Western military attachés and war correspondents with the Japanese forces after the Battle of Shaho (1904): 1. Robert Collins; 2. David Fraser; 3. Capt. Adalbert Dani von Gyarmata und Magyar-Cséke; 4. Capt. James Jardine; 5. Frederick McKenzie; 6. Edward Knight; 7. Charles Victor-Thomas; 8. Oscar Davis; 9. William Maxwell; 10. Robert MacHugh; 11. William Dinwiddie; 12. Frederick Palmer; 13. Capt. Berkeley Vincent; 14. John Bass; 15. Martin Donohoe; 16. Capt. ____; 17. Capt. Max Hoffmann; 18. ____; 19. __Fritz Gertsch__; 20. ____; 21. Gen. Sir Ian Hamilton; 22. ____; 23. Gunther von Etzel; 24. ____; 25. ____.

Military attachés and observers in the Russo-Japanese War were foreign observers who oversaw the 1904–1905 Russo-Japanese War. Observers from several nations took part, and their reports influenced subsequent military strategy in future conflict, including World War I.[1]


The multi-national military attachés and observers who took part in the Russo-Japanese War were expressly engaged in collecting data and analyzing the interplay between tactics, strategy, and technical advances in weapons and machines of modern warfare. For example, reports evaluating the stationary battle at Port Arthur and the maneuver battle at Mukden demonstrated the lethality of modern warfare and foreshadow the combined effects of hand grenades, mortars, machine guns, and field artillery in World War I.[1]

Japanese Minister of the Navy Admiral Yamamoto visiting the captured city of Dalny, just north of Port Arthur, in December 1904. Accompanying the Minister were several Western observers, including Italian naval attaché Ernesto Burzagli, who photographed the inspection tour.

Military and civilian observers from every major power closely followed the course of the war. Most were able to report on events from a perspective somewhat like what is now termed "embedded" positions within the land and naval forces of both Russia and Japan. These military attachés, naval attachés and other observers prepared voluminous first-hand accounts of the war and analytical papers. In-depth observer narratives of the war and more narrowly focused professional journal articles were written soon after the war; and these post-war reports conclusively illustrated the battlefield destructiveness of this conflict. This was the first time the tactics of entrenched positions for infantry defended with machine guns and artillery became vitally important, and both were factors which came to dominate in World War I.[1]

Map showing movement of the Japanese 3rd Army.

In 1904-1905, Sir Ian Hamilton was the military attaché of the Indian Army serving with the Japanese army in Manchuria. As the attaché to arrive earliest in Japan,[2] he was recognized as the dean of the group. Also amongst the Western attachés observing the conflict were the future Lord Nicholson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff; John J. Pershing, later General of the Armies and head of the American Expeditionary Force in the First World War; Douglas MacArthur, later a United States General of the Army; and Enrico Caviglia, later Marshal of Italy.

Press coverage of the war was affected by restrictions on the movement of reporters and strict censorship. In all military conflicts which followed this 1904-1905 war, close attention to more managed reporting was considered essential by the Japanese.[3] These concerns were considered inessential by the Russian command. The Russian press frequently revealed information deemed crucial by the opposing commanders; and the Japanese profited from the lack of military censorship on the Russian side. Information gathered from Russian newspapers was telegraphed by the Japanese military attaché in the Japanese embassy in Berlin; and it was received by the Japanese armies in Manchuria within six days.[4]

The Russian war artist Vasili Vereshchagin was invited by Admiral Stepan Makarov to observe the war aboard Makarov's flagship Petropavlovsk. On April 13, 1904, the warship hit mines near Port Arthur; and nearly all aboard were killed. Vereshchagin's last work was recovered. The salvaged canvas depicted a council of war presided over by Admiral Makarov.[5]  

Selected military attachés serving with Russian forces

Russian Imperial Army

American observers
  • Capt. Sydney Cloman, U.S.[6]
  • Capt. William Voorhees Judson, U.S.[7] Judson arrived in St. Petersburg in early 1904. He was eventually attached to the Russian Army in Manchuria and was captured by the Japanese at the Battle of Mukden on March 10, 1905. He was returned to the United States by the Japanese.[8]

