 1850s."[72] It is now abandoned.
22 Clinton Avenue Historic District
A group of five three-story brick rowhouses, two and three bays wide, on an urban street. The one on the right is painted green, the three in the middle have projecting bays on the upper stories and the leftmost one is unpainted.
Clinton Avenue Historic District
September 1, 1988[105]
Along Clinton Avenue from Quail to North Pearl streets[105]
42°39′40″N 73°45′42″W / 42.661°N 73.7616°W / 42.661; -73.7616 (Clinton Avenue Historic District)
Arbor Hill and West Hill Over 90% of the buildings along this 1.5-mile (2.4 km) stretch of Clinton, and some side streets, are 19th-century rowhouses, the largest concentration in Albany.[106]
23 Consolidated Car Heating Company Complex November 1, 2021
413 North Pearl St., 928-940 Broadway
42°39′44″N 73°44′41″W / 42.6622°N 73.7447°W / 42.6622; -73.7447 (Consolidated Car Heating Company Complex)
24 Delaware and Hudson Railroad Company Building
An ornate stone tower with a pointed green roof flanked by similar small turrets, and similar but lower wings at ground level. At front right is a shrub with a sign in front of it saying "State University of New York, System Administration
Delaware and Hudson Railroad Company Building
March 16, 1972[90]
The Plaza on State Street[90]
42°38′53″N 73°44′58″W / 42.6481°N 73.7495°W / 42.6481; -73.7495 (Delaware and Hudson Railroad Company Building)
Downtown One of Albany's most distinctive landmarks, Marcus T. Reynolds' 1914 copy of the Cloth Hall tower in Ypres, Belgium,[107] is often taken by visitors to be the state capitol.[108] It and the Plaza in front were the only elements of a City Beautiful-inspired plan for downtown Albany actually built.[109] In addition to the railroad, a newspaper occupied the southern wing, built later. Today it serves as the main administration building for the State University of New York.[110]
25 Downtown Albany Historic District
A view down an urban street in a well-developed area. There are lower buildings in the foreground, including one with "B. Lodge & Co." prominently displayed on it at the left, across the intersection from the camera. In the rear are taller ones.
Downtown Albany Historic District
January 31, 1980[88]
Bound by Broadway, State, Pine, Lodge and Columbia streets,[88] also 145-150 State, 36-42 Eagle, and 93 North Pearl Sts.
42°39′02″N 73°45′08″W / 42.6505°N 73.7521°W / 42.6505; -73.7521 (Downtown Albany Historic District)
Downtown Downtown is the oldest settled area of Albany, and still retains the street plan established within its 17th-century stockade. The 13-block core of the city is home to many of its major commercial buildings, some of which are themselves listed on the Register.[4] The district's boundaries were altered on May 9, 2022.
26 First Congregational Church of Albany
First Congregational Church of Albany
First Congregational Church of Albany
May 27, 2014
405 Quail St.
42°39′14″N 73°47′09″W / 42.6539°N 73.7857°W / 42.6539; -73.7857 (First Congregational Church of Albany)
New Scotland/Woodlawn 1917 church built in Wren-Gibbs style was catalyst for development of surrounding neighborhood
27 First Reformed Church
A brick building with two tall towers topped with copper, seen from its right, across a city street, at some height. Other buildings are visible on the right of the image.
First Reformed Church
January 21, 1974[90]
56 Orange St.[90]
42°39′13″N 73°45′02″W / 42.6535°N 73.7505°W / 42.6535; -73.7505 (First Reformed Church)
Downtown The North Dutch Church was architect Philip Hooker's first major design. The congregation was formed in 1634[64] making it the oldest Christian congregation in Upstate New York.[111]
28 First Trust Company Building
An older, ornate stone and brick building with a small domed green top in a city. It is seen from a street that goes straight toward it, looking directly at its curved corner. There are larger, more modern buildings behind it.
First Trust Company Building
January 18, 1973[90]
35 State St.[90]
42°38′57″N 73°45′03″W / 42.6491°N 73.7509°W / 42.6491; -73.7509 (First Trust Company Building)
Downtown Marcus T. Reynolds designed this domed Beaux Arts commercial building in 1902. Located on the corner with Broadway, it is one of downtown's several focal points.[112]
29 Fort Orange Archeological Site
A metallic plaque with the words "Fort Orange: Site of West India Company Colony 1624, was located to the southeast by the river."
Fort Orange Archeological Site
November 4, 1993[113]
Junction of I-787 and U.S. routes 9 and 20[113]
42°38′41″N 73°45′01″W / 42.6447°N 73.7503°W / 42.6447; -73.7503 (Fort Orange Archeological Site)
Downtown The first permanent Dutch fort in New Netherland was located here in 1624. Abandoned by 1676, it became the nucleus of the future city. Archeological digs in 1970 uncovered the first 17th-century European artifacts from an intact Dutch colonial site.[6]
30 James Hall Office
A small brick building with white paint flaking off in spots, green trim, a gently sloping gabled roof and low tower behind the right corner.
James Hall Office
December 8, 1976[90]
Lincoln Park[90]
42°38′45″N 73°46′09″W / 42.6458°N 73.7692°W / 42.6458; -73.7692 (James Hall Office)
South End A collaboration between Calvert Vaux and Andrew Jackson Downing resulted in this 1852 Italian villa-style building in Lincoln Park. It was used as office and storage space by James Hall, at one time New York's state geologist. His research here laid the foundations for modern North American paleontology.[23]
31 Harmanus Bleecker Library
A two-story brick building with ornate windows and a flat roof seen from across a city street
Harmanus Bleecker Library
May 16, 1996[114]
19 Dove St.[114]
42°39′19″N 73°45′42″W / 42.6554°N 73.7616°W / 42.6554; -73.7616 (Harmanus Bleecker Library)
Washington Avenue This former library is a unique example of Classical Revival architecture from the 1920s in Albany. It was the first building used solely as a library in the city.[115] After sitting vacant following its 1970s closure, it was transformed into office space in 2003.[116]
32 Hook and Ladder No. 4
An ornate brick building with two large garages in front and two corresponding stepped point sections on the roof behind a traffic signal at the intersection of Delaware Avenue and Marshall Street, seen from the far corner.
Hook and Ladder No. 4
March 12, 2001[117]
Delaware Avenue[117]
42°38′30″N 73°46′47″W / 42.6416°N 73.7796°W / 42.6416; -73.7796 (Hook and Ladder No. 4)
Delaware Avenue Neighborhood Another notable work by Albany architect Marcus T. Reynolds, this 1912 brick structure is a rare example of early 20th century Dutch Revival architecture. As well as including a classic stepped gable, the building also features terra cotta sculptures that illustrate Albany's history.[118]
33 Knox Street Historic District
A view down a city street from an intersection. On either side are rows of two-story brick houses, largely identical with their neighbors. In the background a taller building is visible to the left.
