Minamoto no Michitomo (源通具, Minamoto no Michitomo, 1171 - 1227) was a waka poet and Japanese nobleman active in the early Kamakura period. He was the son of Minamoto no Michichika and the foster father of the monk Dōgen.[1] He is designated as a member of the New Thirty-Six Immortals of Poetry (新三十六歌仙, Shinsanjūrokkasen). He is also known as Horikawa Michitomo and Horikawa Dainagon (堀川大納言).


  1. Kodera, Takashi James (2013-10-16). Dogen's Formative Years: An Historical and Annotated Translation of the Hokyo-ki. Routledge. pp. 21–24. ISBN 978-1-134-54315-1.

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