Judson's initial prediction about the Russians’ chances was positive. In a letter to the U.S. Ambassador dated July 26, 1904, he explained that the Russians were doing better than expected and believed within a few weeks they would have no reason to fear the Japanese any longer. He did cite that the war was not popular among Russian troops, but he felt their attitudes would change when the army went on the offensive.[9] Upon moving to Manchuria, Judson's opinion of the situation began to change. In a letter to the U.S. ambassador dated October 25, 1904, he described the tactical situation as a stalemate and was not certain as to which side would be victorious.[10]

Judson was shocked at the carnage produced by modern warfare. He said in his official report, “I saw one battle in which the Russian slain outnumbered the Union dead on twelve of the greatest battlefields of the Civil War.”[11] Judson believed future wars would prove so costly that even victors would not be able to justify waging them. He viewed the Russo-Japanese War as conflict without a clear winner. According to Judson, both combatants were anxious to seek peace and had little to show for their efforts. He concluded that in order for the U.S. to promote peace, it must exercise diligence in preparing for war and be prepared for an international call for disarmament.[12]

  • Col. Valery Havard U.S. - Colonel Valery Havard, an Assistant Surgeon General in the United States Army, arrived in St. Petersburg as a military attaché on December 7, 1904. He arrived at the front in Manchuria on February 8, 1905.[13] After being embedded with Russian forces just over a month, Havard was captured by Japanese forces at the Battle of Mukden. Upon reaching Tokyo he was sent back to the United States.[14]

The purpose of Colonel Havard's observations was to ascertain important information about the changing battlefield and how to apply it to the Army Medical Corps. In his official report, Havard compiled a list of lessons learned from the Russo-Japanese experience. He noted the lack of frontal assaults that were the result of improved weaponry, particularly the machine gun. Flanking movements became more necessary to avoid the machine gun, which necessitated increased frequency and distance of forced marches. In previous wars, soldiers were able to rest at night and armies saw little action during winter months. Attacks were often ordered at night and the waging of war never ceased, even in sub-zero temperatures. According to Havard, the result of these trends was soldiers experiencing an increased amount of battle fatigue, as well as resurgence in the usefulness of the bayonet in night assaults.[15] The Japanese claimed seven percent of their casualties resulted from bayonet wounds.[16]

According to Havard, casualty trends were changing with the employment of modern weaponry. Hard-jacketed rifle bullets were deadly at greater ranges. Despite this fact, the number of soldiers killed in action by the rifle diminished due to the increased effectiveness of artillery. The advancements in field artillery technology made it necessary for battle lines to be farther apart, resulting in rifles being outside of their effective ranges. The increased accuracy of modern artillery pieces led to increased ratios of artillery casualties. In some battles during the war, fifty percent of casualties were the result of artillery fire. Havard claimed that during Russo- Japanese War, both belligerents experienced higher levels of casualties than had been noted in earlier wars, with a great ratio of killed to wounded. According to Havard, one out of every four soldiers wounded during the conflict died from their wounds.[17]

Because of his observations in Manchuria, Havard recommended changes to the U.S. Army's Medical Corps. He suggested the war department devise a plan to train and mobilize large numbers of medical personnel for war and to promote the development of civilian organizations like the Red Cross. Because of the increased number of casualties resulting from modern weaponry, Havard stressed the significance of training enlisted soldiers in assisting medical officers in field hospitals. He also spoke to the importance of devising an adequate evacuation system from the battlefield to military hospitals. He explained that railroads were of important in this process. Havard also advocated the implementation of telephone technology in order for hospital staff to have quick access to information from the battle.[18]

British observers
  • Gen. Montagu Gerard, Indian Army[19]
  • Maj. J. M. Horne, UK.[20]
  • Col. W. H. W. Waters, Indian Army[21]
Other observers


Russian Imperial Navy


Selected military attachés serving with Japanese forces

Japanese Imperial Army

Japanese General Kuroki Tamemoto and his staff were photographed with Western military attachés and war correspondent observers after the Battle of Shaho (1904). The most senior of the military attachés, Gen. Sir Ian Hamilton, center, stands with left hand in a coat pocket and a stick tucked under his right arm.
United States of America observers