Knox Street Historic District
March 5, 2008[119]
Knox Street between Madison Avenue and Morris Street[119]
42°39′12″N 73°46′14″W / 42.6532°N 73.7706°W / 42.6532; -73.7706 (Knox Street Historic District)
Park South Five separate building campaigns by the same contractor erected the 24 brick rowhouses on these two blocks west of Washington Square in the 1870s and '80s. They are more ornate and accomplished than other such clusters in the city. One Federal style wood frame house from 1838 is also included.[120]
34 Lafayette Park Historic District
Three- and four-story brick buildings in various colors seen from across a street. A large tree is in the middle of the image.
Lafayette Park Historic District
November 15, 1978[90]
Roughly bounded by State, Swan, Elk, Spruce, Chapel and Eagle streets[90]
42°39′11″N 73°45′19″W / 42.6531°N 73.7554°W / 42.6531; -73.7554 (Lafayette Park Historic District)
Downtown City, county and state government buildings front this downtown park, forming Albany's civic core. Neighboring streets include intact rowhouses that were home to prominent families in the 19th and early 20th centuries.[14]
35 Lil's Diner
A single-storey building in the shape of a railroad car, with an Art Deco facade in cream and maroon stripes situated next to a taller brick building
Lil's Diner
November 6, 2000[121]
893 Broadway[121]
42°39′39″N 73°44′41″W / 42.6609°N 73.7448°W / 42.6609; -73.7448 (Lil's Diner)
North Albany Originally named for its first owner, this is a rare example of an intact railcar-style early 1940s diner design.[122] It underwent significant renovation in 1988 for use as a key set in the movie Ironweed.[123] A neighboring restaurant purchased the location after it closed in 2012 and reopened it as a pizzeria.[124]
36 Lincoln Park
Lincoln Park
Lincoln Park
February 20, 2018
Lincoln Park
42°38′43″N 73°45′50″W / 42.6453°N 73.7640°W / 42.6453; -73.7640 (Lincoln Park)
South End Created by 1890 clearing of Martinville shantytown, park was planned by Charles Downing Lay and Arnold Brunner
37 Lustron Houses of Jermain Street Historic District
Three small one-story houses with pointed roofs on a street with tall trees behind them
Lustron Houses of Jermain Street Historic District
July 29, 2009[125]
1, 3, 5, 7, 8 Jermain Street[125]
42°40′45″N 73°48′04″W / 42.6792°N 73.8010°W / 42.6792; -73.8010 (Lustron Houses of Jermain Street Historic District)
Upper Washington Avenue The five prefabricated Lustron houses on this street are a rare surviving group reflecting the increasing suburbanization of the years after World War II. It is the largest contiguous district in the state with all homes fully intact.[9]:6,9
38 Mansion Historic District
A row of four three-story flat-roofed brick buildings in various colors seen from across a corner. There are people standing on the other corners. The building nearest the camera, at the left, has a sign at street level saying "Grand Deli" and another, smaller one saying "ATM".
Mansion Historic District
September 30, 1982[98]
Roughly bounded by Park Avenue, Pearl, Eagle, and Hamilton streets[90]
42°38′43″N 73°45′28″W / 42.6454°N 73.7577°W / 42.6454; -73.7577 (Mansion Historic District)
Mansion District Initially Albany's first suburban enclave, this neighborhood on the slopes below the governor's mansion was the first residence for the city's many immigrant groups during the 19th century.[11]
39 A. Mendelson and Son Company Building
A three-story brick building seen from its right, so that two sides are visible in full. Below the flat roof in front the words "Port Business Center" are painted across.
A. Mendelson and Son Company Building
June 6, 2003[126]
40 Broadway
42°38′16″N 73°45′14″W / 42.6377°N 73.7538°W / 42.6377; -73.7538 (A. Mendelson and Son Company Building)
Built after a 1904 fire destroyed the previous structure on the site, this is one of the few remaining intact early-20th-century industrial buildings in Albany's port area. It has seen no significant alterations and remains in use.[127]
40 Walter Merchant House
An ornate brown stone building three stories high with a flat roof and small yard in front on a city street
Walter Merchant House
March 6, 2002[128]
188 Washington Ave.
42°39′22″N 73°45′46″W / 42.6562°N 73.7628°W / 42.6562; -73.7628 (Walter Merchant House)
Washington Avenue Noted as a rare local example of Italianate architecture in an urban setting, the Merchant House is one of the few of many of this design still standing. Its large carriage house is also increasingly rare in the city. The size of the mansion, in addition to its carriage house, represent the success of the building's first owner, who was one of Albany's wealthy 19th-century merchants.[71]
41 Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence
The front of a two-and-a-half story brick building with an exposed basement, seen from a nearby street, partially obstructed by the front of a parked car
Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence
November 30, 2004[129]
194 Livingston Ave.
42°39′40″N 73°45′16″W / 42.661°N 73.7544°W / 42.661; -73.7544 (Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence)
Arbor Hill Architecturally notable as a rare example of mid-nineteenth-century Greek Revival townhouse design, the building was also prominent in the history of the Underground Railroad. During the 1850s, Stephen Myers was chairman of the Vigilance Committee, a group charged with safely helping African slaves on their way to Canada. The house was the headquarters of the Committee and home to the Myers during Stephen's chairmanship.[40]
42 National Biscuit Company Complex
National Biscuit Company Complex
National Biscuit Company Complex
November 6, 2020
221-225 North Pearl St. and 75 Livingston Ave.
42°39′27″N 73°44′58″W / 42.6576°N 73.7494°W / 42.6576; -73.7494 (National Biscuit Company Complex)
43 New Scotland Avenue (Troop B) Armory
A large brick building with a rounded roof in back and flagpole in front.
New Scotland Avenue (Troop B) Armory
January 28, 1994[130]
130 New Scotland Ave.
42°39′08″N 73°46′53″W / 42.6523°N 73.7814°W / 42.6523; -73.7814 (New Scotland Avenue (Troop B) Armory)
University Heights Lewis Pilcher's 1914 Tudor Revival armory is one of only six extant in the state designed for a cavalry unit.[131]
44 New York State Executive Mansion
An ornate brick house with a pyramid-roofed tower on the front seen from slightly below. In front is a flagpole and some tall trees, with shrubbery and a chain link fence at the bottom of the image, closer to the camera.
New York State Executive Mansion
February 18, 1971[90]
138 Eagle St.
42°38′48″N 73°45′39″W / 42.6467°N 73.7609°W / 42.6467; -73.7609 (New York State Executive Mansion)
Mansion District Built in 1860 as a private residence, the Governor's home was purchased by the State in 1883 for use as the state's executive mansion. It is the first and only state-owned building dedicated to housing the governor.[132] The Mansion Historic District's name originates from its proximity to the Executive Mansion.[133]
45 New York State Capitol
An ornate building, several stories high, of light colored stone. Many arches are visible on its front. On its sides are two large towers with pyramidal red roofs, echoed by similar smaller towers closer to the center with stone tops. In front of the camera, at bottom, is a plaza with a wavy-line pattern.
