Viceroy of Kush
Dynasty19th Dynasty
PharaohMerneptah and perhaps Seti II and Amenmesse
BurialTomb at Aniba[1]

Messuy (Messuwy) was Viceroy of Kush, Governor of the South Lands, Scribe of the Tables of the Two Lands during the reign of Merneptah and perhaps Seti II and Amenmesse.[1]

Viceroy of Kush

Messuy was appointed Viceroy of Kush in year 5 of Merneptah and followed Khaemtir in office. Messuy added many inscription to temples and sites in Nubia, including Amada, Aksha, Amara, Temple of Beit el-Wali, Wadi es-Sebua, and Bigeh Island.[1]

Messuy may have also been the commander of the army that defeated the Nubian rebellion during Merenptah’s reign as mentioned in the Nubian stelae of the king. This could explain why he held the military title “Overseer of the Army of the Viceroy”.[2]

Identification of Messuy with Pharaoh Amenmesse

Rolf Krauss was the first to suggest that Messuy was to be identified with Amenmesse. Kraus conjectured that Messuy had taken power in Southern Egypt after a short reign of Seti-Merneptah, the son and heir of Merneptah.[3] One argument in favor of Viceroy Messuy taking on a royal role is an addition of a Uraeus to the brow of Messuy's depictions in the Temple of Amada.[4] Dodson for instance is a proponent of this theory, but it has not been generally accepted.[1] [5] Others such as Yurco suggest there is no uraeus, but merely weathering of the stone that gives a false impression of one.[1]

Death and Burial

Messuy may have been buried at Aniba. This tomb was excavated and published by Georg Steindorff.[6]


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Frank J. Yurco, Was Amenmesse the Viceroy of Kush, Messuwy?, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, Vol. 34 (1997), pp. 49-56, Stable URL:, Accessed: 22-04-2017
  2. Abbas, Mohamed, Historical Observations on the Military Role of Three Ramesside Viceroys of Kush, p. 37-38
  3. Rolf Krauss, "Untersuchungen zu Konig Amenmesse," 1. teil, Studien zur Altdgyptischen Kultur 4 (1976), 161-99; idem, "Untersuchungen zu Konig Amenmesse," 2. teil, SAKb (1977), 131-74. (reference from Yurco's 1977 article)
  4. Aidan Dodson, Messuy, Amada, and Amenmesse. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, Vol. 34 (1997), pp. 41-48, Stable URL: Accessed: 22-04-2017
  5. Dodson, Poisoned Legacy: The Fall of the Nineteenth Egyptian Dynasty, American University in Cairo Press, 2010
  6. Georg Steindorff, Aniba, 3 vols. Mission Archeologique de Nubie 1929-1934 (Gluckstadt: J. J. Augustin, 1935-37), vol. 1, p. 79, tomb S90, p. 198, tomb S90, vol. 2, p. 58, SA36, plate 34, no. 6 door post with text of Messuwy. (reference via Yurco's article)
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