According to Captain Pershing, the military attachés assigned to the Japanese were treated like royalty when possible. When not in the field, servants were provided and they were given the best provisions available. When they were embedded with the army, the Japanese exercised due diligence in ensuring their safety from battlefield dangers. Eventually Pershing complained of the overprotective measures employed by his hosts. When he attempted to write to his Army superiors about his dissatisfaction, the Japanese intercepted his correspondence and responded by allowing him more freedom to move about with Japanese troops. On occasion Pershing was present with Japanese cavalry reconnaissance patrols during minor skirmishes with Russian forces.[38]

In his memoirs, Pershing noted that most American observers were surprised at the tactical success experienced by the Japanese during the war. He explained that the world military minds held the Russian Army in high regard ever since its defeat of Napoleon's Grande Army almost a century earlier. Though he praised the Japanese for their achievements, he felt they were not as significant as future history books might claim. In his estimation, the Japanese had defeated one of the poorest armies in Europe. The Russians lacked the proper equipment and organization to achieve victory against a modern power. He believed these shortfalls were compounded by the lack of motivation in the Russian ranks, caused by internal domestic strife. The war ended with both the Japanese and the Russians eager to seek peace. Pershing felt that if the war had continued, the Russians may have gained an upper hand as resupply of Japanese troops in Manchuria had become more difficult at the end of hostilities.[39]

  • Louis Seaman wrote a book entitled The Real Triumph of Japan describing the Imperial Japanese Army Medical Department's success in preventing infectious diseases, especially in relation to casualties sustained. Seaman later wrote, "The supreme test of an army's medical organization comes, of course, in time of battle. The severer the clash of arms, the greater is the strain made upon the medical organization. In no great battle in history has the medical organization proven adequate to the demands made upon it; but the best record ever made in that direction, embodying as it did an approach to perfection, was that of the Japanese in the war with Russia." Seaman's praise, intended to push reforms of the U.S. Army Medical Department, overlooked the reasons for the apparent success by the Japanese Medical Department. Seaman noted that although wartime soldiers throughout the nineteenth century were generally more likely to die from disease rather than from combat trauma, eight percent of the Japanese army died from enemy fire while less than two percent died from disease. However, he attributed the success to Japanese efficiency and did not consider other factors that may have affected the statistics.[40]
British observers
French observers
German observers
Austro-Hungarian observers
Italian observers
Ottoman observers
  • Colonel Pertev Bey, Ottoman Empire[54]
Swedish observers

 Swiss observers

  • Fritz Gertsch[55]
  • Richard Vogel

Japanese Imperial Navy

Italian naval attaché Ernesto Burzagli aboard a Japanese naval vessel at Yokohama en route to Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War (1904).

Unlike their Army counterparts who could be kept at a safe distance to frontline activities as guests, a military attaché to the Navy had to be on board a ship in wartime and in battles to be an observer. At the beginning of Russo-Japanese War, the Imperial Russian Navy held a far superior position in total warship tonnage and the total number of large naval guns to the Imperial Japanese Navy, so the assignment meant risking their lives for all the navy officers appointed. Captain Pakenham got drenched in blood when a Russian shell hit battleship Asahi taking several Japanese lives,[56] and the gunnery officer Manuel García took over command of a turret when cruiser Nisshin's gunnery officer was likewise killed,[57] both during the Battle of Tsushima.

All the following naval attachés to the Imperial Japanese Navy rose at least to the rank of Admiral in later years:

Letter from Vice admiral Ijuin Gorō to Italian Royal Navy Lieutenant Ernesto Burzagli thanking him for courtesies extended to the Imperial Japanese Navy Second Fleet which visited Italy in 1907.
  • Ernesto Burzagli, Italy.[58] Burzagli later became Admiral, Chief of Staff (Commander in Chief) of Regia Marina (Royal Italian Navy), and then Senator of Italy.
  • William Christopher Pakenham, UK[59] Pakenham submitted detailed reports on the war to the Royal Navy. "Reports by Pakenham in his role as naval attache, 1904-1905" is in the collection of National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, along with the rest of his reports, correspondences and other records. He later became Admiral, Fourth Sea Lord of the Admiralty, Commander in Chief of North America and West Indies.
  • Ernest Charles Thomas Troubridge, UK[60] Troubridge later became Naval Secretary to First Lord of the Admiralty, was promoted to Admiral, then became Chief of the War Staff.[61]
  • Manuel Domecq García (es), Argentina[62] Captain Domecq García was the head of Argentine commission sent to Genoa, Italy in 1903 to oversee the construction of armoured cruisers Bernardino Rivadavia, which was sold to Japan on 30 December 1903 and became IJN Kasuga on 1 January 1904, and Mariano Moreno (likewise became IJN Nisshin). After formally transferring the two ships to the Japanese receiving commission (and the Royal Navy crew with some Italian stokers), he moved to Paris. He obtained a formal appointment by the Argentine Navy as the naval attaché to the Imperial Japanese Navy in April, returned his family to Buenos Aires, and arrived in Yokohama on 20 May 1905 via London, New York, Washington D.C., San Francisco and Honolulu, a week before the battle of Tsushima. Being stationed in the IJN cruiser Nisshin, he experienced one of the largest maritime battles in history as an observer. He returned to Argentina two years later. García submitted "Russo-Japanese War, Records by a Military Attaché" in 5 volumes, about 1400 pages, to the Argentine Navy, which is in the collection of Maritime Museum Ing. Cerviño National Nautical School in Buenos Aires. He became Admiral and Commander in Chief of the Argentine Navy, and later, Minister of Navy (Ministro de Marina) of the country.[63]