New York State Capitol
February 18, 1971[90]
Washington Avenue and State Street
42°39′09″N 73°45′26″W / 42.6526°N 73.7573°W / 42.6526; -73.7573 (New York State Capitol)
Downtown Commissioned in 1867, the seat of state government was not completed until 1898. During that time, its design was changed from French Renaissance Revival to Beaux Arts. One of twelve U.S. state capitols without a dome, it and Philadelphia's City Hall are the last two large load-bearing structures built in the U.S.[75]
46 New York State Court of Appeals Building
A three-story light-colored stone building. In the front a pedimented central pavilion with six Ionic columns projects. Between the second and third stories of the main facade there is a large molded cornice.
New York State Court of Appeals Building
February 18, 1971[90]
20 Eagle Street
42°39′08″N 73°45′14″W / 42.6523°N 73.7539°W / 42.6523; -73.7539 (New York State Court of Appeals Building)
Downtown Now home to the state's highest court, this was built from 1834 to 1842 to house it and several other state officers. The Greek Revival styling makes free use of all three major classical orders.[68]
47 New York State Department of Education Building
A long light-colored stone building seen from across the street. It has round fluted columns with ornate capitals running across its front, from one side of the image to the other.
New York State Department of Education Building
March 18, 1971[90]
89 Washington Avenue
42°39′14″N 73°45′27″W / 42.654°N 73.7576°W / 42.654; -73.7576 (New York State Department of Education Building)
Downtown Henry Hornbostel's 1912 edifice was the first major building in the United States constructed solely for educational administration purposes. Until 1976 it also housed the state museum.[134]
48 Normanskill Farm
Normanskill Farm
Normanskill Farm
April 5, 2019
5 Mill Road
42°38′09″N 73°48′07″W / 42.6358°N 73.8019°W / 42.6358; -73.8019 (Normanskill Farm)
Normansville Farmstead dating to 1806 has been owned by four prominent city residents; today used as police K-9 training area
49 Nut Grove
A two-story yellow brick building with a flat roof and brown trim. A metal lamppost is in front with tall trees in the back
Nut Grove
July 30, 1974[90]
90 McCarty Ave.
42°38′01″N 73°46′07″W / 42.6335°N 73.7685°W / 42.6335; -73.7685 (Nut Grove)
South End Alexander Jackson Davis's only Greek Revival house in the Hudson Valley is also a rare example of the Grecian country-house form within the style. After its 1845 construction, it remained in the family until 1903, when it was altered slightly and converted into a hospice, a use that continued until 1973.[38]
50 Old Post Office
An ornate grey stone building with many arches along its front and two peaked roofs seen from across an intersection.
Old Post Office
January 20, 1972[90]
Northeast corner of Broadway and State Street
42°38′56″N 73°45′01″W / 42.6489°N 73.7503°W / 42.6489; -73.7503 (Old Post Office)
Downtown Completed in 1883 after four years of construction, in a different style than originally planned this eclectic building was later an anchor for the City Beautiful-inspired Plaza redevelopment that led to the D&H and First Trust buildings.[135]
51 Palace Theatre
A large elaborate brick and stone building that gets taller in the back. In the front is a modern electronic marquee with the word "Palace" on top. The electronic sign on it says "Congratulations Albany 2009 All-America City".
Palace Theatre
October 4, 1979[136]
19 Clinton Ave.
42°39′17″N 73°45′01″W / 42.6547°N 73.7502°W / 42.6547; -73.7502 (Palace Theatre)
Arbor Hill and Downtown When opened in 1930 it was the third largest theater in the world. John Eberson designed the Austrian Baroque interior considered an excellent example of his atmospheric theatres.[137] Now owned by the city, it was extensively renovated in 2002.[138]
52 Park Mart
Park Mart
Park Mart
May 19, 2021
93 North Pearl St.
42°39′10″N 73°45′02″W / 42.6527°N 73.7506°W / 42.6527; -73.7506 (Park Mart)
53 Pastures Historic District
A row of attached houses along a street, seen from further down along the opposite side, on the right of the image. All are of brick, in various colors, three stories high, with gabled roofs and gabled dormer windows. There are tall trees on the right and cars parked along the same side of the street as the houses.
Pastures Historic District
March 16, 1972[90]
Bounded on north by Madison Avenue, on east by Green Street, on south by South Ferry Street, on west by South Pearl Street
42°38′39″N 73°45′16″W / 42.6441°N 73.7544°W / 42.6441; -73.7544 (Pastures Historic District)
Pastures At the city's founding, this area south of the stockade was set aside as common pastureland. In the 19th century it was the site of city's first major residential expansion.[55] It is recovering from a controversial urban renewal plan in the late 20th century.[139]
54 Philip Livingston Junior High School
Philip Livingston Junior High School
Philip Livingston Junior High School
August 18, 2014
315 Northern Boulevard
42°40′06″N 73°45′31″W / 42.668333°N 73.758611°W / 42.668333; -73.758611 (Philip Livingston Junior High School)
West Hill Colonial Revival school built early in 1930s was city's first large public school building; later hosted controversial appearance by Paul Robeson. Later became a magnet school, now vacant and for sale.
55 Quackenbush House
Side view of two-and-a-half-story brick house with wooden shutters next to the windows in an urban setting. There are trees next to it on the left.
Quackenbush House
June 19, 1972[90]
683 Broadway
42°39′14″N 73°44′55″W / 42.654°N 73.7485°W / 42.654; -73.7485 (Quackenbush House)
Downtown Most likely built in the 1740s—though possibly as early as 1736—the Quackenbush House is the oldest remaining example of Dutch Colonial architecture, which was once characteristic of early Albany. It is the only original house left on the block; the rest were demolished during the construction of the Clinton Avenue exit of Interstate 787.[140] Most recently the building served as an English pub.[141]
56 Quackenbush Pumping Station, Albany Water Works
A wide two-story brick building with a hipped roof and gently arched windows, some of which have been bricked in. Across the top is a sign saying "Albany Pump Station." There is a taller building on the left.
Quackenbush Pumping Station, Albany Water Works
June 30, 1983[142]
Quackenbush Square
42°39′15″N 73°44′51″W / 42.6542°N 73.7476°W / 42.6542; -73.7476 (Quackenbush Pumping Station, Albany Water Works)
Downtown In 1873, Albany's rapid growth required the construction of the original buildings of this complex to pump water from the Hudson. It reached its present configuration in 1895, and continued pumping until 1937, with the city's water department continuing to use it as office space.[59] Now the Albany Pump House, a restaurant and brewpub,[49]
57 Rapp Road Community Historic District
A picture of a simple one-story yellow wooden house on top, and a more complex white wooden house on the bottom
Rapp Road Community Historic District
December 27, 2002[143]
Rapp Road
42°41′46″N 73°51′12″W / 42.696111°N 73.853333°W / 42.696111; -73.853333 (Rapp Road Community Historic District)
Rapp Road and The Dunes Originally acquired and subdivided by a local minister, this neighborhood on the city's edge is a rare example of a chain migration African-American community started by migrants from Mississippi during the Great Migration that continues to thrive today.[5]
58 St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
A brown stone building with a tall square tower in the rear and a pointed roof covered in red tile on a street corner with a street lamp in front
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
January 7, 2005[144]
10 N. Main Avenue
42°39′53″N 73°47′18″W / 42.6646°N 73.7883°W / 42.6646; -73.7883 (St. Andrew's Episcopal Church)
Pine Hills Architect Norman Sturgis designed this 1930 Anglo-Catholic church to reflect the values of his mentor, Ralph Adams Cram; it remains mostly intact from construction. The congregation, established in 1897, helped pioneer the development of the Pine Hills neighborhood as the city grew.[83] f>
59 St Casimir's Church Complex January 16, 2018
309-315, 317, 320 & 324 Sheridan Ave.
42°39′38″N 73°45′50″W / 42.660496°N 73.763906°W / 42.660496; -73.763906 (St Casimir's Church Complex)
Sheridan Hollow and West Hill
60 St. Mary's Church
A brick church with elaborate stone decoration, greenish roofs and a tall square open tower at the front.
St. Mary's Church
July 14, 1977[90]
10 Lodge St.
42°39′06″N 73°45′10″W / 42.6518°N 73.7527°W / 42.6518; -73.7527 (St. Mary's Church)
Downtown The Angel of Judgement statue atop the 175-foot (53 m) steeple of this Italianate Romanesque church has been a city landmark ever since its construction in 1867. It is the third church for the oldest Roman Catholic parish in the city and the second oldest in the state.[33]
61 St. Peter's Church
A Gothic stone church with a pointed facade and a tower on the right, with a smaller tower rising from its own right, seen from across a city street
St. Peter's Church
March 16, 1972[90]
107 State Street
42°39′03″N 73°45′14″W / 42.6509°N 73.754°W / 42.6509; -73.754 (St. Peter's Church)
Downtown Richard Upjohn and his son collaborated on this 1860 French Gothic Episcopal Church, considered one of the former's best. George Lord Howe, killed at the Battle of Carillon in 1758, is interred beneath the vestibule.[74] He is the only British peer buried in the United States.
62 Philip Schuyler Mansion
A two-story brick house with white window shutters, a wooden balustrade on top and an octagonal projecting front entrance pavilion, seen looking slightly upslope towards its right corner
Philip Schuyler Mansion
December 24, 1967[90]
Clinton and Schuyler streets
42°38′29″N 73°45′33″W / 42.6414°N 73.7592°W / 42.6414; -73.7592 (Philip Schuyler Mansion)
Mansion District Philip Schuyler chose many of the interior furnishings for his house personally while in England, the first full-size Georgian house in the upper Hudson Valley when it was completed in 1764. He lived there for the last forty years of his life, during which he served as a general in the Continental Army, hosting John Burgoyne at the house while he was a prisoner of war, and later as a U.S. Senator.[145] Today it is a state historic site.
63 South End–Groesbeckville Historic District
A view down a city street with a group of rowhouses of differing heights and colors on the left. A tall church spire is visible in the distance. Along the front lawn, which rises slightly in front of the camera, is a line of six s
South End–Groesbeckville Historic District
September 13, 1984[146]
Roughly bounded by Elizabeth, 2nd, and Morton avenues, Pearl and Franklin streets
42°38′23″N 73°45′35″W / 42.6397°N 73.7598°W / 42.6397; -73.7598 (South End–Groesbeckville Historic District)
South End As Albany industrialized in the mid- and late 19th century, this 26-block neighborhood around the Schuyler Mansion developed rapidly into housing for the workers, mostly immigrants. The area is still associated with the city's German American population.[12]
64 Steamboat Square Historic District May 4, 2022
20 Rensselaer, 186-198, 189-205, 200, 202-214, 207-221, 220, 223-237, 230 Green, 58-66 Plum, and 159 Church Sts.
42°38′29″N 73°45′17″W / 42.6413°N 73.7546°W / 42.6413; -73.7546 (Steamboat Square Historic District)
65 Ten Broeck Mansion
A six-bay-wide brick house with green window shutters, a balustrade on the roof and an entrance porch with round fluted Ionic columns. Along the front lawn, which rises slightly, is a line of five tree stumps with bark removed. There is a large tree on the left partially shading the house.
Ten Broeck Mansion
August 12, 1971[90]
9 Ten Broeck Pl.
42°39′31″N 73°45′04″W / 42.6587°N 73.7511°W / 42.6587; -73.7511 (Ten Broeck Mansion)
Arbor Hill This was the home of Abraham Ten Broeck, a member of the colonial Assembly and Continental Congress who served as a local militia officer during the Revolutionary War. It was built in 1797 while he was mayor. Later it was used as a school; since 1948 it has been a historic house museum.[63]
66 United States Post Office, Court House, and Custom House
A three-quarter view of an Art Deco marble building seen from across ths street
United States Post Office, Court House, and Custom House
February 28, 2020
445 Broadway
42°38′59″N 73°45′00″W / 42.6496°N 73.7501°W / 42.6496; -73.7501 (United States Post Office, Court House, and Custom House)
Downtown 1934 Art Deco federal building by Electus D. Litchfield that houses federal court for Northern District of New York
67 United Traction Company Building
A light tan two-story building with ornamented windows and a colonnade in the center of one side seen from across an intersection, with yellow traffic lights in front.
United Traction Company Building
May 24, 1976[90]
598 Broadway
42°39′08″N 73°44′59″W / 42.6521°N 73.7496°W / 42.6521; -73.7496 (United Traction Company Building)
Downtown Marcus Reynolds' 1899 Italian Renaissance Revival building was the headquarters of Albany's trolley company through the 1950s, when it was merged into the Capital District Transportation Authority. It was an architectural counterpart to Union Station across the street that served, along with it, as the gateway to the city for many visitors.[147]
68 The University Club of Albany
A three-story brick building with a flat roof and colonnaded entrance portico, seen from across the street. To its right is a long two-story wing, and a more modern wing is partially visible to its rear.
The University Club of Albany
May 11, 2011[148]
141 Washington Ave.
42°39′21″N 73°45′40″W / 42.6559°N 73.761°W / 42.6559; -73.761 (The University Club of Albany)
Washington Avenue Adapted from the remnants of a burnt Queen Anne mansion, this 1924 structure is local architect Albert Fuller's last significant work.[149]
69 USS Slater (Destroyer Escort)
A gray ship in the water, seen from starboard bow, with a gangplank connecting it to land. There is a bridge in the background.
USS Slater (Destroyer Escort)
May 7, 1998[150]

42°38′33″N 73°44′59″W / 42.6425°N 73.7497°W / 42.6425; -73.7497 (USS Slater (Destroyer Escort))
The Slater, a Cannon-class destroyer escort, is the only one still afloat in the U.S. After serving in the Atlantic during the last years of World War II, she was later sold to the Greek Navy and rechristened the Aetos. Her 40 years of service there included use as a set in The Guns of Navarone and other films. After being decommissioned in 1994, she was eventually relocated to Albany for her current use as a museum ship.[151]
70 Van Ostrande–Radliff House
Two attached buildings, with a large parking lot around and behind them and an elevated highway in the background. The one on the right is brick, three stories high, painted yellow with an ornate decoration at the flat roof. On the left is another brick building with a sloping roof and scaffolding in the front.