War correspondents



  1. 1 2 3 Sisemore, James D. (2003). "The Russo-Japanese War, Lessons Not Learned." Archived 2009-03-04 at the Wayback Machine U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
  2. Chapman, John and Ian Nish. (2004). "On the Periphery of the Russo-Japanese War," Part I, p. 53 n42, Paper No. IS/2004/475. Suntory Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines (STICERD), London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Walker, Dale L. "Jack London's War." Archived 2012-10-17 at the Wayback Machine World of Jack London website.
  4. Harmon, Ernest N. (1933). "Study of the Japanese intelligence service during the Russo-Japanese War," p. 5.
  5. "State Historical Museum Opens 'The Year 1812 in the Paintings by Vasily Vereshchagin'," Art Daily, March 11, 2010; "War Lasted 18 Months ... Russian Miscalculation," New York Times. August 30, 1905
  6. Russo-Japanese War Research: Circum-Baikal Railroad Archived 2008-07-25 at the Wayback Machine
  7. Newbury Library: - William Voorhees Judson; Archived 2010-07-09 at the Wayback Machine Sisemore, p. 109.
  8. Pershing, John (2013). My Life Before the War, 1860-1917: A Memoir. University of kentucky Press. p. 224.
  9. Judson, William (1998). Russia in War and Revolution: General William V. Judson's Accounts From Petrograd, 1917-1918. Kent State University Press. pp. 17–18.
  10. Judson. Russia in War and Revolution. pp. 19–20.
  11. Judson. Russian in War and Revolution. p. 20.
  12. Judson. Russia in War and Revolution. pp. 25–27.
  13. Havard, Valery (1906). Reports of Military Observers Attached to the Armies in Manchuria During the Russo-Japanese War: Volume II. U.S. War Department. p. 5.
  14. Pershing. My Life Before the War. p. 224.
  15. Havard. Reports of Military Observers. pp. 5–6.
  16. Havard. Reports of Military Observers. p. 33.
  17. Havard. Reports of Military Observers. pp. 31–35.
  18. Havard. Reports of Military Observers. pp. 7–8.
  19. 1 2 3 Towle, Philip. (1998). "Aspects of the Russo-Japanese War: British Observers of the Russo-Japanese War," p. 23. Archived 2008-11-18 at the Wayback Machine Paper No. IS/1998/351. STICERD, LSE.
  20. Great Britain War Office, General Staff. (1908). The Russo-Japanese War: Reports from British Officers Attached to the Japanese and Russian Forces in the Field. London: H.M. Stationery Office.
  21. McCullagh, p. 99.
  22. 1 2 3 Åselius, Gunnar (1991) Militärattachéerna i St Petersburg. From Militärhistorisk tidskrift 1990. Stockholm p.22
  23. Hoffman, Carl von. (1936). "Jottings from an Explorer's Notebook," Archived 2007-09-27 at the Wayback Machine The Empire Club of Canada Speeches 1935-1936. pp. 253-264.
  24. Rickard, J. (2007). Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe.
  25. Vladimir Pavlov, "The Bulgarian Navy (1879–1914)," Bulgarian Historical Review, 3 (1990): 68.
  26. Arlington National Cemetery: Granville Roland Foretscue
  27. 1 2 3 4 5 Sisemore, James D. (2003) "The Russo-Japanese War, Lessons Not Learned," p. 109. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
  28. Arlington National Cemetery: Joseph Ernest Kuhn
  29. Arlington National Cemetery: Arthur MacArthur
  30. James, D. Clayton (1 October 1970). The Years of MacArthur Volume 1 1880-1941 (1st ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company. p. 41. ISBN 978-0395109489. Retrieved 1 January 2020.
  31. James, D. Clayton (1 October 1970). The Years of MacArthur Volume 1 1880-1941 (1st ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company. p. 41. ISBN 978-0395109489. Retrieved 1 January 2020.
  32. James, D. Clayton (1 October 1970). The Years of MacArthur Volume 1 1880-1941 (1st ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company. p. 41. ISBN 978-0395109489. Retrieved 1 January 2020.
  33. James, D. Clayton (1 October 1970). The Years of MacArthur Volume 1 1880-1941 (1st ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company. p. 41. ISBN 978-0395109489. Retrieved 1 January 2020.
  34. Arlington National Cemetery: Peyton Conway March
  35. Scharf, Frederick A. (2001). "Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee and the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905)," Archived 2007-06-21 at the Wayback Machine National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
  36. State of Nebraska: Pershing w/Gen. Kurohi, 1904-1905. Archived 2007-08-12 at the Wayback Machine
  37. Pershing. My Life Before the War. pp. 221–223.
  38. Pershing. My Life Before the War. pp. 224–229.
  39. Pershing. My Life Before the War. pp. 219–221.
  40. Seaman. The Real Triumph of Japan, The Conquest of the Silent Foe (New York: D Appleton & Co., 1906).
  41. University of Birmingham, Centre for First World War Studies: Richard Bannatine-Allason
  42. 1 2 3 James, Lionel. "The Japanese will stand no more shillyshallying," The Times (London). January 30, 1904.