Van Ostrande–Radliff House
January 10, 2008[152]
48 Hudson Ave.
42°38′51″N 73°45′07″W / 42.6475°N 73.7519°W / 42.6475; -73.7519 (Van Ostrande–Radliff House)
Downtown Records discovered in the early 21st century confirmed, along with dendrochronological analysis, that the oldest portion of this small downtown structure was erected in 1728, making it the oldest extant building in Albany, even after modifications in the early 19th century and later additions. Many of its original Dutch Colonial structural elements survive, including the only anchor beam framing for a jambless fireplace known to exist in the U.S. The site also has archeological potential.[61]
71 Washington Avenue (Tenth Battalion) Armory
An ornate and complex dark red brick building, about three and a half stories tall, seen from across a wide street. It has a gabled front section, tall green-roofed conical tower on the left, and a lower engaged corner tower on the right.
Washington Avenue (Tenth Battalion) Armory
March 2, 1995[153]
195 Washington Ave.
42°39′26″N 73°45′45″W / 42.6571°N 73.7624°W / 42.6571; -73.7624 (Washington Avenue (Tenth Battalion) Armory)
Washington Avenue Isaac Perry's 1890 building for the city's National Guard unit was his first to use many of the fortress-like elements and materials that distinguish his later armories around the state.[77] Today it is used as a sports and concert venue.
72 Washington Avenue Corridor Historic District
Washington Avenue Corridor Historic District
Washington Avenue Corridor Historic District
November 27, 2019
Generally Central, Washington & Western Aves.
42°39′38″N 73°46′11″W / 42.6605°N 73.7697°W / 42.6605; -73.7697 (Washington Avenue Corridor Historic District)
Many well-preserved, architecturally diverse buildings from late 19th to late 20th centuries.
73 Washington Park Historic District
A yellow brick building, seen from across a lake, with red tiled roofs supported by brackets. It has a wide tower at the left end, arcade and ornate parapet in the center, and taller towers in the rear. There are taller trees behind it.
Washington Park Historic District
June 19, 1972[90]
Washington Park and surrounding properties
42°39′23″N 73°46′12″W / 42.6564°N 73.77°W / 42.6564; -73.77 (Washington Park Historic District)
Albany's largest historic district consists of its largest park and the streets around it. The former, praised as one of America's most important,[154] was built in 1869 on land reserved for public purposes since the city's founding; the latter include fashionable residences built by Stanford White and H.H. Richardson.[155] Boundary increased in 2015.[156]
74 Whipple Cast and Wrought Iron Bowstring Truss Bridge
A metal bridge with two forked arches on the side and tie rods holding the middle together, seen from one end
Whipple Cast and Wrought Iron Bowstring Truss Bridge
March 18, 1971[90]
1000 Delaware Avenue
42°38′09″N 73°48′02″W / 42.635794°N 73.80045°W / 42.635794; -73.80045 (Whipple Cast and Wrought Iron Bowstring Truss Bridge)
Normansville This Whipple-style bridge is one of the oldest remaining iron bridges in the United States. Whipple bridges were noted for their ease of fabrication, light weight, and low cost. Originally part of the Delaware Turnpike, the bridge has been owned is located at the Normanskill Farm owned by the city of Albany.[58][157][158]
75 Young Men's Christian Association Building
A five-story building with a lower section in stone and the upper section in brick. It has decorated windows, a tower on the corner, and a pointed roof. At the street below it is a glass-faced section with signs identifying it as the Pearl Street Pub.
Young Men's Christian Association Building
November 2, 1978[90]
60–64 North Pearl Street
42°39′06″N 73°45′05″W / 42.6518°N 73.7515°W / 42.6518; -73.7515 (Young Men's Christian Association Building)
Downtown Considered a fine urban example of the Romanesque Revival style, this 1886 building had the first gymnasium in upstate New York and one of the first indoor swimming pools in the country. Six years later, it hosted the first basketball game played away from Springfield College, the sport's birthplace.[159]

Former listings

[86] Name on the Register Image Date listedDate removed Location Description
1 Knickerbocker and Arnink Garages
An empty parking lot next to a tall modern brick building above a parking garage
Knickerbocker and Arnink Garages
November 28, 1980
May 30, 1989 72–74 Hudson Ave.
42°38′51″N 73°45′10″W / 42.64750°N 73.75278°W / 42.64750; -73.75278 (Knickerbocker and Arnink Garages)
These two Cast stone neo-Gothic buildings from 1915 and 1927 were among the first buildings in the city specifically built for automobiles.
2 Dr. Hun Houses
Dr. Hun Houses
Dr. Hun Houses
September 21, 1972
December 11, 1972 149 and 14912 Washington Avenue
42°39′21″N 73°45′41″W / 42.65583°N 73.76139°W / 42.65583; -73.76139 (Dr. Hun Houses)
The two houses were built a century apart; the older one, built in 1820s, was one of the finest Federal style houses in city. For many years they were the residence and business address of physician Henry Hun and his family.

See also


  1. These can be verified by clicking on the OpenStreetMap or Google Maps links below.
  2. The Lustron Houses of Jermain Street is further southwest, closer to the Harriman State Office Complex, and Rapp Road is near the Albany Pine Bush preserve in the city's western extension.
  3. The nomination form for the Broadway Row does not give any area, but the four rowhouses, all depicted in the photo with the listing, have a combined footprint of less than half the small city block they occupy.
  4. With one exception, these figures are derived from the numbers given in their nomination forms, at the time of those nominations, which date back as far as 1980. Some districts, particularly the South End, have lost some of their significant properties to neglect in the meantime. In particular, the small Broadway–Livingston Avenue Historic District north of downtown, had 20 buildings and a railway bridge as contributing properties when listed. As of February 2018, 11 of the buildings have been demolished, so this very small district was counted as having the nine buildings it actually does.
    Also, the nomination form for Center Square/Hudson–Park, does not include an enumeration of the total properties in the district, much less distinguish between contributing and non-contributing properties, so it was not included in this count.
  5. Lafayette and Washington parks. Some smaller parks are included in the other historic districts.
  6. Albany Union Station, Church of the Holy Innocents, Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence, Old Post Office and the United Traction Company Building
  7. Six—City Hall, Hook and Ladder No. 4, the State Education Department Building, the New Scotland Avenue Armory, Court of Appeals Building and state capitol—are purpose-built government structures still in use by the governments that built them. The Delaware and Hudson Building, governor's mansion and Schuyler Mansion were privately built and later acquired by the state. Albany Academy's former building was acquired by the school district for use as its main office in the 1930s; it has also annexed the James Hall Office to one of its elementary schools.
    In the other direction, the city has sold the Harmanus Bleecker Library and Quackenbush Pumping Station, while the state no longer owns the Washington Avenue Armory. Two of the non-building listings, Fort Orange and the Slater, were also originally built by governments.
  8. Minnesota, Ohio and South Carolina.
  9. Elsewhere in Center Square is the city's former police and fire signaling station, and a former firehouse also contributes. A former police station is among the contributing properties to the Clinton Avenue Historic District, and likewise the South End has another former firehouse.
  10. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and St. Mary's Church
  11. Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church, Cathedral of All Saints, First Reformed Church, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and St. Peter's Episcopal Church.
  12. The Benjamin Walworth Arnold House and Carriage House, Walter Merchant House, Quackenbush House and Van Ostrande–Radliff House


  1. "National Register". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. 2013. Retrieved September 17, 2013.
  2. "How does a property become a National Historic Landmark?". U.S. National Park Service. December 13, 2010. Retrieved September 27, 2013.
  3. "National Historic Preservation Act of 1966". Article 10, Act of October 15, 1966. Retrieved September 27, 2013. Archived January 29, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 John F. Harwood & Austin O'Brien (September 7, 1979). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Downtown Albany Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 28. Archived from the original on September 27, 2013. Retrieved September 23, 2013.
  5. 1 2 3 Lemak, Jennifer A. (April 2000). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Rapp Road Community Historic District". p. 9. Retrieved 2009-04-19.
  6. 1 2 Huey, Paul; National Historic Landmark nomination, Fort Orange Archeological Site, National Park Service; May 5, 1993; retrieved August 27, 2011.
  7. Brooke, Cornelia (March 1972). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Washington Park Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 1. Archived from the original on 2012-10-12. Retrieved 2011-08-06.
  8. 1 2 Anthony Opalka (December 2007). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Knox Street Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 21. Retrieved August 5, 2011.
  9. 1 2 3 4 Daniel McEneny (April 2008). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Lustron Homes of Jermain Street Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Retrieved 2010-10-18.
  10. 1 2 3 Cornelia Brooke Gilder (June 1978). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Arbor Hill Historic District-Ten Broeck Triangle". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 17. Retrieved August 6, 2011.
  11. 1 2 3 Larson, Neil (July 13, 1982). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Mansion Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 50, 53–54. Archived from the original on June 10, 2012. Retrieved July 12, 2009.
  12. 1 2 3 J. Botch; Lucy A. Breyer & C.L. Sweet (January 1984). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: South End-Groesbeckville Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 111. Retrieved August 6, 2011.
  13. Harwood and O'Brien, 8.
  14. 1 2 3 4 5 C. E. Brook & E. Spencer-Ralph (April 1975). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Lafayette Park Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 4, 8. Archived from the original on September 27, 2013. Retrieved August 5, 2011.
  15. 1 2 Gilder, Cornelia Brooke (1993). Diana Waite (ed.). Albany Architecture: A Guide to the City. Albany, NY: Mount Ida Press. p. 144. ISBN 9780962536816.
  16. 1 2 Sheffer, Gary (1987-01-26). "Civic Center Demolition to Get Started; 13 Buildings Being Stripped in Downtown Albany Will Come Down This Week". The Knickerbocker News. Hearst Newspapers. p. 3A. Archived from the original on 2011-09-19. Retrieved 2011-07-09.
  17. "James T. Foley U.S. Post Office and Courthouse, Albany, NY". General Services Administration. Retrieved October 29, 2013.
  18. Brook and Spencer-Ralph, 8.
  19. "Contact Us!". Albany County. Retrieved October 15, 2013..
  20. Harwood and O'Brien, 24. The building has been renumbered to 112 State Street since the listing.
  21. 1 2 T. Robins Brown & E. Spencer-Ralph (1976). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Center Square/Hudson-Park Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 13. Archived from the original on September 27, 2013. Retrieved August 4, 2011.
  22. "History of the USS Slater". Destroyer Escort Historical Museum. 2011. Archived from the original on May 6, 2013. Retrieved October 8, 2013.
  23. 1 2 3 4 Sheire, James (July 9, 1976). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination: James Hall's Office". National Park Service. pp. 2–3. Retrieved August 11, 2011.
  24. Waldman, Scott (September 27, 2012). "Building a castle of learning, child by child". Times Union. Retrieved October 8, 2013.
  25. 1 2 3 Botch, Breyer and Sweet, 6.
  26. Opalka, Anthony (June 1984). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Arbor Hill Historic District–Ten Broeck Triangle, Boundary Increase". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 20. Retrieved October 9, 2013.
  27. "Harmanus Bleeker". Mesick Cohen Wilson Baker Architects. Retrieved October 9, 2013.
  28. "Washington Avenue Armory". The Washington Avenue Armory. Retrieved October 9, 2013.
  29. Hochfelder, David (1998–2007). "Joseph Henry: Inventor of the Telegraph?". Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved October 10, 2013.
  30. 1 2 3 Waite, Diana S. (January 1970). "National Register of Historic Places Nomination, Albany Academy". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 3. Retrieved October 10, 2013.
  31. "Whipple Cast and Wrought Iron Bowstring Truss Bridge HAER Report" (PDF). Historic American Engineering Record. 1969–1970. p. 2. Retrieved October 10, 2013.
  32. "About Us". First Church in Albany. 2010. Archived from the original on January 25, 2013. Retrieved October 11, 2013.
  33. 1 2 Ralph, Elizabeth K. (February 1977). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: St. Mary's Church". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 7. Retrieved 2009-06-01.
  34. 1 2 3 Ralph, Elizabeth K. (1976-06-08). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception". pp. 8–9. Archived from the original on 2011-12-10. Retrieved 2011-07-30.
  35. Howell, George Rogers; Tenney, Jonathan (1866). Bi-Centennial History of Albany: History of the County of Albany, N.Y., from 1609 to 1866. W.W. Munsell & Co. p. 755. Retrieved October 13, 2013.
  36. Gilder, 135.
  37. 1 2 "Reilly House for Men". Addictions Care Center of Albany, Inc. Archived from the original on 2015-04-14. Retrieved October 13, 2013.
  38. 1 2 Cornelia E. Brooke (January 1974). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Nut Grove". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 4. Retrieved October 2, 2011.
  39. "History of St. Catherine's Center for Children". St. Catherine's Center for Children. Archived from the original on August 3, 2012. Retrieved October 13, 2013.
  40. 1 2 Peckham, Mark L. (July 2004). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 7–8. Retrieved 2011-10-08.
  41. Demare, Carol (April 6, 2011). "Saving Underground Railroad haven". Times Union. Retrieved October 15, 2013.
  42. "744-750 Broadway Marketing Sheet" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-10-22. Retrieved 2013-10-16., J.L. Metzger and Associates, retrieved October 16, 2013.
  43. 1 2 3 Smith, Raymond (September 1987). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Buildings 744, 746, 748, 750 Broadway". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 10. Archived from the original on December 10, 2011. Retrieved October 16, 2013.