  43. General Staff, Great Britain War Office. (1908). The Russo-Japanese War: Reports from British Officers Attached to the Japanese and Russian Forces in the Field, p. 148; Towle, Philip. (1982). Estimating Foreign Military Power, p. 131., p. 131, at Google Books
  44. Perry, Warren (1983). "Sir John Charles Hoad (1856–1911)". Australian Dictionary of Biography. Vol. 9. National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. ISSN 1833-7538.
  45. Great Britain War Office. (1906). The Russo-Japanese War, p. 138; Anglo-Boer War: Jardine bio -- n.b., Capt. Jardine DSO, 5th Lancers.
  46. Hitsman, J. Mackay and Desmond Morton. "Canada's First Military Attache: Capt. H. C. Thacker in the Russo-Japanese War," Military Affairs, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Oct., 1970), pp. 82-84; "Report No. 14," Archived 2016-08-03 at the Wayback Machine, Directorate of History, Canadian Forces Headquarters, 8 September 1967.
  47. Towle, p. 26. Archived 2008-11-18 at the Wayback Machine
  48. Great Britain War Office, p.280.
  49. de Négrier, François. (1906). Lessons of the Russo-Japanese War. London: Hugh Rees.
  50. Bertin, Charles-Émile. (1914). Guerre russo-japonaise: Liao-Yang :six mois de manoeuvre et la bataille; Släktträdet, Charles-Émile Bertin
  51. Sisemore, p. 109.
  52. Stephan Kurz, Die Wahrnehmung des russischen Offizierskorps durch k.u.k. Offiziere in den Jahren 1904-1906
  53. Erwin Freiherr von Franz: Erinnerungen aus dem Russich-Japanischen Krieg 1904-05 (Druck des VII. Korpskommandos, Temesvar, 1911)
  54. Edward J. Erickson, Defeat in Detail, The Ottoman Army in the Balkans 1912–1913 (Westport, CT: 2003), 25.
  55. "Notizen Oktober 2022 | OAG Notizen". OAG – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens (Tokyo) (in German). Retrieved 2022-12-28.
  56. Kowner, Rotem (2006). Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War. The Scarecrow Press. pp. 280–281. ISBN 0-8108-4927-5.
  57. According to Horacio Garcia, grandson of Manuel Domecq
  58. Senato della Repubblica: biographical summary (in Italian)
  59. Towle, p. 24. Archived 2008-11-18 at the Wayback Machine
  60. Strachan, Hew. (2001). The First World War: To Arms, p. 646.
  61. Tucker, Spencer (2005). Encyclopedia of World War I. Vol. II. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1-85109-420-2.
  62. García, Manuel Domecq (1998). A record by Argentine military attaché: Battle of the Sea of Japan (in Japanese). Argentina-Japan Association. ISBN 4-901009-02-8.
  63. es:Manuel Domecq Garcia
  64. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Roth, p. 267; n.b., died during the war.
  65. Mosley, Charles. (2003). Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage (Vol. 3), p. 3324;
    Baring, Maurice. (1906). With the Russians in Manchuria, p. vi.
  66. "Outdoor Men and Women; Heroes of the Camera," Outing Magazine. Vol. 46 (1905). ppp. 732-733.
  67. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 "Mikado Honors Americans; Order of the Crown Bestowed on Nurses and War Correspondents." New York Times. July 4, 1907.
  68. 1 2 Roth, Mitchel P. and James Stuart Olson. (1997). Historical Dictionary of War Journalism, p. 267.
  69. 1 2 3 4 McKenzie, Frederick. (1905). From Tokyo to Tiflis: Uncensored Letters from the War, p. 114.
  70. 1 2 3 McCullagh, Francis. (1906). With the Cossacks, p. 371., p. 371, at Google Books
  71. McCullagh, p. 79., p. 79, at Google Books
  72. Nordlund, Alexander M. “A War of Others: British War Correspondents, Orientalist Discourse, and the Russo-Japanese War, 1904–1905.” War in History, vol. 22, no. 1, 2015, pp. 28–46. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/26098222. Accessed 3 Dec. 2020.
  73. Francis Brinkley, see paragraphs 6-7.
  74. Roth, p. 67; McKenzie, p. 114.
  75. Baring, p. 149.
  76. 1 2 McCullagh, p. 285., p. 285, at Google Books
  77. Lewis, Winston G. (1981). "William Henry Donald (1875–1946)". Australian Dictionary of Biography. Vol. 8. National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. ISSN 1833-7538.
  78. Baring, p. 111.
  79. 1 2 Baring, p. 14.
  80. Baring, pp. 51, 138.
  81. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Denmark): Factsheet Denmark, "Mass Media," p. 3. January 2007.
  82. 1 2 3 McCullagh, p. 327., p. 327, at Google Books
  83. http://kagawa.aico-p.jp/kocho/sanukino/2004/summer/9_10.htm%5B%5D (in Japanese)
  84. Baring, p. 139; McCullagh, p. 4., p. 4, at Google Books
  85. McKenzie, Fred Arthur. (1905). From Tokyo to Tiflis: Uncensored Letters from the War, p. iii.
  86. Repington, Charles à Court. (1905). The War in the Far East.
  87. Dava, Valerie. "World Traveler, Explorer, Photographer; James Ricalton brought the world to his Maplewood students," Matters Magazine.
  88. Baring, p. 60.
  89. Victor-Thomas, Charles. (1906). Trois mois avec Kuroki, p. vi.
  90. McKensie, p. 115.
  91. "Frederic Villiers". Great War in a Different Light. Archived from the original on 2 February 2012.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)


See also

Further reading

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