  44. Gilder, Arbor Hill 13.
  45. The Fort Frederick Apartments, described at Gilder, Albany Architecture, 126.
  46. Botch, Breyer and Sweet, 67.
  47. In Center Square, the Knickerbocker Apartments, described at Gilder, Albany Architecture, 140.
  48. In the South End, the Jared Holt Wax Works, described at Botch, Breyer and Sweet, 20.
  49. 1 2 3 Bryson, Lew (2003). New York Breweries. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books. pp. 104–06. ISBN 978-0-8117-2817-1. Retrieved October 25, 2013.
  50. Neil G. Larson (May 1981). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Benjamin Walworth Arnold House and Carriage House". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 4. Archived from the original on March 3, 2016. Retrieved October 26, 2013.
  51. Harwood and O'Brien, 30
  52. "Albany Timeline Diagram". SkyscraperPage Diagrams. Skyscraper Source Media. Retrieved October 26, 2013.
  53. Botch, Breyer and Sweet, 5
  54. Larson, Mansion, 41.
  55. 1 2 Mesick, John (June 1971). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Pastures Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 17. Archived from the original on September 22, 2011. Retrieved October 27, 2013.
  56. 1 2 3 Liebs, Chester H. (July 1970). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Albany Union Station". pp. 6–8. Archived from the original on September 14, 2011. Retrieved October 28, 2013.
  57. Google (October 28, 2013). "Signs visible in Street View" (Map). Google Maps. Google. Retrieved October 28, 2013.
  58. 1 2 "Normanskill Farm". Appalachian Mountain Club, Mohawk Hudson Chapter. Retrieved October 28, 2013.
  59. 1 2 Larson, Neil (April 1983). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Quackebnush Pumping Station, Albany Water Works". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 4–5. Archived from the original on December 10, 2011. Retrieved October 28, 2013.
  60. 1 2 Smith, Raymond W. (September 1987). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Broadway-Livingston Avenue Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 3. Archived from the original on December 10, 2011. Retrieved August 4, 2011.
  61. 1 2 Opalka, Anthony (January 2007). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Van Ostrande-Radliff House". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 12. Retrieved September 6, 2011.
  62. 1 2 Greiff, Constance M.; Schuyler Mansion National Historic Landmark (791 KB), National Park Service; July 26, 1985, retrieved September 2, 2011.
  63. 1 2 Liebs, Chester (August 1970). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Ten Broeck Mansion". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 3. Archived from the original on April 29, 2011. Retrieved October 31, 2013.
  64. 1 2 C. E. Brooke (September 1973). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: First Church in Albany (Reformed) / North Dutch Church". pp. 5–8. Retrieved 2011-07-31.
  65. Opalka, Knox Street, 5.
  66. Gilder and Waite, Albany Architecture, 75–78.
  67. Botch, Breyer and Sweet 114.
  68. 1 2 Liebs, Chester (July 1970). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, New York State Court of Appeals Building". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 3. Retrieved August 20, 2011.
  69. 1 2 Brooke, Nut Grove, 6–8.
  70. O'Brien, Austin (May 1988). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Clinton Avenue Historic District". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 9–16. Archived from the original on December 10, 2011. Retrieved January 12, 2014.. A partial version of this document can be found at
  71. 1 2 Bonafide, John A. (April 2000). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Walter Merchant House". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 7–8. Retrieved 2011-10-08.
  72. 1 2 Ralph, Elizabeth K. (1978-01-31). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Church of the Holy Innocents". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 3–5. Archived from the original on 2011-12-10. Retrieved 2011-07-10.
  73. Botch, Breyer and Sweet, 42.
  74. 1 2 New York State Historic Trust and Carolyn Pitts (March 1979), National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination: St. Peter's Episcopal Church (pdf), National Park Service.
  75. 1 2 Pitts, Carolyn (January 1979), National Register of Historic Places nomination, New York State Capitol, National Park Service, pp. 3–6
  76. 1 2 Waite, Albany Architecture, 70–71
  77. 1 2 Todd, Nancy; Smith, Raymond (December 1994). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Washington Avenue (Tenth Battalion) Armory". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 9. Retrieved January 14, 2014.
  78. Waite, Albany Architecture, 92–93
  79. 1 2 Ralph, Elizabeth K. (July 12, 1976). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Albany Institute of History & Art". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 4–7. Archived from the original on December 10, 2011. Retrieved August 12, 2011.
  80. Liebs, Chester H. (July 1970). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Historic Cherry Hill". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Archived from the original on 2011-12-10. Retrieved 2011-07-10.
  81. Mesick, 9
  82. 1 2 Brown and Spencer-Ralph, 11
  83. 1 2 Virginia L. Bartos (September 2004). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: St. Andrew's Episcopal Church". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 7. Retrieved 2010-10-13.
  84. 1 2 Opalka, Anthony (December 2007). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 6–7. Retrieved 2011-10-10.
  85. National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior, "National Register of Historic Places: Weekly List Actions", retrieved January 12, 2024.
  86. 1 2 Numbers represent an alphabetical ordering by significant words. Various colorings, defined here, differentiate National Historic Landmarks and historic districts from other NRHP buildings, structures, sites or objects.
  87. The eight-digit number below each date is the number assigned to each location in the National Register Information System database, which can be viewed by clicking the number.
  88. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Weekly National Register Listings for 1980" (PDF)., Federal Register; February 3, 1981, p. 10648. Retrieved July 26, 2013.
  89. Harwood, John (October 25, 1979). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Abrams Building". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Archived from the original on December 10, 2011. Retrieved August 10, 2011.
  90. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 "National Register of Historic Places listings 1966–78" (PDF)., U.S. National Park Service; February 3, 1979; p. 7534. Retrieved July 26, 2013.
  91. Joseph Henry. (2010). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved September 18, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
  92. Liebs, Chester H.; Cornelia E. Brooke (May 8, 1972). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Albany City Hall". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Archived from the original on December 11, 2011. Retrieved July 29, 2013.
  93. Cahill, Timothy (2001-06-22). "A First Look: The Initial Phase of Renovations Completed, the Albany Institute of History & Art Reopens Saturday". Times Union. Hearst Newspapers. p. D1. Retrieved 2011-08-12.
  94. Churchill, Chris (2009-10-21). "A Landmark Soon to Fall Empty". Times Union. Hearst Newspapers. p. A1. Archived from the original on 2011-04-30. Retrieved 2011-07-10.
  95. 1 2 U.S. National Park Service, "National Register of Historic Places Weekly Listings for 1979" (PDF)., Federal Register; March 18, 1980, p. 17466. Retrieved July 26, 2013.
  96. U.S. National Park Service, "National Register of Historic Places Weekly Listings for 1984" (PDF)., p. 139. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  97. Lucy A. Breyer & Anthony Opalka (June 1984). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Arbor Hill Historic District-Ten Broeck Triangle". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 34. Retrieved August 6, 2011.
  98. 1 2 3 "Weekly National Register Listings for 1982" (PDF)., Federal Register; March 1, 1983, p. 8653. Retrieved July 26, 2013.
  99. Larson, Walworth Arnold House, 6–7.
  100. 1 2 "Weekly National Register Listings for 1988" (PDF).; p. 4. Retrieved July 26, 2013.
  101. 1 2 "Weekly National Register Listings for 1987" (PDF).; p. 141. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  102. 1 2 "National Register of Historic Places listings for March 7, 2008". U.S. National Park Service. March 7, 2008. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  103. Brooke, Cornelia (November 1973). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Cathedral of All Saints". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 8–10. Archived from the original on June 11, 2015. Retrieved October 20, 2011.
  104. Liebs, 3.
  105. 1 2 1988 listings, 122.
  106. O'Brien, Clinton Avenue HD, 4.
  107. Don Rittner (2000). Albany. Arcadia Publishing. pp. 25–8. ISBN 0-7385-0088-7. Retrieved October 11, 2011.
  108. Liebs, Chester (August 1970). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, Delaware and Hudson Railroad Company Building". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 5. Archived from the original on December 10, 2011. Retrieved October 11, 2011.
  109. Liebs, Delaware and Hudson Railroad Company Building, 4.
  110. "Plaza History: The Albany Evening Journal". The State University of New York. Archived from the original on 2012-12-11. Retrieved October 11, 2011.
  111. James W. Van Hoeven (December 1987). "The First Church in Albany". Reformed Worship. Faith Alive Christian Resources (6). Retrieved 2010-06-22.
  112. Harwood, Downtown Albany Historic District, 30.
  113. 1 2 "Fort Orange Archeological Site". U.S. National Park Service. Archived from the original on July 28, 2013. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  114. 1 2 "National Register of Historic Places listings for May 24, 1996". U.S. National Park Service. May 24, 1996. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  115. Lee Pinckney III & John A Bonafide (October 1995). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Harmanus Bleecker Library". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 3–7. Archived from the original on 2011-12-10. Retrieved 2011-09-13. See also: "Accompanying four photos".
  116. Nearing, Brian (2005-10-02). "Harmanus Bleecker Structure Fully Booked". Times Union. Hearst Newspapers. p. C3. Retrieved 2011-09-13.
  117. 1 2 "National Register of Historic Places listings for March 23, 2001". U.S. National Park Service. March 23, 2001. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  118. Murnane, Thomas F.; John A. Bonafide (October 2000). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Hook and Ladder No. 4". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 6–10. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2011-10-06.; Accompanying 7 exterior photos
  119. 1 2 "National Register of Historic Places listings for March 14, 2008". U.S. National Park Service. March 14, 2008. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  120. Opalka, Knox Street, 8
  121. 1 2 "National Register of Historic Places listings for November 24, 2000". U.S. National Park Service. November 24, 2000. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  122. Bonafide, John A. (April 2000). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Lil's Diner". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 3, 5–11. Retrieved 2011-07-30.
  123. Barnes, Steve (2012-02-03). "Miss Albany Diner Sold to Wolff". Albany Times Union. Hearst Newspapers. Retrieved 2013-03-03.
  124. Barnes, Steve (2012-10-04). "First look: Sciortino's in Albany". Albany Times Union. Hearst Newspapers. Retrieved 2013-03-03.
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  126. "National Register of Historic Places listings for June 20, 2003". U.S. National Park Service. June 20, 2003. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  127. Michelle A. Muia & John A. Bonafide (August 2002). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: A. Mendelson and Son Company Building". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 6–7. Archived from the original on 2011-12-10. Retrieved 2010-10-13. See also: "Accompanying seven photos".
  128. "National Register of Historic Places listings for March 15, 2002". U.S. National Park Service. March 15, 2002. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  129. "National Register of Historic Places listings for December 10, 2004". U.S. National Park Service. December 10, 2004. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  130. U.S. National Park Service, "National Register of Historic Places listings for 1994" (PDF)., p. 8. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  131. Nancy L. Todd (December 1993). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: New Scotland Avenue (Troop B) Armory". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservationa. p. 9. Retrieved October 17, 2011. See also: "Accompanying four photos".
  132. Liebs, Chester H. (July 1970). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: New York State Executive Mansion". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 2–3. Archived from the original on 2011-12-10. Retrieved 2011-07-30.
  133. Heins, Frances Ingraham (2005-01-16). "Mansion Neighborhood: Alive with Community Spirit". Times Union. Hearst Newspapers. Retrieved 2011-07-30.
  134. Liebs, Chester H. (July 1970). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: New York State Department of Education Building". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 3–4. Archived from the original on 2012-05-28. Retrieved 2009-05-04. and Accompanying one photo, exterior, undated
  135. Martha Truax & Charles Liebs (July 1971). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Old Post Office". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 4. Retrieved 2010-10-01.
  136. "Palace Theatre". U.S. National Park Service. July 29, 2013. Retrieved July 29, 2013.
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  140. Brooke, Cornelia E. (February 4, 1972). "National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination: Quackenbush House". Archived from the original on April 29, 2011. Retrieved 2011-07-30. See also: Accompanying five photos, exterior and interior, from c. 1886, c. 1920, 1969, and undated
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  143. "National Register of Historic Places listings for January 3, 2003". U.S. National Park Service. January 3, 2003. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
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  146. "South End–Groesbeckville Historic District". U.S. National Park Service. July 29, 2013. Retrieved July 29, 2013.
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  148. "National Register of Historic Places listings for May 20, 2011". U.S. National Park Service. May 20, 2011. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  149. Alvarez, Konrad (November 15, 2010). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, University Club of Albany". NYSOPRHP. p. 8. Retrieved December 20, 2011.
  150. "National Register of Historic Places listings for May 15, 1998". U.S. National Park Service. May 15, 1998. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  151. Peckham, Mark (December 1997). "National Register of Historic Places nomination, USS Slater (Destroyer Escort)". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. pp. 8–10. Retrieved September 27, 2011.
  152. "National Register of Historic Places listings for February 1, 2008". U.S. National Park Service. February 1, 2008. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  153. U.S. National Park Service, "National Register of Historic Places Weekly listings for 1995" (PDF)., p. 13. Retrieved July 28, 2013.
  154. Swearingen, Jacquelyn (2001-11-21). "Walk-way Adds Old-time Grace". Times Union. Hearst Newspapers. p. F1. Retrieved 2010-06-05.
  155. Brooke, Washington Park, 5–6.
  156. "National Register of Historic Places listings for March 6, 2015". National Park Service. March 6, 2015. Retrieved March 18, 2015.
  157. "Albany Common Council Minutes of a Regular Meeting" (PDF). City of Albany, New York. 2011-08-11. Retrieved 2012-12-20.
  158. Liebs, Chester (September 1970). "National Register of Historic Places Nomination: Whipple Cast and Wrought Iron Bowstring Truss Bridge". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 3. Retrieved 2011-10-09. See also: "Accompanying three photos".
  159. Austin N. O'Brien (n.d.). "National Register of Historic Places Registration: Young Men's Christian Association Building". New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. p. 4. Retrieved 2010-10-13. See also: "Accompanying six photos".
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